View Full Version : Ewok got neutered today!

07-17-2003, 10:47 PM
Thank goodness. I really hope that this calms him down because he is a terror. You can't pick him up without him attacking you, not to be mean but you know what I mean. He won't leave the other cats alone and I wonder why they just don't swat him one lol, but they are pretty nice. :)

So now we are done, he's neutered and now has all his shots, and is flea free! :D

And as requested here are a few new pictures of him. The first one was taken about a week and a half ago? and the other two were taken today. He was a little groggy at first but he's already back to his old terrorizing self. :rolleyes:

I got to hold him while he got neutered, and his poor legs twitched. Luckily they did it on my lunch so that I could monitor him. I brought his mouse and his feather chaser toy with me, to make him feel more comfortable. :) I kept going into the back and checking on him when it was slow up front, and everytime he heard my voice he wanted me to come pet him. I held him for while and he loved it. Poor guy, I hate how they wake up. :( But now, you would never know he got neutered lol. Man oh man does this little guy have energy!

I was going to place him, but we are moving so I think we are going to keep him. After all, he was my bottle baby of this year and I have grown pretty attached. I just hope that now that he's neutered he will calm down and stop attacking the other kitties.

Pictures in the next post.

07-17-2003, 10:52 PM

These two you can see that his eyes are oily from the lubricant...


Isn't he cute!? :D He has grown so much. Last time he was in he weighed 3.2 and now he is 4.7! That's only three weeks time in between! :eek:


07-17-2003, 11:17 PM
Oh! Hes adorable!!! :D . The neutering should calm him down. Good Luck! :D :)

07-18-2003, 02:10 AM
Wow!! Last time I saw him he was such a tiny tyke... I must have missed several posts. He is adorable though.

Would you please snuggle him for me?

07-18-2003, 05:47 AM
You have a very adorable little boy there. Please give him some scritchies for me.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2003, 09:26 AM
What a little sweetie....or at least that's how he looks in the pictures.....no sign of a holy terror there. ;) :D I'm glad his neurtering went well, and how great that you got to assist with it. Not too many kitty moms can say that. :)

07-18-2003, 01:48 PM
Ewok is adorable!!! No wonder you're going to keep him. Kisses to you sweet boy and I just know that you will be a much calmer kitty now....

07-18-2003, 03:17 PM
He is GORGEOUS!!!! I love his coloring! I'm sure he will be calmer now that he is neutered;)

07-18-2003, 05:01 PM
He is GORGEOUS!!! YAY!!! You're keeping him!!!!!!!:D

07-18-2003, 08:22 PM
Thanks everyone! :D Ewok says he is very flattered.

Well, last night you wouldn't even think he was neutered by the way he was acting, right back to his old self. :p But I love him just the way he is. He does have a sweet side, and sometimes, well mostly in the morning and at night when I get home, he will come to me and want to be snuggled. He will start licking and sucking on me lol, and he won't stop. He will do that for while until you move your hand a certain way and the hyper mode starts again, lol. :rolleyes:

AmberLee, he has grown SO much since we first got him. He was so tiny, and to think that I saved his life and bottle fed him. I am so happy he is healthy. You should see him with his toys, his little micies. He likes to carry them in his mouth, then toss them in the air and catch them. hehe

Thanks to everyone else! :)

07-18-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
He is GORGEOUS!!! YAY!!! You're keeping him!!!!!!!:D

I know! YAY!!! LOL :D :D :D

07-18-2003, 08:26 PM
I just gotta say, Cass, that I just love that pic of Speedy. I've never owned a Hedgie but have handled one (ouch-prickly). If possible, please give Speedy a kiss from me - he's sooooo cute!! And glad to hear that Ewok is OK..

07-18-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by slick
I just gotta say, Cass, that I just love that pic of Speedy. I've never owned a Hedgie but have handled one (ouch-prickly). If possible, please give Speedy a kiss from me - he's sooooo cute!! And glad to hear that Ewok is OK..

Sure thing! I will let him know you think he's cute, I am sure that will make him happy. :D

I hope to post more pictures of Speedy sometimes tonight or tomorrow, whenever I have the time to resize them etc. He is kinda prickly, but does let me handle him and likes to sleep with me once in a while. He can have free roam of the house when I am home as the cats don't bug him and he doesn't get into anything. He likes to lay under the blankies in Dylans room. :p

I will try to post pics of the other kiddos tonight so stay tuned. :D

07-18-2003, 08:57 PM
AAAWWW Ewok, you are sooo adorable! The neutering will definatley calm him down. Sammy was a little maniac before he was neutered.lol Sammy also turned into a little porker since the neutering, he seemed kinda thin beforehand, but now he is a rump roast!:rolleyes: I think he gained weight because of the neutering. Sammy is still very energetic, but he was just CRAZY before!:eek:

sasha the cat
07-18-2003, 09:14 PM
Mew-mew, purrrrrrrrr you are one handsome boy, Ewok! KatMa looked at your pictures very closely -- she thinks you're way to sweet looking & cute to ever be a terror...

Catgratulations on being neutered. It is better for all of us to be spayed & neutered. No need to have sweet kitties being strays & brought to pounds or worse...

Miss Meow
07-19-2003, 02:45 AM
Cass, he sounds just like Tabasco before he got the snip! Causing trouble, biting other cats' tails, hogging the food bowl and all sorts of other devilish deeds ... Tabasco has settled down and is only about half as naughty as before, so I hope Ewok calms down a bit too. As he gets older, he'll be a bit more content to sleep rather than wreak havoc (I hope :))

07-19-2003, 10:52 AM
LOL, I swear you can't even tell he's been neutered. You would think he would have some sort of pain, at least you would imagine so. :confused:

Ihave noticed he's just a tad bit calmer with the other kitties, thank goodness. So hopefully soon....:)

07-19-2003, 11:39 AM
Yep, those boys hardly even show any discomfort... just a little extra cleaning of the area at first! SO glad it went well for sweet Ewok!:)

07-19-2003, 12:03 PM
Well bad news everyone. Remember my GREAT plan on keeping Mystic inside. Well, ya that was so stupid. Guess what? We kept him inside for two days and he got out yesterday morning and we haven't seen him since! We've looked everywhere and I am sure he is so pissed off at me that he doesn't want to come home. I knew I shouldn't have tried to make him an indoor cat, now he hates me and probably won't come home.

Of course, we will go looking for him again today when Dan gets home and see if he shows up tonight. This is why I want him as in INDOOR CAT! So I don't have to worry about these things! Urrgh! I tried and now either he ran away or who knows. I just hope he's ok. :(

Do you think he ran away because I kept him inside? :confused:

07-19-2003, 12:07 PM
And just to clarify, we went looking for him this morning. Dan told me just a few hours ago that he didn't see Mystic last night, and he didn't come to us when we called. I know sometimes he realy likes to hang out in the field behind us so I am hoping that he is behind there. Should I wait until we move to keep him inside again? I am so confused now. I am torn by wanting to keep him inside and wanting to let him out for fear that if I keep him inside and he gets out, he will not come back.

I wish Dan would have never let him out! It makes me so mad! :mad:

This is why Ewok is NEVER going outside unless on a leash.

07-19-2003, 04:57 PM
Well still no sign of Mystic. I know this sounds sad to say, but ever since Ewok has been here Mystic has wanted to come in less and less because Ewok never leaves Mystic alone. That is why he was neutered early, for that reason.

I just got done making flyers, and Dan will be home shortly so that he can watch Dylan. Needless to say, but Houdini and Cheetah won't be going out anymore, unless I am there with them. They are both inside right now and just go done eating a ton of wet food, my way of spoiling them lol. :D

Please pray that Mystic comes back.

07-19-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
[B]Well still no sign of Mystic. I know this sounds sad to say, but ever since Ewok has been here Mystic has wanted to come in less and less because Ewok never leaves Mystic alone. That is why he was neutered early, for that reason.
Our Milo & Treacle have spend more time outside recently, this is partly to do with the kittens and partly to do with the nice weather. So I understand where you are coming from.
I am sending prayers that Mystic will return shortly. All the best from England :)

07-19-2003, 05:15 PM
Thank you so very much. I just am so impatient for Dans arrival home from work that it's driving me crazy! :o

But you know, I am a very paranoid cat mom, as I have had Mystic since he was born, on my lap even lol. He's my baby! Hopefully later, I will have some good news.

07-19-2003, 08:21 PM
Mystic came back! YAY! :D :D :D

I am so happy. He is eating wet food right now as we speak. ;) I think it had to do with the heat, and I think he was hiding under the house where it was cool, as it is 90 degrees just inside our house. :eek: But I am happy! :D