View Full Version : Does she ALWAYS have to do this!!!!

Aspen and Misty
07-17-2003, 10:20 PM
Me and my sister we sitting outside today and Huney was running around being a crazy little puppy. Huney went into the front yard and disapeared, I called her name and my sister goes " You don't have to call her, I trust my dog". In a snotty voice. I know it was comment on how I can't let Nova off leash. She always does that. Says how perfect Huney was and how bad Nova is, even though she's not. When I first got Nova we took one look at her and new she was perfect for us. After we brought Nova home my sister was complaning about how we got Nova, like going to the pound once and spending an hour or 2 with her and then bringing her home, she said we rushed into it and I told her she rushed into Huney. She saw an add in the paper for Pom pups and 4 weeks later we meet up with a irresponsible breeder and get our new pupy from the backyard breeder. Well he respons was "Huney was a good rush unlike Nova who was a bad one" :mad: Ughh! I'm getting so sick and tierd of her saying how bad nova is! She is NOT a bad dog at all! Yes, I can not let her off leash but thats only because she has a strong pray drive and chases eve nthe faintest scent of animal! So Nova will never be pur-bred or have papers, I don't care. But she makes me feel awful about getting a pound dog. How we just got lucky with Nova and how all other pound dogs are bad! It makes it sooo mad!! When my sister was datign a guy he wanted a Pitt Bull and my sister was going to get one and keep it at her place for him. But now that she found out Nova is a pitt-bull she is like you better not tell anyone, you know how bad of dogs Pitt-bulls are! :mad: :mad: :mad: and she always talks about how perfect Huney is, she is like Huney doesn't run away, and Huney won't go otu the door if you say Bye to her. GOD I don't care!!! I liek Nova just the way she is! Ughhh! It just gets on my last nerve that she could talk so rudly about my dog when I always say how good her dog is.

Sorry this is so long I just needed to vent.


07-17-2003, 11:10 PM
Just ignore her. I'm sure Nova is a great dog - All that matters is that you love her.

Why do you say Nova has Pit Bull in her? From what i've seen she looks nothing like one, although she is VERY cute whatever breed she may be.

07-18-2003, 05:37 AM
Yeah, ignore her. Walk away when she starts putting you down - it's not good to listen to all that negative talk. Sounds like your sister needs to be trained on how to respect you.

As for pound dogs - they're the best in my opinion!

07-18-2003, 11:22 AM
I would have a sit-down with her and very calmly point out what she has been doing, how it affects you, and ask that she not do it anymore. Explain that unless she has specific advice about how you might solve a specific behaviour problem (or, rather, *perceived* behaviour problem), it's not helpful to constantly criticize, as only creates bad feeling. If she has simply not been aware of how she is coming across, she might become more aware and careful of what she says in future. But if she just wants to constantly criticize... well....

I always deal with chronic complainers and criticizers this way: Ask your sister what she thinks you should do in response to her criticisms. If she says you should train him better, insist that she give you specific training advice. If she tells you to get a professional trainer for him, ask if she is willing to provide the money for that such training, since you can't afford it right now. If she says she doesn't think that the dog is trainable, ask if she thinks you should have the dog put down or give him away. Ask what she's willing to do to help you find him another home, and a new dog to replace him, one more in line with her idea of a "good" dog. Ask if she'd be willing to accompany you to the vet's and watch him be put down, and if she would be willing to pay the vet's fee, etc.

In other words, always turn the criticism back on the critic. Once she realizes every criticism will result in some demand on HER time, energy, money, etc., she might be less inclined to open her mouth. If she answers all of the above questions with "it's not my problem", then repeatedly ask her what the point of the criticism is. Tell her since she's not willing to help find a solution to the problem she is criticizing, you can only conclude that she just wants to be a bitch. Then tell her to shut the hell up. ;)

07-18-2003, 11:25 AM
I agree with both Kay and Jenn. Ignore her, and walk away. All that matters is that you love Nova, not your sister. I know how it is not being able to let your dog off the leash. If we did that with Alex, in 5 seconds, he'd be out of our sight. He has a very good sense of smell, and since one of his breeds is a sheep guarder, he tracks smells and things. He'll try to go out the door when you leave, just because he loves to go so much. I know that Nova is a wonderful dog, and that you love her and she loves you. Don't listen to what your sister says, Nova is perfect for you.

Aspen and Misty
07-19-2003, 07:26 AM
Sorry it took me so long to get back to ya'll!!!

Kayann- She has the same Ears and Head Shape. Her Forhead also wrinkles like a pitt bulls. Her body looks alot like ones also, only longer and taller. Her legs also remind me of a pittbulls legs, strong a muscular (sp). Her Chest looks sorta like a a pittbulls chest only Nova's is a little bit not so wide.

My sister is leaving today to move 10 hours away. I don't at the moment see a need to talk to her, but next time she says somethign I will apraoch her like you all have said, thanx for the kind words and thanx for helping me out!


07-19-2003, 07:39 AM
I still don't think she looks part Pit Bull.

She looks like a fox to me. :p