View Full Version : They love the outside !

07-17-2003, 06:56 PM
We now take the cats (on a leash) outside to our back yard... they L-O-V-E it... well most of them do... Milki is too scared to go, and Gucci doesn't like the leash so we don't let him out much...

Here are some pics:


07-17-2003, 07:21 PM
Really terrific pictures!!

07-17-2003, 07:39 PM
Great pics. :D They sure look like they are enjoying the outdoors. :)

07-18-2003, 05:54 AM
Beautiful cats. Great pictures.

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-18-2003, 07:01 AM

Those pics are so good !!! They look like they are really enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!!!:D Did they find any bugs to chase?;)

07-18-2003, 07:26 AM
Those are some really happy kitties!:)

07-18-2003, 07:49 AM
They're having great time!
Tsoomi has the same leash as my Juni :)

K & L
07-18-2003, 08:44 AM
I love it! I would love to leash train a few of ours!

07-18-2003, 08:49 AM
You have a beautiful garden, Efrat! I'm glad that your cats like it too ;)

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-18-2003, 09:22 AM
Your kitties and your yard are beautiful! What a great way to spend a summer day--

07-18-2003, 09:46 AM
The Library Cat Club loves the one where they are on leashes , from oppossite sides! Meeeowy Mirthful!I wish my Cats would do that , but BoBo almost hurt herself , getting out of the harness!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2003, 10:30 AM
Efrat! You're here! When did you get here? I must have missed it - drat! So you're in Lisle now, have you found a vet yet? I was going to ask my vet for some referrals, but wanted to wait until you knew exactly where you were going to be. You had mentioned Naperville, and Naperville is really huge, so I didn't want to find a vet that was way on the other side of town for you. I'll ask him now about vets in the Lisle area.

It looks like the kitties really love being outside! It's great that you've got such a nice big yard - fenced in even - so they can romp around a bit.

I've got so many questions....I suppose I should PM you, but... how did you get all 4 of them here, did someone fly with you or did you pack them two to a carrier, how did they take the trip? Is your boyfriend working already? Are you working or are you still getting everything settled in? Looks like you have a wonderful house with a great yard - his parents found it for you? Are you liking it here or are you homesick? How do you find the US compared to Israel? Is it starting to feel like home yet or has the move really not sunk in and you're still feeling like it's an extended vacation? I'm just so curious - obviously I've never moved to another country and it must be so hard, and yet so exciting at the same time. Have you been able to find replacements for the cat trees you had to leave behind? I live in Burr Ridge, so we're not too far from you. Can't wait for the next cat show so we can get to meet you. I know the next big one is probably going to be at Navy Pier again in...I think it was September or October....

Anyway, glad you made it here safe and sound, and all the kitties survived the trip and are now enjoying their new backyard. What an experience for them! And you! :D

07-18-2003, 11:31 AM
Kelcee used to go out, with me there. Then I would put her on a harnes and leash and watch her through the bedroom window while I was on the computer. She only wanted out to eat grass. She would come in and throw up on the dark gray carpet in the work room, easy to clean. Now she comes all the way in to the house and throws up on the white carpet. So no more outside for her. She really wants that grass. She sits at the door and crys to go out. I had heard once that if they want grass they are missing something in their diet, but then the vet told me it's just that she likes the taste of it. She is now on special diet from the vets.
What do you think?

07-18-2003, 07:10 PM
Efrat! You're here! When did you get here? I must have missed it - drat!

We got here about 3 weeks ago... Here is the thread from then...


We are not sure about a vet yet, so I would love to hear recommendations if you have any in my area, Ilan's mother reffered us to 'Abbywood cat clinic' in Naperville that she heard was good. We went there and it seems OK, but anyone you can recommend we would love to check out. Hopefully we won;t need one soon :) Unless Kfitzi will eat another bra strap :eek:

We ended up travelling on two flights, Ilan and his brother took 2 cats on one flight, and I came over with Ilan's dad and two more cats two days later. All were in the cabin with us.

I can't work yet, as I don;t have a work permit. I'll start volunteering next week (with cats of course) and will only look for work in a few months. In the meantime both of us are just looking for funiture, and working on the house and also enjoying some vacation time :D
I'm not homesick yet, I think because I still feel like I'm on a summer holiday and not really realizing I'm here to stay :)
We have one cat tree here, Ilan's brother bought it for us as a surprise before we ariived :) The cats actually have more furniture than we do at the moment :D

Meeting at a cat show will be great. We might go to one in wisconson this weekend, it is a little far (2 1/2 hours drive) so we are not sure about this... but than again we don't have any other plans.

tomkatzid - 2 of my cat love eating grass, one of them sometimes throw up after so I don;t let him do it often, the other one just likes it and it doesn't do any harm...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Efrat
We are not sure about a vet yet, so I would love to hear recommendations if you have any in my area, Ilan's mother reffered us to 'Abbywood cat clinic' in Naperville that she heard was good. We went there and it seems OK, but anyone you can recommend we would love to check out. Hopefully we won;t need one soon :) Unless Kfitzi will eat another bra strap :eek:

I called last week to order a refill of Peanut's medicine, and asked them then if they had any referrals. Of course the girl on the phone had no idea, but she was going to ask the doctor. Then when I picked the medicine up on Saturday, I was in a hurry, and of course I forgot to ask. :rolleyes:

I will give them a call again, and ask if they know anything about the Abbywood. Also, if you volunteer - like at a shelter or something - they will probably be able to refer you to a good one too. But I'll make another phone call and hopefully they have some referrals.

Thanks for the link to the other thread. Glad you and the kitties made it here all in one piece, and what a nice gesture of Ilan's brother to buy you a cat tree! I guess the family knows the cats are your babies. :D

Welcome to Chicagoland! :D