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05-18-2001, 03:47 PM
I remember there was a poll a while back that asked if your dog has destroyed anything expensive.

Well here's your chance to tell us what your dog has eaten or destroyed.

Carl is usually VERY good about chewing things. When we first got him he tore up the newspaper in his crate. I can't think of anything else now. Like I said, he's not really a chewer. If I think of anything else I'll post it later . http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

05-18-2001, 03:57 PM
The only thing Simba has chewed up that was not his or that i didnt say he could chew on was my dad's Mopar logal golf ball which was on a stand low enough for Simba to get and Simba must have thought it was his toy ball. and its weird he seems to chew when its rainy or cloudy outside. I have no idea why.



05-18-2001, 04:03 PM
When bug first got me - she taught me the fine art of "I'll teach you to go into the pub without me" - the human version would be "dogs teethe?!" . bug - having chosen a novice owner - chewed through both seatbelts one evening - to the tune of $350 for replacing. (i didn't know dogs teethed!) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/redface.gif
I also learned to put the groceries in the trunk at the gas station. she ate my dinner for the week in the form of raw (and very fresh) stew meat. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif while i, oblivious to what she was doing, continued to pump the gas.
and all she has to do is tilt her head and lower her ears and i'm mush! :P http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by bugmom (edited May 18, 2001).]

05-18-2001, 04:32 PM
Reece has chewed 2 ethernet cords, the cord to my microphone and a phone cord... all results of his seperation anxiety.

05-18-2001, 05:53 PM
Aly, Pepper chewed up my husband internet cord also. lol

Rocky is our destroyer:
(he is getting better as he gets older.)

He has chewed up part of our wood fence,
a chain saw wood carved bear from the Red Woods, our drip system and part of the sprinkler system, 3 young trees and several bushes. at 4 garden hoses and several doggie toys and he loves plastic planter boxes of
all sizes.
I think that pretty much cover's it.

05-18-2001, 07:25 PM
Neither Star Nor Cody is a chewer. But, as some of you may know, Cody is terrified of being left alone. When I first got Star I took her to the vet and left Cody at home. She clawed open my brand new, quite expensive custom interior shutters that were hinged closed, then bit through most of the window grill before she managed to get the window opened high enough to jump out of the screen!! Yikes! In some of the pics I've posted you can see her paw-work!!

My beloved lab Jingles (Rainbow Bridge) was, like Star, an eating machine. One day I had her in the back seat of the car. I had stopped at the donut shop. On our way home, I later stopped at the dry cleaners. When I got back to the car, that ole sinking feeling. "What's wrong with this picture?" Well, there was Jing, tail wagging, nose plastered to the window, her face COVERED in powdered sugar. But what a considerate girl. She did leave me one of the DOZEN donuts! THE ONLY PLAIN ONE IN THE BOX!!

Oh, I forgot. Star loves to garden. Her real talents lie in pruning. Especially my favorite shrubs! One day she was outside, barking beneath the family room window for me to go out and play. I ignored her. BIG mistake! When I went to bring her in an hour later I saw that she had totally uprooted my favorite lilac by the back door! Oh...."She who will not be ignored!" (If any of you has ever watched "Rumpole of the Bailey" on PBS you know what I mean!)

Star doing her early spring pruning!


[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited May 19, 2001).]

05-18-2001, 08:46 PM
Zeus is the Master of chewers. He destroyed 7 coaches in a year! My mom wanted to kill him. He also love to eat underwear and socks
Felice, when she was younger chewed a $90 computer mouse, and my brother's rented football helmet. And a bunch of little things
Hercules doesn't really chew. only his toys. once and a wjile he'll chew socks or soda bottles.

05-18-2001, 10:46 PM
Actually, it has been a while since Hannah was a puppy so my memory is fading (thankfully). I guess throw pillows that I had on the couch were her major target. She destroyed quite a few of those. We won't count her stuffies. I have these plastic cups that I liked to use. They were freebies but I really like using them for some reason. She seems to have gotten to all of them at one time of another and chewed the handles. This is the funny part...I still use them chewed up handles and all. We did have to replace the screen in the patio door and a few pieces of my furniture have some chew marks and a couple scratches. She had gotten at my eye glasses a couple of times, but luckily, I discovered it in time. Oh, now I remember the major expense...my husband's dental partial.

05-18-2001, 10:58 PM
When I first got Graham I did not have a crate so I just left him in the apartment alone while I went to get some dog food, some food dishes, toys, and a doggie bed. When I came home I found Graham gone, the screen lying on the ground, and some toenail scratches below the window indicating he had to climb up to that window and nock the screen out. Luckly I found him trotting down the sidewalk on the road that led to the shelter where I adopted him from. I did not even have a name for him, or any tags so I had no idea if he would come to me. He was so starving for love that he walked right over to me when I called his temporary name "Puppy". http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

No major damage, just had to call the landlord and have him put the screen back on the window. That's all he's ever done in the 7 years I have had him. Cassie was over 7 years old so her puppy stage is LONG gone. She only chews on her chew toys.

Jasper's Mom
05-19-2001, 06:43 AM
My 2 1/2 yr old Sandy has never chewed on anything much but some leaves, sticks and clothes pins. Inside I have been really lucky since he has stuck to just his toys.

Moses, 1 yr old, has destroyed a cross rung on an antique chair, which used to match three others. I had no idea he was doing it. Later I discovered he had rounded the corners of my wooden hutch too. Last night he upchucked a foil and plastic wrap from a fruit roll up. Two Barbie's have lost their hands and feet, and now my granddaughter is picking up better. Disecting stuffed toys is now his passion.

A 3 yr old pitbull mix I rescued when she was dumped, then found a home for, chewed on many things. The footrest handle on the recliner, pillows, toys, electric cords, the vacuum cleaner cord and three leashes (in a flash). She was really fast. Nothing expensive unless you add it all up.

05-19-2001, 07:05 AM
Roxy has a thing for my expensive underwear! She won't chew my hanes her way, but she'll chew my Victoria Secret underwear! I don't know why, but she'll only eat the croch out of it! Rebel chews on all my hard wood furniture. I have replaced a total of $950.00 worth of wooden furniture. They've gotten better about it now they only chew on their chew toys. Occasionly Roxy will still steal a pair of my Victoria Secrets.

05-19-2001, 09:42 AM
Hannah is out of her chewing stage now (thank god) but she did chew a couple things I wish she hadn't of.

*some cd's
*some of my eye make up (she was pooping purple sparkly stuff for a while after that http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
*books I was reading
*boxes of kleenex (shredding every last kleenex)
*My stuffed animals that decorated my bed
*hair brushes ...........................
......... I could go on and on, it was just a puppy thing.

Copper likes to chew wood and things like that so he has never chewed anything he shouldn't have.

~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

05-19-2001, 11:17 AM
When Rocky (Rainbow Bridge) was a puppy, he chewed 25 CD's and 4 remote controls.

05-19-2001, 11:43 AM
Bella (4 mos. old) seems attracted to wood (clothepins, sticks, twigs, wood chips). She has her head constantly in all of the trashcans without lids. Seems to love tissues and all things made of paper. She is like her predecessor, Ashley, who would steal a dish towel and run with it with tail straight up and prancing all proud of herself, right under the dining room table and wait for me to make a fool of myself trying to get it back. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I have avoided lots of potential damage but I am sure once she is given "free reign of her domain 24 hrs. a day" she'll get something.

Rachel...regarding the partial, my mom wears an upper plate. One day years ago she had her plate soaking on a night table when she was staying with us. Ashley (my miniature poodle) got them and had them in her mouth and was walking around with them in her mouth, teeth side out, looking very much like she was wearing a huge smile! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-19-2001, 11:48 AM
Another funny story from my sister-in-law when her GSD was a puppy. If you were loading the dishwasher she would come quickly over and try to get a quick lick off the plates. Once her collar got tangled in the spokes of the dishwasher and the whole rack came out. She was so afraid that she tried to run away but the rack followed her into the family room, hanging onto her collar. Times like that you wish you had the camera handy!

05-19-2001, 02:03 PM
Shai when I first got her and shut her in the bathroom, she chewed apart my bathroom heater, the trim on the door, out in the garage she ripped apart curtains, and chewed on the garage door, talk about separation anxiety!!!
And she chewed the cord in two on my new electric blanket last year, I don't know how long it was apart, I wondered why it wasn't heating up! It was lucky it didn't start a fire!!

05-19-2001, 02:49 PM
Oh, you guys reminded me of another thing Hannah chewed....the corner of a book from the library..and which the library made me replace (gee, it was just the corner) and guess what....it was a book about dog training. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-19-2001, 05:07 PM
That's my Hannah!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Guess she told mom!

05-19-2001, 05:32 PM
oh yea I forgot to tell you that Zues also loves to go through screens. So I thought well I 'll just have to keep the windows shut. nope he learned to grab the handle and open the window! So know I have to lock them. So since he can't get out now to come and find me he has chewed all the window frames off! And the handles off the windows.\
Talk about seperation anxiety!

05-19-2001, 06:09 PM
That makes three of us that need major window work! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-19-2001, 07:27 PM
My Shepherd mix stray was an adult, so she didn't really chew . She just loves to eat the bread. But my Husky, Dakota, did his share of damage. I have a hole in the carpet in the toy room from him. He chewed apart linolium. He chewed up a camcorder, my wedding pictures and my wedding video. We were able to save some of the pictures and piece together the camcorder (thank God for duct tape), but the video was destroyed. My Rottie would eat the disposable razors. Talk about fear. He must have had an iron stomach because he had no injuries and we never found the blades, so he had to have eaten them.

05-20-2001, 06:51 AM
This is not really on subject but one of the pooches, and I am pretty sure it was Graham because he's bigger and stronger, took the dog bed off the floor that was in a completely different room, drug it through the kitchen and then the living room and pulled it onto the couch where it was promptly lyed in http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif We came home to see Graham curled up in his "nest" as we call it that was sitting on the couch and Cassie was leaning up against the nest on the couch http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif If only I had a camera setup running when I was not home, would have LOVED to see Graham in action http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-20-2001, 09:46 AM
I guess I was lucky Merlin really was never alone as the chew monster stage. Most of his was as he was older and we did leave him a plastic mug and a cd case. His big thrill is paper he loves ripping up newspaper still to this day (4years old) We try to keep enough bones and toys around, now he's taking the cat toys to cats aren't too happy about that. Good thing I have a heavy duty shop vac to get all the paper.You'd never thing the sofa spud would move to do so much ripping. Paer mache' anyone?

06-05-2001, 10:17 AM
My 15 month old husky Kodi, has never realy chewed up anything expensive so i quess i should be thankfull for that. He does like to steal things though when i'm not looking. Anything hes not allowed to have he somehow finds but he usually drops it when i come up to him. I guess hes playing some kind of game with me. Kodi will rip the head of any stuffed animal in a matter of seconds and spread the stuffing all over the house and he also has a thing for paper and klennex. His favorite toys are things he finds himself like empty plastic containers and sticks not the kind you get from a petstore. Outside he will chew down saplings and shrubs and this one spot on the deck. We do have a little problem with digging though!

06-05-2001, 11:21 AM
I can't believe I never replied to this message! The question should be....things your dog has not eaten or destroyed! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

Honey and Lilly are the masters of destruction, digging and chewing, and I thought they would outgrow it! Last summer, I lost 4 pairs of shoes in two weeks, thanks to Honey. Lilly is more discreet, but just about a month ago, she chewed the plug right off of my new vacuum cleaner. They love plants of all types, especially those that are freshly planted, or those with flowers. Guess what, there are no flowers in my backyard! And last night, my two year old wonders decided that the fringe on the oriental rug tasted real good. There is a four inch section missing now!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-05-2001, 11:33 AM
I could read these over and over again! the images are great - graham dragging a dog bed, more than one pup shreding kleenex, shewed cup handles! i just love it....its making my tuesday. and then i am reminded that i owe my mom a new screen door as Bug decided that she wanted in regardless - and proceeded to shred the screen. Funny thing is mom didn't get mad at all, she just laughed...there was no "Your dog" or that dreaded tone of voice that all moms have. In fact bug is the first dog that my mom really likes so at her house bug knows she can pretty much get away with anything (of course if my mom saw all the stuff animals i have secretly stitched back together she may have a different opinion of bug! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif)
http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif pet talk - its always a joy!

06-05-2001, 12:09 PM
Do you think that Golden Retrievers have a thing for plugs?
My first Golden, Natasha the Red Menace, unpluged the refrigerator and chewed up the plug when she was a puppy. Don't believe for a minute that growing older made her any wiser.
Through the years, she destroyed just about anything that she found interesting: shoes, paper towels, tissues, the list is too long. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
She also managed to eat a full bowl of green beans, that I had left on the counter to cool down, when I was expecting company. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/mad.gif Needless to say, I had to change the menu.
I'm happy to say that my next two Golden girls never touched anything that did not belong to them. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Daisy's Mom
06-05-2001, 02:29 PM
I love these, hehe! I know I have postes these before but they fit the topic so well. Daisy eats the trash quite frequently. If we leave the house and forget to put the trash can out of reach, this is what we come home to...




Yeah it was cute the first time but it's definitely not anymore! I cleaned up the same garbage twice this week! Daisy also eaten a thermos while at my friend's house, numerous bike helmets, almost all of her stuffed animal toys, millions of bugs, a roll of toilet paper, and beleive it or not, my homework! She really did! She devoured two math worksheets. I actually had to tell my teacher, "My dog ate my homework!"

06-05-2001, 07:53 PM
Logan, boy can I relate to the digging! Bella has been a digger since the day we brought her home. She tends to go back to the same 3 or 4 spots and re-dig there! I have filled those holes lots of times but there is some strange attraction there. We had a large tree taken down because it was making shade in a good part of the yard and causing grass to die and moss to grow. Well, today I was outside with Bella scraping up the moss and planting seed and she was in her glory! She saw me working in the soil and thought it was a new game we were playing. It was hard to tell her it's OK for me to dig but you can't!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-05-2001, 08:45 PM
Bandit doesn't chew. Jeffrey, on the other hand...
- 4 remote controls.
- The wiring in a floor lamp (thank God it was unplugged)
- 3 pairs of shoes
- 2 hair brushes.
- The leg of my rocker ( I was so proud of my $75 dollar flea market find!)
- My NEW glasses with the expensive non- breakable, anti-glare lenses which he managed to chip. I couldn't even use the lenses in new frames!
- The mini-blinds in the kitchen window. He watches for my car there.

06-05-2001, 10:46 PM
Okay, he wasn't MY dog, but my dad's when my dad was a boy. Butchie the bulldog left deep chew marks which are still in the middle of the wide are of the hardwood (and much treasured) large rocking chair that has been in the family since, well, at least since Dad was little! People who sit in the chait for the first time ask what caused those gouges - now well smoothed over by the years - in the arm! Butchie's legacy.