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07-16-2003, 08:50 PM
Okay, just to tell you, I am sorry in advance for anything I may say because I am really, really upset.
Well during my school year, I was struggling with math, but got better towards the end. My mom is a teacher and she is the type of person who thinks she knows all, and that really annoys me because she talks to everyone like they're two and she is higher up than everyone. She got me a special workbook 'for challenged students like myself' (her words) I have to do three pages in math a day and three pages in grammar a day, and they're very very long and boring. Then she makes me do corrections plus the workbook pages every single night. And i am going into adv. literature and I have really super long books that are all extremely boring (A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, The Firm, etc) and then my school also gave me math packets on top of that so I have enough work to do without her giving me all that crap.

Well, tonight she watches Big Brother 4, which I usually do too, but I had to do my work plus corrections. She usually corrects it then gives the corrections to do the next day, but tonight she made me do the work, and said I couldn't go to my camp or go on the computer or watch tv (i'll live, I hardly ever watch tv) if she didn't get the corrections done. It was about 8:35, and BB4 was on at 9. Well, I had to do long division that got longer and longer that I KNEW how to do and it's easy but takes FOREVER. They got longer, so it was like a game with the bookmakers to see how long they can get. Then the multiplication was like 563,745,584,674,322 times 456, 356, 463, 346, 346, etc. IT'S SO FREAKING DUMB! :rolleyes: I was having some trouble converting fractions into percents and decimals, and I asked her for help, and she helped for a while, of course explaining it to me like I was a lower life form, but then it was 9:00, and she got up. I asked if she was still helping, and she said, "No, BB4 is on." So, I can't watch it because she didn't finish correcting, but I'll live, cuz I really don't care about tv, and I am not allowed on the computer, and I can't go to camp. I HAD to go to camp because I am a couselor and I was doing a badge activity with my girls (it's a girl scout camp) I really needed to finish.
I asked if I finished doing what I was working on, can I go to camp. She said no. I explained to her (surprisingly calmly) how important it was that I went to camp tomorrow and she still said no. I asked if she could just explain something to me, and she refused.
"But, I seriously need help. You told me that the point was to learn, and I need to learn, so can you please explain how to do this problem?" (me)
"No." (her)
"Why? I need your help, please." (me)
"Big brother is on. I want to watch it." (her)
"So, you're saying you're gonna drop everything, even helping me with learning something so you can watch a show?" (me)
"Looks that way. Now get out of the room." (her)
"I need your help though, and I need to go to camp tomorrow." (me)
(she stood up and was literally putting her finger in my face and she was really close to me so she could yell)
"But it's not my fault if you didn't finish correcting, though!" (me)

The whole time, my voice was calm, and I didn't yell once, and she was the one screaming at me.
I just said that I should go downstairs before I say anything I regret. Ugh! How the hell is this my fault? And she's always the one telling me how important education is, and how it comes first over everything, and now a dumb television show comes before helping me learn something? Of course I didn't write the whole conversation, but she said some pretty nasty things to me, and she said that it was my fault, and how I should have been done with it earlier, but would she rather me do it and have no clue, or do what she said she wants me to do and learn by me asking her. GOD I AM SO PISSED AT HER! :mad: :mad: :mad:

She has always been really awful to me, she always makes fun of me, and I tell her not to because I don't really take it as making fun, and as just plain mean, and then she tells me I have no sense of humor. Would she like it if I called her fat? Would she like it if I told her she was ugly and dumb? NO. She wouldn't! So why would I? :mad: Then she goes and tells the people she works with who used to be my teachers everything I say and do.
"Oh, yesterday she wanted to dye her hair and threw a hissy fit because I wouldn't let her!" (which isn't true, I just said that) But it's always stuff that is VERY personal if you catch my drift :o and then they come up to me and ask about it. My mom denies it and I know she did and then I ask her to stop and she never ever does. Why does she have to do this to me?

Sorry this is so long and boring! :rolleyes:

07-16-2003, 10:20 PM
Ahh....dont you love parents? Math is my worst subject...my parents get on my case about it, like Julie, you should get this! or Pay attention! It just drives me nuts! Now over summer shes making me watch these stupid Algebra videos! Its a living hell! Ah, anyway, im ranting...Good Luck with your mom..lol :) :p

07-16-2003, 10:35 PM
First of all, if you aren't suppose to be on the computer, I wouldn't be makin' posts about my 'mean' mom.

Second, you said you were in the middle of homework at 9.00pm -- what were you doing before hand? Why such a late start? Start earlier on the nights you know she has things that she wants to do.

It may not be fair but it doesn't have to be -- it's the rule.

And as for the 'embarassing tales,' it's written in the fine print of "motherhood" that they're allowed to brag and/or embarass their kids at any given time! ;) :p