View Full Version : Please pray for Rocket

07-15-2003, 10:08 PM
My family and I were just sitting outside talking and I went in to get something. I checked in on the birds and noticed Rocket was on the cage floor, not moving. He was standing but not moving. I called my mom in and she checked him out. It seems he has a problem with one of his claws. He couldn't grip onto the perch well and kept falling off and fluttering everywhere. My mom took him out of the cage and held him and he was chirping softly. It was breaking my heart. She set him down and he seems okay but he isn't moving much. He's been in the same position since we put him up.

I am very worried about him. I asked my mom if we should take him to the vet and she doesn't know what they would do to help us. I would at least want to know what is wrong. Wat could have happened to him? :( If he still doesn't seem well by tomorrow, I'm going to try my best to convince my mom to take him to the vet. She just doesn't see what they could do to help and I, to be totally honest, also don't see how. They can't operate on it, can they? I really don't know, I feel so confused right now. :( :(

Did anyone have a bird with a hurt leg that fixed? It can't be broken, he is standing on it now. I just need some ideas on what could have happened to him. I'm so worried and sad. :(

Don't get me wrong, I do want to help Rocket out in any way I can, and if I need to take him to the vet then I will. But if anyone knows anyway I can help my birdie baby please post. And please don't get mad because taking him in wasn't the first thing that came to my mind. (They are closed now anyways)

Also please pray Rocket gets better soon. :( :( :( Thank you.

07-15-2003, 10:22 PM
I don't know anything about birds, but I hope that Rocket will be okay and that it is not something incredibly serious. Poor baby, we'll be praying he'll be okay.

07-15-2003, 10:26 PM
Thanks Britt. :)

Rocket is actually sleeping now, but still hasn't moved. I'm worried if Sky did this to him. She picks on him sometimes, but they usually kiss so I never thought too much of it. I'm so confused. :( :(

07-15-2003, 10:32 PM
Oh no! :(:(:( POOR BABY ROCKET! :(:(:(

Other than his foot, is he acting fine? Is he eating/drinking? Are his poops normal? Do you think he could've broken his foot by getting it stuck in the cage bars or on a toy or something? Oh dear. :(:(:( I would take him to the vet immediately. They have studied animals for years and they CAN help hopefully. You need to take him to the vet to rule out any illness that could have caused it. It could be an injury, but it could also be something else. Let's hope its nothing serious and that he will heal fast and well. :( Poor baby Rocket! Did this happen all of a sudden? I don't want to scare you, but budgies are prone to certain tumors that can affect their legs/balance, and though I'm not sure of this, I've heard it. Please, PLEASE get him to the vet as soon as possible. Its best if you get him to an avian vet, but even if you can't you still need to get him to the vet. May Rocket recover well and quickly get better and have a long happy life ahead of him. *hugs*


I'll be praying for your little Rocket boy. :(

BTW, vets can and do operate on birds when possible.

07-15-2003, 10:45 PM
This is for Rocket.

07-15-2003, 10:46 PM
Is the claw turned up at all or on a slant?? If you touch the claw does Rocket squawk? Do you have sand paper perches?

I hope Rocket is ok!! Im no expert....but I try to help

07-15-2003, 10:56 PM
Oh No! I hope Rockets okay! He'll be in my prayers! :(

07-16-2003, 09:22 AM
Thanks so much for the prayers! Rocket is actually back to normal. I don't get it. lol Last night he could hardly stand up and this morning he was turning in circles on his perch! Hehe :D

Thanks for the info, PCB and for the banner. :) That's so sweet. About operating, I actually thought it was possible but then you look at how little and fragile his foot is and I didn't think you could. I guess I was wrong.

GCG - No Rocket didn't sqwack when he touched his foot, but when he was on the perch, he never really put it completly down. Sort of left one claw up or not touching it. We used to have the sandpaper on the perches. It needed to be replaced and I keep forgetting to tell my mom to get some more! :( Thanks for reminding me. It is important, isn't it?

Thanks again everyone. :)

07-16-2003, 11:28 AM
YAY for Rocket! You might want to call the vet up just to ask what it could've been though. Maybe he twisted it somehow, and it healed overnight. :) I'm so glad to hear this! :D

07-16-2003, 12:23 PM
Yeah I was thinking maybe he sprained it somehow. I have my eye on him, and I'm always checking up on him. I even played a bit with him, but he was kinda grumpy. lol He wanted to eat :p

Sky is keeping him company. They just keep staring at eachother. lol So sweet ;)

Thanks! :)

07-17-2003, 11:50 AM
I'm so glad to hear Rocket is doing well! I don't know much about birds, but I do know that sometimes their claws can fossilize if they're old, so I was wondering if it was doing that....but it appears that it was something temporary, so that's something to be thankful for! I aree, though, you should at least call your vet and get some ideas of what it could have been and what you could do in the future when/if it happens again. Hopefully it won't!

I'm glad to hear Rocket's better.....

Take care,
Donna (hamsterlover)

Originally posted by primabella
Yeah I was thinking maybe he sprained it somehow. I have my eye on him, and I'm always checking up on him. I even played a bit with him, but he was kinda grumpy. lol He wanted to eat :p

Sky is keeping him company. They just keep staring at eachother. lol So sweet ;)

Thanks! :)

07-17-2003, 04:09 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by primabella
My family and I were just sitting outside talking and I went in to get something. I checked in on the birds and noticed Rocket was on the cage floor, not moving. He was standing but not moving. I called my mom in and she checked him out. It seems he has a problem with one of his claws. He couldn't grip onto the perch well and kept falling off and fluttering everywhere. My mom took him out of the cage and held him and he was chirping softly. It was breaking my heart. She set him down and he seems okay but he isn't moving much. He's been in the same position since we put him up.

I am very worried about him. I asked my mom if we should take him to the vet and she doesn't know what they would do to help us. I would at least want to know what is wrong. Wat could have happened to him? :( If he still doesn't seem well by tomorrow, I'm going to try my best to convince my mom to take him to the vet. She just doesn't see what they could do to help and I, to be totally honest, also don't see how. They can't operate on it, can they? I really don't know, I feel so confused right now. :( :(

Did anyone have a bird with a hurt leg that fixed? It can't be broken, he is standing on it now. I just need some ideas on what could have happened to him. I'm so worried and sad. :(

Don't get me wrong, I do want to help Rocket out in any way I can, and if I need to take him to the vet then I will. But if anyone knows anyway I can help my birdie baby please post. And please don't get mad because taking him in wasn't the first thing that came to my mind. (They are closed now anyways)

Also please pray Rocket gets better soon. :( :( :( Thank you. [/Q

I am so sorry to hear that your Rocket wasn't well,but it looks like he is on the road to recovery again?Keep up the good work,Rocket....you get better!Lucky sends you a special little soft peck to get better!I don't know much about birds either,but how old is Rocket?If he is older,it could be that he had arthritis in his foot.My little house-sparrow had that.Anyway,Sweetpea,Lucky & me send you and Rocket our best wishes and a special prayer never hurts.

07-17-2003, 07:03 PM
Thanks so much bunnyhop and Donna :)

bunnyhop - My birds are both around 2 years old.

I think he'll be okay. That whole experience really scared my brother. Now he helps out with the birds and tries to play with them. That's good because before, I was the only one left to care for them.

As long as Rocket is doing better, and he is, I'm happy. Thanks again :D