View Full Version : How can they do that??

07-15-2003, 06:59 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad:

We were afraid this was going to happen. There was a family living across the street from us that had a cat, little white with black long hair. Atleast we thing she was theirs. The poor little thing was always outside, even in the middle of a raging snow storm. When Oatmeal was outside as a stray he started to bring this other cat over with him when he came to eat. No big deal, we fed them both. About 2 months ago they put up a for sale sign in front of their house. I made the comment a few times that I was wondering if they were going to take the cat with them..it has now been atleast 2-3 days since we have seen anyone at that house but we saw the cat when we left for work this morning. I guess we are going to start putting the food out again and see if we can atleast get her to trust us enough that we can catch her and find a new loving owner....oh I am so mad I could scream!!!! How could somone do that to an animal?:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

K & L
07-15-2003, 12:22 PM
Everytime I read something like this it just amazes me how people can be so cruel. We had a family here in AZ that left, but left the cats locked indoors. Talk about cruel. I read that a neighbor called and the Humane Society came out with police and got the cats out.

07-15-2003, 12:54 PM
It burns my britches as well. My Smokey, Tucker, Mystic, and Abner are all abandoned babies.

Whoever had Smokey went so as to throw him in a trash can and left him to die there. :mad: :mad:

07-15-2003, 01:24 PM
The good thing is: Oatmeal seems to have made friends with this kitty already:) Just imagine she hid to stay with her friend:D

(Sorry- this is just to make a bad story a little lighter).

07-15-2003, 01:58 PM
I'm trying to not get too upset about it. I thought about calling the real estate agent who's name is on the For Sale sign, but I doubt she would tell me anything especially if she knew I just wanted it to report them to the police. We will start feeding her and trying to gain some trust and see what happens...I'll keep you posted...

07-15-2003, 02:02 PM
Here's hoping you gain her trust. :)

07-16-2003, 06:23 AM
She did come to eat last night when we put the food and water back out on the porch. We are putting it out either first thing in the morning or once we get home. We have found that birds really like cat food and they are making a heck of a mess on the front porch...it's ok though as we are getting a new porch at the end of August...I know it isn't going to be easy for her to come to trust us. Look what her original family did to her.....but we are nothing if not persistant:D

07-16-2003, 04:44 PM
At least kitty is getting some food ... it will only be a matter of time before she trusts you. She is already mates with your kitty, who is no doubt telling her all the good stories about how kind you are! :)

:mad: :mad: :mad: at her owners. How could they do that? :(

07-16-2003, 04:47 PM
Poor kitty! :( :( :( I better don't post here what I'm thinking about people like that (since children read the forum) :mad:

Thanks for helping that poor kitty, I hope you can find a good home for her.


07-16-2003, 07:17 PM
Poor kitty. It amazes me how stupid and ignorant people can be.
These people more than likely think to themselves, that they can't be bothered with this kitty anymore, since they have more important things to think about, like their move. The kitty will be fine, someone will take it in.(notice I said "it"):(
I am glad that this kitty has you to feed her. I hope she finds a good home!

07-17-2003, 09:52 AM
Rascal, Augusta , Nugget and Roscoe are all praying for you to take this poor little abandoned Angel in to be his friend! All are abandoned strays that I have taken in. Rascal is the black and white and rascal is the long haird Orange and White. People are getting away with things now , so they are oblivious to anything but thier pleasures!

07-17-2003, 02:54 PM
All 5 of ours are actually strays of one kind or another. Bouncer and Kunan's mom moved onto our porch during a bad winter about 8 years ago. We found homes for the mom and two of the kittens and kept two. Zingo was wandering around at the gun range where my husband goes to shoot. Plague showed up at a friends house and when I stopped to see my friend Plague came running over to the car and that was that....and Oatmeal was a stray in our neighborhood. I don't know that we can take her in. I've come to name her Smudge. She seems to be white with a few "smudges" of black so it fits...but we are going to keep feeding her and putting the word out that she is in need of a loving home...so if you know anyone in the Pittsburgh area :rolleyes: :)

07-17-2003, 11:26 PM
We see this so often come July 1st when a lot of people move. People just dumping their pets off on the streets cause they couldn't be bothered to bring them to a shelter. These people aren't even fit to be called humans.
There was one story in the Montreal Gazette about a guy who was driving along some highway, stopped his car, let his dog, a 2 year old lab mix, out of the car in a field. The guy got out, threw a ball and as his dog ran to get it, he got back in the car and drove away before the dog got back to the car. Thank God, there was a passerby who saw this and stopped. Put the dog in her car and drove him to a shelter. I'm happy to say that the dog was adopted out to a good family.
Can you imagine. OHHHH people infuriate me to no end.
You hear all kinds of stories like this and it just breaks my heart.

Trinity, I hope you are able to gain this precious little one's trust and are able to find her a good home. Bless you for feeding and caring for her.