View Full Version : You guys aren't going to believe this

07-12-2003, 12:04 PM
Remember my post the other day about my neighbor hating my dogs? Well about 2am last night, I told my dogs goodnight. About 7 am, I get a phone call from an angel named Stan. My dogs are FIFTEEN MILES from home. I look in the backyard, sure enough. They're gone. Remember how I said I'd built a double fence on the BIT$$'s side? BOTH gates are wide open. My son can't open them. My dogs can't open them. My husband and I didn't open them. They have freakin sliding locks on them!

My husband says not to jump to conclusions. Perhaps the dogs figured out how to open both gates, met a homeless man and followed him all the way to the park. (This park is known for it's homeless encampments.)

It's hard for me to believe that story. My dogs always stick around if they get out. There are to many animals in the neighborhood that they are anxious to meet for them to go far. My dogs would have to mark their territory on every yard on the way, say hi to every dog and person they saw, chase every cat they saw, and I am sure would get hit by a dozen cars on their trek. There is no way they made it 15 miles on foot in just one night. (And what homeless guy is going to walk that far at night?) This isn't 15 straight miles, this is from one end of the city to another. That is a long way, walking through a city.

The family that had them appeared to be homeless and were hoping to keep my dogs. They loved them. When I pulled up, there were about 15 of them, playing with my dogs. My dogs were having a grand ol time. I gave them reward money at first the guy refused. Then the man started crying. He said that they really needed the money. I so wish that I could have given them more, but I just started back to work on Monday from my shoulder surgery and my disability checks had been delayed.

07-12-2003, 12:12 PM
Uh oh - you need surveillance set up at night - or padlocks on the gate. Would they "Go for a ride" with anyone who opened a car door?

07-12-2003, 01:15 PM
I agree, get a surveillance camera. Or one of those lights that turns on if anyone steps too close.

I'm so glad they are alright, and I also believe it is the neighbor's doing. Why does your neighbor hate your dogs? :(

07-12-2003, 01:27 PM
My neighbor hates anything, just to complain. If I told her I hate my dogs, she'd tell me she loves them. She hates when I water my lawn, where I park, the type of plants I plant, you name it. She knows the exact times I come and go. Not to long ago she said "Gosh, I look in your windows and I see someone moving inside...for a second there, I freak out because I forget you are home." And why are you looking IN my windows?! If you want, read my post "My neighbor". It has a little more detail. :mad:

07-12-2003, 01:53 PM
Surveillance cameras may be pricey, but in this case, probably worth it. Maybe you or your husband could stay up all night and keep watch for a few nights--again, you would be tired, but it would be worth it.
As soon as you get to the bottom of this situation, call the cops--no more mrs. nice guy--this has gone too far.

And thank God that Angel found your dogs for you and called--God Bless him, and I hope he and his family soon fall on better times.

07-12-2003, 04:38 PM
I am so glad you dogs are home safe and sound.
I would definitley lock the gates from now on.

07-12-2003, 08:28 PM
Yes, my dogs would hop in a car with anyone. They love car rides, and my neighbor knows that. Also, anyone else would have gotten in on the other side of the yard, where it is unlit and secluded. But my neighbor knows that our bedroom is on that side and I sleep light. We put padlocks on our gates. But now, I have to worry about poisoning.

07-12-2003, 09:20 PM
i know a cheaper way to do Surveillance. Its even cheaper if you have your own webcam. Hook ur webcam up to a window that watches the dog pen. You can get free software on the net that will take photos only when something is moving. I have one, its called "visionGS PE". Set up a light in ur dog pen (don't worry dogs can sleep with a bit of light).

If your comp is far from the window all u have to do is buy a longer cord to extend it. & then ur set :) just don't tell anyone about the cam, so there is no way in hell she can find out.

07-12-2003, 09:32 PM
Yikes that sounds very scary & maddening!! :mad:

07-12-2003, 11:19 PM
How frightening! I am so glad that those wonderful people found your babies and called.

What an awful woman. I agree with kingrattus' idea about the webcam. And maybe also those motion sensor lights.

I hope the situation gets better for you. And definitely be mindful of the poisoning thing, that's how my dad's cocker spaniel died (my dad was just a kid at the time).

Good luck and we'll say prayers that your babies stay safe.

07-12-2003, 11:24 PM
I will see if I have the install, & I can put it on my website for you.

But if your gonna get it urself stay far away from the latest one, get one atleast 2-3 versions older. The latest is soooo buggy its not even funny.

07-12-2003, 11:26 PM
YIKES! How terrible!!

07-12-2003, 11:29 PM
cant you just bring them inside at night?????:confused:

07-13-2003, 12:53 AM
She's gone way too far I'd say put up motion sensors!:mad: Ugg She just has nothing better to do than make everyone's life hell!

07-13-2003, 10:50 AM
Cali, I so so so wish I could. Both are deathly afraid of crates. My son is allergic to them. And Roxy is still super destructive. My husband races motorcycles, so there are probably $20,000 worth of motorcycle plastic in our garage. There are so fun and easy to chew, and they aren't something to store. My husband and his friend are laying a concrete slab (hopefully today) and we are going to put up a kennel with a lock.
I kept them in the laundry room last night though. I don't think a few nights is going to kill my son. He's lived with them this long so far. I woke up this morning, and my walls were eaten. lol. I am so glad they're back that I don't care.

07-14-2003, 01:50 AM
We went to a brunch at one of the other neighbors today. The HAG was there. It took a couple glasses of wine and my husbands prior threats for me to be nice. I waltzed up and kindly said around several neighbors. "Oh, my gosh, the strangest thing happened! Here we were, just talking about the dogs the other day...and they disappeared. " so on and so on....Everyone standing there were like "Oh my! That's impossible for the dogs to make it that far in one night!" "...Someone had to have taken them..." "What horrible rotten person would do that?" "Your dogs are so wonderful, they must have wanted them as pets..." I just smiled and let the whole neighborhood talk about who must be evil enough to steal my dogs. I smiled sweetly at hag and said "I don't know, what do you think?" She was all flustered, and was like "I don't know, I'll be right back." It felt nice.

But here's the good part! Her husband said they are putting their house on the market. :D I was like oh, yes! This is a great time to sell! YAY!!!!!!!

07-14-2003, 02:09 AM
Sweet sweet humiliation for her....good job! She more than deserved it! I hope she's out of your neighborhood very soon!

07-14-2003, 10:06 AM
You go girl! :D

I'm so sorry you had a scare like that. Hopefully the witch will be out of your hair soon.


07-14-2003, 10:39 AM
HAAHA!!! She pushed it too far...move...move far away lady.

NYCbabi 13002
07-14-2003, 12:16 PM
Oh my!! :eek: :mad: Thank god, that person informed you that your dogs were gone. I am glad that your dogs' are home safely.

I would do something about your hateful nieghbors. I would report it to the police or something. LOL, Like Karen I think you should put a pad lock on your gate. :D

Oh, I must have not read the GOOD NEWS part! YAY!!! Hopefully some animal lovers move in!! LOL ;)

07-14-2003, 12:42 PM
What a sweet way to handle her! Good job:D


chloe's mom
07-14-2003, 03:10 PM
As I read the part about the neighbors putting their house on the market, a bit of that song from The Wizard of Oz swam through my head..."Ding dong the witch is dead..."

Glad to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel for you. let's cross our fingers and hope their house sells very quickly.

07-14-2003, 03:28 PM
Wow, what a story!! Thank goodness the doggies were found, safe and sound. And God Bless that dear, sweet man for contacting you. He may be homeless but he is obviously rich in heart and generosity of spirit. Kindness such as that brings tears to my eyes. It sounds like he and his family were hungry and grateful for the happiness your pups shared with them, if only for a short while. As for "her!!" Well, you couldn't have handled it more perfectly! The "set up" at the party was exquisite!:D Now, let's hope she realizes she is being WATCHED! Better yet, let's hope she moves!!

07-14-2003, 05:03 PM
"I gave them reward money at first the guy refused. Then the man started crying. He said that they really needed the money".

Tonya, that is very touching! It was so very good of you to help them. You will be blessed!

Now about your wench neighbor...I would first call the police and let them know that someone in the middle of the night is coming on to your property and that you will now take the offensive.

Secondly, I would contact the local Jehovah's Witness and explain to them how you would really appreciate a visit...of course the address you give them is your neighbors!

:D :D :D

07-14-2003, 05:15 PM
posted by Tonya:But here's the good part! Her husband said they are putting their house on the market. :D I was like oh, yes! This is a great time to sell! >>

I can't believe it, what timing.
YES!!! A light at the end of the Tunnel!! :)

07-14-2003, 07:08 PM
Let's all pray for a quick sell.... as long as she isn't planning a move to Pennsylvania!!!:) :)

The way you handled her was great--you really were the better person in that situation.