View Full Version : Grrr..My sister makes me MAD!

07-11-2003, 10:27 PM
Grrrr....sorry I'm venting.

Yesterday Alex got out of the yard AGAIN! We can't find the place he is getting out of either, so now whenever he goes outside, someone needs to go out with him. Right now it's 10:20pm, and dark outside. My sister just got home from the store, and just finished putting stuff away. Alex is wanting outside, he hasn't been out in quite a while. He probably needs to do his chores, but Eryn (my sis) won't let him out because "It's dark outside and I don't want to go outside, and it's dark". Well, I don't nessisarily (sp, sorry) want to go outside when it's dark and stuff, but since I love Alex and he needs to go out, I do. Yesterday, I didn't want to go out in the 100 degree weather and give Alex a bath because he was muddy, but because I love him and don't want him out in the heat, I went out for an hour and a half and bathed him. Eryn is 19 and is living at home for the summer. She goes to college, and is taking summer classes, but almost NEVER goes to them. My mom is about to take away her car. She can barley afford to send herself to college, and she is talking about renting an apartment and getting herself a kitten, when she has NO responsibility! I have more responsibility than she does!!!! Grrrr, she makes me soooo MAD!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Yes, I love her and all, but she takes myself and my mom for granted! I'm sorry, but I had to vent.

07-12-2003, 01:12 AM
Dont you love siblings? :rolleyes: . My sister isn't very responsible either. She expects everyone to do things for her. Okay, so shes only 11....she has to grow up sometime though! ;)

07-12-2003, 01:32 AM
isn't that what siblings are for? :rolleyes:

Alex is lucky to have you or else he'd never be able to do his "chores".

My siblings are allright. My sister's 6 and my brother's 12 (I think?). They can be immature alot but that's just because they're still young. But surprisingly, they're very good about taking care of Kai.

07-12-2003, 09:11 AM
It's funny my brother used to be a pain in the
place where you sit-and I don't mean chair;but as I got older he turned out to be the best person I know. It just takes a while to train brothers and sisters! :)

07-12-2003, 10:15 PM
I'm made at my sis right now, she has abandoned her cat with mom because she moved out with her non-working, non-educated, dumber then a door nail, 90% stoned & or drunk boyfriend that has a 1 yr old son, has been to jail, has cheated on her!! My sis just turned 18 & hes 23!! Her stupid b/f left her new bike outside & it was stolen & she now has to walk 6k to get to work!!

& she wants a Boxer!!!!