View Full Version : Heyoka's latest trick!

07-11-2003, 05:06 PM
Heyoka learned to open doors this morning. He was making an awful ruckus this morning at about 5. So I figured he wanted to come inside. He sometimes sleeps in our arctic entry. I put him in there and went back to bed. I could hear him playing and jumping around. He's a goof! About twenty minutes later, 115 pounds of dog leaps on to my bed, cats scatter in all directions and I am covered in Malamute drool!! Door to the house is wide open!!

Heyoka looked mighty pleased with himself! I was pinned underneath him so no pics!

07-11-2003, 05:38 PM
Oh! He must be very proud of himself. Not any other dog can opend the doors.:D ... and what did he firts? Let momy know!!

Only one thing scare me, we are freezing , in our mild winters, when ours (parents) dogs let the door open. How it would be in Northen Canada? :eek:
It should be a way to teach them to close the door after them. :D

07-11-2003, 05:50 PM
LOL! Clever Heyoka!

Reminds me of a dog I used to have, Blue. He used to open the back door both ways. He would let himself, and the other two, Duke and Max, in and out all the time. Then I got smart and started locking the door, but he would still check every now and then. Of course sometimes I would forget and discover dogs in when they should be out, and out when they should be in!:D
By the way, Blue was a Lab/GSD mix and a real character! :)

07-12-2003, 09:06 AM
Oh he must be very proud of himself, what a goofball:D

07-12-2003, 01:42 PM
lol Heyoka!!!

You sure outsmarted the humans this time!!!!!