View Full Version : whats the weirdest or funniest thing your dog does ? (behavior wise)

07-11-2003, 10:37 AM
whats the weirdest or funniest thing your pup does?????

my dog, sandy, bites at the air.... lol...... its like shes trying to catch a fly(which she also does sumtimes) but theres nothing there....... its like shes biting the air , lol......

also if you are standing by her, she walks over as if to say "pet me pet me" and then she lays on top of your legs so u cant move and you pet her.... lol

1 funny thing shes done before was one time she knocked over a glass bowl and broke it, and she felt bad so she comes up to me and she has her dog bowl in her mouth covering her face, and when i take it out of her mouth she has the cutest most guilty-but-feel-bad face ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so funny!

wut funny things does your dog do?:D

NYCbabi 13002
07-11-2003, 10:41 AM
Maggie Jumps on my bed.:D

07-11-2003, 10:56 AM
Mickey is just one goofball and he does one weird thing after the next. To name a few is when I blow air and he tries to catch it. He ends up following the air back to my mouth and he starts licking my face. lol He also digs up the grass a bit after he poops...he also makes growly noises to speak to us. And his favorite thing to get is a nice leg scratch. lol If you scracth his leg, he'll lift it up a bit and start strecthing it out. If you stop, he'll use his nose to point to you where he wants you to scratch. It's so cute :D

NYCbabi 13002
07-11-2003, 11:15 AM
Aww, that's cute!

07-11-2003, 11:16 AM
hmm the dogs have countless weird behaviours

clover, gets to excited to speak on command properly and just snaps her jaws together (very funny), penny (JRTx) has to sneeze before speaking on command lol, and theo well he's just one weird lil guy ~thinking~hmm oh i know when he cannot make up his mind as to wich way to "roll over"

07-11-2003, 04:31 PM
Kai takes after me...sleepy and a goofball lol. Lately, he's been trying to flip over his food dish without even touching anything. He succeeded and got his food dish into his water dish lol. Kai also sleeps with his legs and paws up. And, if you stratch his leg long enough, he'll start shaking it really weird lol. The funniest thing he does is when someone comes home, he gets all excited and starts "bowing", barking, jumping and wiggling that bum lol. He's actually poked me in the eye so many times because of that.

07-11-2003, 08:13 PM
After Teddy goes #2 on the lawn, he always wipes his bottom. He drags it acroos the lawn before he comes back inside. lol

07-12-2003, 09:04 AM
I don't know if I'd really call this weird, but when you call Angus to come to you, he'll lift his lip (kind like Elvis did:cool: ), it is sooo adorable!

Roxey, she's just a goof ball! But I think the weirdest (funniest) thing she does is when I want her to speak. She'll just hooowl:)

Huney, she's just plain weird...period! We call her our
"Freak Dog". She'll get up on Angus's bed and walk in circles for minutes at a time. Then she'll finally lay down, but will never stay on his bed for more than 30 seconds or so, I just can't understand it:confused:

07-12-2003, 01:38 PM
The only funny thing Carina does is to run in circles when she gets excited, which is not very often,;)
But I had a dog when I was very young who used to bark and jump on my father if he sneezed. Mind you, we were four in the family, mom, dad, my brother and myself, she never barked to anybody else sneezing, only dad. She also got very mad when somebody closed the ironing board, not when we opened it.:rolleyes:

07-12-2003, 06:33 PM
Rusty is really funny! Outside, when we throw a toy for him to go fetch, he'll get really excited and either run past the toy or flip over trying to get it. :rolleyes: He'll also run from us when he has a toy in an attempt to play keep away. The only time he'll surrender or stop is if we flip him over or he gets tired and plops down in the grass with his tongue hanging out of his mouth awkwardly. He smile's really funny too. Sometimes, he will run around the house with his tongue hanging out.:D

07-12-2003, 08:09 PM
The funny thing Tikeya does it whine lol, when you arnt paying attention to her, (if you are on the computer or watching a movie, she will walk right up to you and start whining and bugging you and she doesnt stop till you get up and pet her" and onther thing tikeya does is when ever anyone goes near her she will flop on her back and want belly rubs, lol it is so annoying lol. she also kicks after she pees or poops, lol it is funny, and she lifts her leg to pee and she is a female lmao.

Oscar is just a lil flop, he will bring you a toy to throw and then you throw it and he nevrr comes back he just grabs it and runs and hides. :rolleyes:. He also kicks after he pees or poops and he NEVER gives ANY warning when he has to poop he just does it, when we are going for a walk, he will just squat and poop and you will still be walking wondering why you are dragging him lol.

07-12-2003, 08:17 PM
Molly rolls on the ground after shes had a bath or comes inside the house, and makes growling noises! Its so funny! Daisy likes to play with Molly, she goes under Mollys legs and trys to make her fall down! :D

07-13-2003, 11:20 AM
omg, u guys all have such funny pups like me! its so amazing how funny they can be................... so many stories to tell right!
keep replying! thx!

07-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Max is a tart after I bathe him at moms. He'll lay on the floor with a huge THUD & he'll spin around in a circle by walking. Its kinda like a scene from the simpsons, when homer is running is circles while laying on the floor yelling woop woop woop...
Max also growls while he's spining in circles on the floor. Hes one odd dog & its so hard not to lol at him while hes doing it (if u lol he'll stop & come over).

07-14-2003, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Albea
... But I had a dog when I was very young who used to bark and jump on my father if he sneezed. Mind you, we were four in the family, mom, dad, my brother and myself, she never barked to anybody else sneezing, only dad.

LOUD Louie does this!!! If I sneeze or if anyone makes me belly laugh. We've started to call him "The Fun Police". If he's not the one making you laugh, it's just not allowed!:rolleyes:

07-14-2003, 11:59 PM
Funny or weird.....not sure which it is but, My Brandy (MinPin) when ever she get around Brock (Great Dane) she gets on anything (table/Chair etc) to get high enough so she can sniff Brock...you know where :D and then Brock can do the same.

Cannilla, my Boxer, if you say her name, no matter what she doing (in most case, not when she eating) will stop lay down and raise her leg, wanting to be scrached.

But Brandy makes us laugh almost every day she just plain nuts. when she been outside and wants in you can see her pouncing up and down at the window....then off to the door...back to the window....pounce....door, window so on till someone lets her in.

And if you stand in a door way and she not sure what room your going into she will run in and out, in and out, till you pick a room. she can do this forever if she has to. She sleeps well though...lol Wears herself out I guess running and pouncing all day. LOVE THAT DOG. :)

07-15-2003, 11:46 AM
My boys are crazy...lol...this message could go on forever. ;)

Scout is probably the most normal (and mellow) of the three...but he still has his odd habits...lol. :) Whenever we have a hose on or water goes past him, he snaps at it in the air. We always spray it up into the air and he leaps up to try and get it. The second he actually gets wet, though, or gets water in his face...he ends the game. LOL...it's so funny. He also likes to get under the covers whenever I'm in bed. He leaps up into my bed, sticks his nose under the sheets, and practically 'digs' his way underneath. Then, he turns under the covers, crawls far enough out that his head is just over the pillow, and flops right down. LOL. Aw, he's such a cutie pie. :D :D

Kodak is quite the character...lol. He has A LOT of strange behaviors...lol. Whenever someone calls his name, he stops whatever he is doing, lies down, and puts his paws over his head...his tail wagging uncontrollably :D. My brother had taught him to do it since he was a puppy, and now he ALWAYS does it (unfortunately ;))...lol. Koda also hates the vacuum cleaner...so whenever anyone turns it on...he either chases it and tries to attack it, or hides under a blanket/pillow/etc. with a paw over his muzzle.

Oh, and of course...there is crazy little Tucker. LOL. He has a shoe fetish....;) We have to either put all our shoes in the closet, or up on something high where he can't get to them. If he sees a shoe, he either barks and bites at it, or scratches at it with his paws (and if the shoe is just lying there, he takes it and hides it somewhere). LOL...whenever someone walks inside with shoes on, he instantly goes after them and pretty much attacks their feet until their shoes are gone. Ay...he's a little insane. LOL.

Aw, I love my crazy boys. :D :p :) :cool: