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07-11-2003, 09:32 AM
Cole Harbour, N.S. — As 13-year-old Sam Bernard looked down at the still body of a cat some teenagers had just hung from a tree, he remembered a demonstration of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation he had seen in school.

Then he put his mouth to the animal and brought it back to life.

Yesterday, as Sam was being hailed for his quick thinking by neighbours, police and cat aficionados, the outgoing, red-haired teenager recalled being afraid that the ginger-and-white cat would die, and of the teenagers who had abused it.

Sam said he first became aware of the cat's predicament when he was awakened by its loud meows as the teenagers were dragging it into a wooded area. Sam followed them and saw the animal hanging from a tree with a rope wrapped around its neck.

"He [the cat] was hanging from the tree for two minutes. He was scratching himself and trying to get free. And I made them [the teenagers] feel bad by telling them they shouldn't be doing that, and they let it go," Sam recalled.

"It had closed its eyes and I said, 'It's not dead,' but they [the teenagers] said it was just nerves. They were going to hit it with a piece of wood with nails in it. It was just lying there and drooling and its eyes were closed and I didn't know what to do. It wasn't moving so I blew into its mouth and pushed on its stomach and it started meowing."

Sam said the only time he had seen mouth-to-mouth resuscitation applied was during a noon-hour
demonstration at a school in the Annapolis Valley.

Ignoring the teenagers' threats that they would kill all the cats in his neighbourhood if he told anyone what happened, Sam took the animal to a friend's house and phoned the local animal shelter, where he reached an answering machine. Then he called the RCMP.

Yesterday, the RCMP charged two boys, 16 and 14, with cruelty to animals.

RCMP spokesman Constable Peter Marshall, who said such incidents of animal cruelty are rare, praised Sam's quick actions.

"It's commendable that a boy that age would do this. He deserves some recognition," he said.

The cat appeared to have recovered from its ordeal yesterday. Sam was able to hold it for a photo, but it quickly pushed its way to freedom and hid under a nearby shed.

A veterinarian has offered to care for the cat until he can find it a home.

Yesterday, people in the small, suburban Halifax neighbourhood praised Sam's resuscitation efforts and expressed anger at the cruel treatment of the animal, which had been left behind when its owners moved recently.

Sam's 12-year-old friend, Daniel Wiseman, said he first saw the animal after the incident when it had rope marks on its neck and was having trouble walking. "It probably wouldn't have lived if Sam didn't show up just when he did," Daniel said.

07-11-2003, 09:50 AM
Why do people want to hurt animals?!? It makes me so sick to hear about teenages trying to hurt or kill a helpless animal. I am glad that Sam that kid was there to help the poor cat, but it still makes me sick that anyone would especially a teenagers would want to hang a cat. For what? Because they didn't like the cat or they don't like cats in general? I'm sorry but all I can say is WTF is going through those kids minds when they were doing this?

07-11-2003, 09:51 AM
That young man is a hero , and those little tugs taht tried to kill the Cat need phsycriatic help! serial Killers always start on animals , as practice! There is so much hate in this world!

07-11-2003, 10:03 AM
I strongly believe that from cruelty to animals to cruelty to men is just one step, very small step :(

I am glad the kid was brave and reported them. More people take a stand, better the world is going to be.

07-11-2003, 10:11 AM
Way to go, Sam!!

07-11-2003, 10:17 AM
Sam is a true animal lover. We need more people like him in this world. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us.

07-11-2003, 10:17 AM
Those little #$%^&@! SHOULD be charged with animal cruelty. Why is it (no offense to the male members here) that it's almost ALWAYS boys that abuse and kill animals???? Are they trying to prove something??? I also believe that those kid's parents should be held partially responsible.

I'm glad Sam was there and saved the cat's life. I'm also thrilled that the vet offered to take care of the cat till a home can be found.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-11-2003, 10:19 AM
It must have taken a lot of courage to stand up to those horrible people! Well done to Sam....

And to the brutes - I hope one day you are bullied and get what you deserve!

07-11-2003, 10:29 AM
I've been trying to find the picture of Sam with the kitty to share with you guys. Unfortunately it is not on the website - just in the paper. But Sam really is a hero to stand up to two boys his own age. His parents must be so proud. And the kitty is a very sweet orangie with white.
I CANNOT understand what goes on in the brains of those boys when they watch a helpless animal suffering.
I also agree - the parents should be held responsible in some way - for failing to teach them compassion.
I am glad they were charged. Now they should be educated somehow about what it feel like to be

07-11-2003, 10:35 AM
I agree also the parnent should be held with some kind of responsability.

07-11-2003, 11:34 AM
What a fantastic young man Sam is, for saving the cat and standing up to those bullies.

Thanks for sharing this story.

07-12-2003, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by HayleyRosie
Sam is a true animal lover. We need more people like him in this world. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I couldn't have said it better myself. :)

07-12-2003, 01:52 AM
Wow! Way to stand up for the kitty! It would be nice if Sam got a medal or something, because that was very brave and honourable. If only there were more "Sams" in this world, it would be a much better place. Let's stop whitewashing over despicable behaviour, grouping it under the heading of "boys will be boys." Let's do away with the idea that machismo and violent behaviour is "cool," it should not even be acceptable.

Let's applaud honourable and gentlemanly behaviour in men and boys like Sam!

It may sound a little silly, but I believe it is time for men to become more "feminine" in nature. The traditional role of women has changed to the point where women are more "masculine" and are better equipped to fend for themselves. Conversely, men need to become more gentle and submissive in accordance to recent trends.

Moosmom and others - it is true, most serial murderers and rapists begin their career of evil with the torture and abuse of animals. Oh yeah, most of them are men too! Again, no offense to the kind and gentle Pet Talk Men!

07-12-2003, 01:56 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: to the cat's owners for leaving him there. I hope they find out what happened to their cat and I hope that it HAUNTS THEM FOR THE REST OF THEIR DAYS!!!!!

smokey the elder
07-12-2003, 08:40 AM
Sam gives us a glimpse of what the human species is capable of evolving to. The two perps tell us just how far we have to go. Each will reap the rewards of his actions.

07-12-2003, 11:37 AM
Thank God for Sam! The world needs more people like him!