View Full Version : Allergies

07-10-2003, 01:49 PM
Hi, I'm having a serious allergy problem. I've suffered from it all my life and for the past few years have been on the miracle drug Zyrtec and enjoying my 3 cats, 3 dogs and rabbit at home. However....as of last month my insurance no longer pays for Zyrtec (AHHHHHHH!!!!?!?!?*!@$#@l@) so now I'm forced to use Claritin which costs $1 a pill outrageous if you ask me...and it gets worse because not only is Claritin NOT a nondrowsy medicine but its just plain not working. I've been on it for a week now and all the classic watery bloodshot eyes and runny nose and CONSTANT sneezing are coming back to me every time my cat jumps in my lap. PLZ HELP!!

Has anyone had this problem? Ive found sites online where I can buy Zrytec from Canada for even cheaper than over-the-counter Claritin is here, but my sister says its illegal and i dont want to get mixed up in that... How about that allegra pill, is it any good?

Also allergy shots unfortunatly arenot an option for me boy are they expensive. Any advice would be great guys i feel so bad shoving my cat out of my lap and saying NOOO and running the other direction and sneezing and weezing all at the same time, mad craziness!

07-10-2003, 02:03 PM
I don't think it's illegal to buy from Canada, as long as you have a prescription for the drug. We have a place here that does ONLY prescriptions. It's a drive through place and they will fax your prescription to a Canadian pharmacy and the drugs are shipped to you. I don't think they'd have 2 stores in Dallas if it were illegal. I'd check into it further if I were you. :)

07-10-2003, 04:57 PM
I don't think it's illegal either. I go to Mexico all the time to buy my medication. And I don't even have a prescrpition. They usually only require one for drugs that are addictive like pain killers. When I go through customs I'm always honest and show them the medications that I have bought and they have never once said anything about it.