View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving wishes!

Dixieland Dancer
11-22-2001, 08:32 AM
Hi everyone!
I have missed talking with all of you but you are all on my mind and heart every day! :D

Dixie and Dusty are doing great. We still don't have a definite answer on the growth on Dusty's head. He is going to have a needle biopsy done a week from today. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers.

The 9 pups who lost their mom a few weeks ago have turned a corner and are all going to survive. They are so precious. They are all little miracles and testimonies to the love that people show through their dogs. The two lab momma's that have taken over caring for them are still doing a remarkable job! At first it was hard to tell the Golden pups from the lab pups but now that they are getting older it is very easy to tell. I have to get some pictures of them all together and post it. It is a beautiful site!

Dusty's dad (Sonic) has fathered another litter of pups a few days ago and two of the pups were twins. They were in the same sac with the same umbilical cord so they are IDENTICAL TWINS! :eek: Here is a picture of the litter. They are the two little ones (front under moms leg and laying on top of momma). It would be great to find a home for them both to go too! Probably won't happen though since all the pups were spoken for before they were even born. :rolleyes: These pictures were taken shortly after they were all born.


HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! :) You are in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your turkey and give the furkids a hug from me.

11-22-2001, 09:11 AM
Dixie, that picture made my Thanksgiving so happy, can there be anything more beautiful than that sweet Golden with the puppies. I am so glad they all survived and I had never heard of twin dogs before. Shows how much I know. I'm glad you stopped in, and glad Dixie and Dusty are doing well, I hope the biopsy turns out negative on Dusty. Please give Dixie and Dusty a big hug and kiss from Daisy, Perry and me and a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL.

11-22-2001, 09:53 AM

Thanks for checking in with us! I have missed you so much and it was a great gift to get an update from you today. I love the picture. It is sooo cute. That would have been great if the twins could go to the same home. Maybe the two people adopting them can get together often so they could play :)

11-22-2001, 12:16 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
It was nice to hear from you--hope all is well and you have a great-great howl-a-day!


Golden Smiles
11-22-2001, 01:39 PM
:D Candace~ It was so good to see your post!! I'm glad all is well with you! Thank God all the orphan babies are doing so well!! And the picture you posted is just precious!! TWINS......how neat, i have never experienced that!! Take care....Happy Thanksgiving!! Don't forget to eat too much!! LOL

11-22-2001, 09:59 PM
Dixieland Dancer....What a precious picture! Just wait until Logan and Staci see those sweeties!!! I am so glad to hear that the other little orphaned puppies are going to be OK. Thanks for the update! We'll keep fingers and paws crossed for Dusty's biopsy!

Golden Smiles...I would love to hear more about how little Mocha is doing and PICTURE PLEASE if you have any more. :)

11-22-2001, 10:46 PM
Candance... thanks sincerely for checking in and for the gorgeous photo! TWINS? WOW! You learn something new everyday! Hope your Thanksgiving day was loving and kind to you and that you enjoyed every morsel! Take good care! Karen & Cody

11-23-2001, 09:15 AM
Oh I am so sorry that I missed your post, Dixieland :( I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving and I am so glad that you checked in with us. I miss hearing from you. That pic is SO adorable...look at those little golden bundles of love, and what a pretty mom! I had never heard of twin puppies before, that's really neat :)

Take care and please check in more often if you are able to.

11-23-2001, 09:36 AM
Dixie land, so happy to hear everything is going ok with you. Love the pic of mother dog & pups!!
We have missed your postings but, great that you could stop in anyway. And you are a strong person to openly say what you had to do. Don't ever think you are weak.
Keep in touch ;)

Daisy's Mom
11-23-2001, 04:37 PM
Oh I miss you and your beautiful babies so much! I am glad your Thanksgiving went well. I pray for Dusty's lump a lot. I hope it turns out to be nothing, like Daisy's was. What adorable puppies! Give them all kisses for me. Keep in touch!

11-24-2001, 07:47 PM
So glad to hear all is going well.
Glad the pups are doing good!!
Keegan is GROWING!!

11-24-2001, 10:20 PM
If you read this.....that picture just grabbed my heart. Thanks so much for sharing it. I am truly happy that all of those puppies are thriving, thanks to those wonderful labbie mothers. :D

It is certainly good to hear from you too. Hope your holiday was a good one. We miss you. :)
