View Full Version : hot water heaters

07-10-2003, 11:41 AM
can explode VERY hot water, if yours is old you might want to have it checked. I have had that happen before, luckily I was no where near it. but in this house it is off the kitchen near the living room, in a closet, in an area that the cats or me could get burned if it were to do that,while walking by so I am having someone come out to check it. I have that american home shield, so I have o only pay(only yeah right)$45.00 but I;m afraid if I don't the cats will get hurt when I'm gone.

07-10-2003, 12:16 PM
Thanks for letting us know. Our house is only 4 years old so I don't think our water heater is old at all yet. :p

Ps. Just wondering, are you marysmerrycats.........aka, toughcookie? Since your signature says marysmerrycats.............:)

07-10-2003, 12:28 PM
My hot water heater is getting fixed today. :) Hopefully...

07-10-2003, 01:29 PM
well they also have to be emptied occasionally I think, maybe emptied is not right, but I know they need something done to them from time to time, just to let you know so there are no accidents....my house is 20 odd yrs old and if the condition some other things were in are any indication, it could likely happen.

yes I'm marymerrycats.

07-10-2003, 02:06 PM
;) Actually, there is no such thing as a *hot water heater* as hot water doesn't need to be heated. It's just a *water heater* ;) ;) :D:D:D

--an OOOOLLLDDD joke of my Dad's ;)

07-10-2003, 03:39 PM
tomato tomawwto! the point was the warning.

07-10-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
;) Actually, there is no such thing as a *hot water heater* as hot water doesn't need to be heated. It's just a *water heater* ;) ;) :D:D:D

--an OOOOLLLDDD joke of my Dad's ;)

That sounds like something my dad would have said! :D LOL! There also used to be a commercial for Maxwell House coffee years ago and it said "Good to the last drop." My Dad always wondered why the last drop wasn't good. :D Corny guy!

07-10-2003, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Pam
That sounds like something my dad would have said! :D LOL! There also used to be a commercial for Maxwell House coffee years ago and it said "Good to the last drop." My Dad always wondered why the last drop wasn't good. :D Corny guy!

Hahaha yup that sounds like a joke my dad would like too! :)