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View Full Version : Update on the evil woman at the shelter...

07-10-2003, 01:22 AM
Well, after I complained to the woman who told me that shelter needed volunteers, she gave me the volunteer coordinator's home phone number. :)

I was going to wait a bit and then call her.

But....she called me today! She apoligized and said my application was on the desk of that horribly rude woman for the past two weeks!! I could tell she was mad... GOOD!!!

Seems like the whole opinion on volunteers there isn't too great when viewed by the paid staff. I have to "learn" what to do tomorrow with another volunteer. If I go when there aren't any volunteers to shadow, she said to leave...that the staff would basically make me do their job!

Nice shelter!!!!

07-10-2003, 07:30 AM
ARgh, Pixel just walked on my keyboard!

That was nice of her to ring ... obviously, human decency is a rarity amongs the public servants of your town! How slack are the full-time employees? :mad: :mad:

Are you going to go on and volunteer?

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-10-2003, 09:27 AM
I hope that it works out there once you get trained. Maybe you can figure out a time to go when that rude woman isn't there so you can avoid her. Good luck!

07-10-2003, 11:52 PM
Uhhh, I'm not sure how to ask this politely, so I'll blurt it out and ask you to convert it to polite yourself. :o

For your health sake, aren't you trying to cut down on stress right now? From what little you've said about this new shelter, it looks like you'll be ADDING stress here, not cutting back. Maybe this isn't the right time/place for you to be. Think about it and pray about before you commit. I don't want you tackling more than you can physically cope with. Worried about you... :eek: :confused: :(