View Full Version : Thankful...

07-09-2003, 10:17 PM
After reading that recent post by Aguu (entitled 'How Could You'), it really made me think about just how much I really love my boys. After tonight, I couldn't be more convinced.

My boyfriend and I got in a fight earlier this afternoon...causing me to come home in tears and basically lock myself in my room for the remainder of the evening (I hate how boys can do that :rolleyes:). Anyway, after ten minutes or so, I heard one of the dogs scratch on my door. Surprise, surprise...it was Scout, my sensitive buddy that is always there to comfort me. :)

He came right in, plopped down on my bed, gave me some little doggy-kisses, and put his head right in my lap. He laid with me for a couple of hours, while I rubbed his head and swore off boys for the rest of my life (lol...right ;)). I have no idea how, but Scout somehow helped me gather up whatever courage I had and call my boyfriend. Thanks to Scout and his loyalty, compassion, and constant companionship, I was able to patch things up with Joel (my boyfriend).

I know this may not sound like a lot (and maybe it doesn't make any sense to a single person that reads this), but it's just all the little things that Scout does that really makes me appreciate each day I have him. As much as I hate to pick favorites and actually name them, I can honestly say that Scout is my angel. Don't get me wrong, I love Tucker and Kodak...but there's just something about Scout that makes me smile.

I just want everyone to understand how special their four-legged (or two-legged, for that matter) friend really is. Please, don't take them for granted. One day, they will be gone...and please don't wait until that mournful day to let your loyal friend know how much you care. :)

This fit all too well, and I can't help but share it with you. :)

Member of the Family
by Hope Harrington Kolb

"What would I do without you,
My precious, furry friend?...
Part mischief, but all blessing,
And faithful to the end!

"You look at me with eyes of love,
You never hold a grudge...
You think I'm far too wonderful
To criticize or judge.

"It seems your greatest joy in life
Is being close to me...
I think God knew how comforting
Your warm, soft fur would be.

"I know you think you're human,
But I'm glad it isn't true...
The world would be a nicer place
If folks were more like you!

"A few short years is all we have;
One day we'll have to part...
But you, my pet, will always have
a place within my heart."

07-09-2003, 10:22 PM
Thats a very nice poem. :)

07-09-2003, 10:26 PM
Thats a very nice poem.

:) :) :)

I know, I fell in love with it the second I read it...it just fit all too perfectly.

07-09-2003, 10:29 PM
Thats a lovely poem! Thats one of the reasons I love my fur babies! I love all my animals, but I have a special relationship with Daisy. Now dont get me wrong, I love Molly and my other pets to pieces, but there just something about that little golden girl that puts a smile on my face. :) . She comforted me through the horrible times I have been having lately, if I didnt have her, god knows what I would have done. Whenever I've had a rough day, shes always a shoulder I can cry on..I feel blessed to have her. Shes my angel.

07-09-2003, 10:36 PM
What a beautiful poem--thank you for sharing!!
I'm glad you got everything worked out with the bf!!

I know how special my 3 angels are--I never leave the house or go to bed without telling them that, and giving them a big hug and kiss. They make my life complete!!

PS--It's ok to have a favorite, as long as the others don't know;)

07-09-2003, 10:40 PM
PS--It's ok to have a favorite, as long as the others don't know

LoL. I hope so...I'm trying to keep it on the down-low. LoL. ;)

I love all my animals, but I have a special relationship with Daisy. Now dont get me wrong, I love Molly and my other pets to pieces, but there just something about that little golden girl that puts a smile on my face. . She comforted me through the horrible times I have been having lately...I just feel blessed to have her. She truley is my angel.

Daisy is such a beautiful and happy girl...I can easily understand why you feel that way about her. :)

07-09-2003, 10:42 PM
Thanks. :) Scout is a gorgeous boy. :)

07-09-2003, 11:28 PM
I know exactly how you feel.

For the past couple years i've been very depressed. I've thought of many ways to end it all. Honestly, If I did not have my dog Simba, I would have ended my life.

I said this is AIM chat with some Pet Talkers, I said "Simba is my big box of tissues, and he never runs out."

Simba is my absolute love. I will NEVER find anyone, human or creature- anything, to fill my heart as much as he has.
I love Nala as well, but Simba is so much more. Nala is just a little puppy, and i'm sure one day our bond will be great but, not as great as Simba and I.

I don't know how I ever lived without him or how I ever will when it is his time. I'm just greatful to have my time with him and be able to share our love.

As much as I love my dogs.. it's completely confusing to me as to how people can still continue to hate dogs. They are wonderful animals and I do not see my life without one in the future.

Without Simba, I wouldn't have a life. He is my life.

07-10-2003, 11:00 AM
"Simba is my big box of tissues, and he never runs out."

Wow...I don't think anyone could have worded that any better. That's so amazingly true. Ah, time to wipe me eyes...LOL. :o

07-10-2003, 06:26 PM
Lovely poem-reminds me of something I read -the reason dogs don't live as long as humans-If they did humans would die of grief from missing them when they died-we would become too too attached.

07-10-2003, 07:40 PM
When I am feeling low, I turn to my dogs for
comfort, (even before my own husband).
I can not imagine life with-out a dog or a pet
that loves you back.

07-10-2003, 11:02 PM
We were just talking about this a work the other day, and my friend brought up a quote she had read somewhere....it was something th elines of your pets being the only "person" in your life you have never wished dead. That may be a little extreme, but you get the point :)

I hear people talk about their once in a lifetime dogs, or their heart dogs. I thinki got three once in a lifetime dogs all at once!!! Sadie is my girl. She and I bonded from the frist time I held her and she curled herself around my neck. Cincy is my baby and my clown. She makes me laugh no matter what. And Spot is just a love. He is our protector and a goof! He is so happy to be here and be alive you can't help but be happy too!