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View Full Version : Lily's Vet Visit

07-09-2003, 05:30 PM
I just recently got back from the vet with Lily to get her second shots.

Well .. as soon as I walked in the door the staff were going crazy over her! They couldn't get over how adorable she was! hehe She didn't seem to mind it there at all .. she wasn't trembling, she was eating her treats, and was even playing! She's such a good girl.

Then we went to the doctor .. we couldn't take her temperature. She wasn't going to let that happen. Then the needle came .. one attempt completely failed. She got an assistant and gave her the needle..and the screams that she let out was the worse I ever heard from her!! I couldn't believe it .. poor thing she didn't like that at all! After it was done she was fine though. :D And she had her first ride on the Metrobus :)

She was a very very good girl on her first visit, and got lots of compliments from everyone that saw her!

07-09-2003, 05:38 PM
Aww poor baby didn't like that big bad needle did you sweetheart. Don't blame you one bit.
Hope you got special treats for being a good girl otherwise.

Steffi N
07-09-2003, 06:12 PM
Darling Lily, how could the vet clinic staff not think you were one of the most adorable kitties they had ever seen. I'm sorry too that that big needle had to bite you, but your new mommie wants you to stay healthy. I also hope you got extra treats afterward for being such a good girl.
PS. How did you like the Metrobus? :)

07-09-2003, 11:38 PM
Aww Lily girl, its for your own health, honey. You be good next time :)

Johanna - Were they scruffing her tightly when they were doing it? She yelped when she had her first shots and temperature taken here but I was scruffing her so we were able to still get it done. And she let the vet tech scruff her once also.

Maybe you can try scruffing her a lot at home and getting her used to poking and proding, having ears checked, etc. That way when she's a big girl, she won't be impossible to control. What a silly little thing she is :) I bet she keeps you on your toes, hahaha!

07-10-2003, 07:17 AM
Hi Lily,

Its Pixel here. I don like the whit coats either, but you jus gotta sit there and let em stick that cold thing up your bee-hind and thn you hafta sit reel stil and let them stick the hurty ting into your bak. The soona they do it, the soona you go home and hav treats.

Love and hedbumpies


07-10-2003, 04:30 PM
Hi Lily! Here's Luna. I can understand very well how awful the vet and the shots must have been for you! It's the same here, I hate going there and NO WAY I would let them take my temperature! Can you believe they gave me an enema twice? So believe me, I know what I'm talking about!

Hope you've settled in well in your new home and with your new brother...

Luna ,,,^..^,,,

07-10-2003, 04:44 PM
Awww poor little Lily! We humans don't like things stuck up our butts so I can imagine how you must hate it. It's for your own good and after it's all over you'll be soo happy....

no butt's about it.....:D :D