View Full Version : How many cats sleep with you??

07-09-2003, 04:16 PM
Out of the cats you have, who all sleep with you? Where?

Noah: on my pillow or not at all
Noel: right under my butt, if my legs are bent :o
Basie: he loves to lay right next to us, at shoulder length. He switches between sides of the bed...gotta be fair, you know. :)
Livvy: always, always, always sleeps with us. Either at the foot of the bed, on my pillow or on my side. She also likes sleeping ON David's legs.
Micah: he likes to sleep where Noel does, or just against me.
Hermoine: she seems to have to lay against us, wherever that may be. I've awaken many times to her between my legs. :o :o

So...where do your furkids sleep when they sleep on the bed with you?

07-09-2003, 04:22 PM
Max - always right next to my pillow so his whiskers tickle my face.
Speckles - only when Max lets her on the bed which is not often. If on the bed she's down on the opposite corner by my feet.

07-09-2003, 04:31 PM
Just one!

07-09-2003, 04:36 PM
Georgie often sleeps curled around my head, cheek to cheek with me. My baby boy. :D

Milly only sleeps on the bed, when we are out of it !!! but she loves sleeping on the floor of our room, backed against a wall.

Milo & Treacle sometimes sleep on our bed but not since the kits arrived. :(

Milo sleeps over our legs and he is heavier than he looks !! He bite me once when I moved him.

Treacle likes to sleep between my ankles, head on one tail/bum on the other.

Bramble & Tigs usually run up & down lots but when they sleep, they fight for space on the pillows.

07-09-2003, 04:41 PM
Sid - always out of reach. He does not like to snuggle but sometimes likes to sleep at the foot of the bed.

Jan - once in a while. Although I'm not the prefered human, my husband is. She likes to snuggle with him.

Joxer - he's my love boy. He likes to come in at 3:00am to see if he can wake me up. He's a purring machine and will sleep right on top of me.

My RB boy, Quincy, used to sleep ON my face. I really miss that.:(

Miss Meow
07-09-2003, 05:09 PM
It's cold at night so they all line themselves down the middle of the bed, which would be OK if they didn't steal all the quilt.

07-09-2003, 06:48 PM
Sammy will usually sleep at the foot of the bed
Romeo has to be touching me somehow, and it is pretty much always my head or face. He will sleep on the same pillow as me,
either above my head, or sometimes under my neck like a kitty scarf!:)
And of course Romeo still does his nightly kneading ritual, which I have learned to love! My little darlin'!:D

Felicia's Mom
07-09-2003, 09:50 PM
Mine sleep with me only in cold weather. I am usually on my side

and Felicia lays on my ankles. Beau is under the covers in back of

my knees.

07-09-2003, 10:21 PM
Two cats. Mitzi does her "kneading ritual" with me when I get into bed -- she climbs up onto my chest and just kneads away, sometimes patting my lips with her paws. Then she goes to sleep at the foot of the bed. Sometimes I have kitty book-ends (bed ends?) with one cat on each corner of the bed. Other times Mishi sleeps on or just below the pillow next to me. Mitzi will sometimes surprise me and climb up onto my chest and go to sleep there, but it's not a regular thing. I wish it were .

The Cat Factory
07-09-2003, 10:59 PM
Peppurr, Zeus and Rascal sleep with me :D Zeus sleeps under the covers, and Rascal and Peppurr both sleep right beside my head :)

07-09-2003, 11:41 PM
Skylar: under the covers pressed up by my side with his chin resting on my stomach :)

Shiloh: on my chest sometimes. Other times she'll be curled up on one side of my head

And 2 DAWGS also sleep with me:

Reece: under the covers between my legs

Lolly: pressed up on my left side

*Needless to say I have back and neck pain every day from not being able to move in my sleep :eek:*

07-10-2003, 07:09 AM
If Ali sleeps w/ us, it's either at the end of the bed or on top of one of us. But she hardly ever sleeps w/ us. I find that she really only will sleep on the bed when I go to bed before my husband. Once he comes up she jumps down....it's like he's invading her territory or something :rolleyes:

Jack is always sleeping w/ us. He is 99.9% of the time sleeping curled up w/ me. His favorite spot is on the lower half of my body...if I'm sleeping on my side he is curled up in the crook of my legs...if I'm sleeping on my stomach, he is curled up in between my legs. He very seldom will curl up on my pillow laying halfway on my head :D

07-10-2003, 08:10 AM
Tigger sleeps between Mark's and my shoulders. She has to have her head on at least one persons pillow.

Smokey stays at Mark's feet if he sleeps on the bed with us. If he is not on the bed he is in the other room on his pillow.

Tucker does not sleep with us. She has become very grouchy as she has aged (16 yrs old) and will not tolerate any other cat next to her.

Mystic is usually on my feet.

Abner sleeps on the left side right next to my face. I usually end up with his tail in my face. It either tickles my nose or I end up with it in my mouth.

My RB baby Tony used to sleep under the covers on my left side.
Tobias my other RB baby would sleep right between my legs.

I must say that with a queen bed it tends to be very snug sleeping accomidations, but that's OK, I would not want it any other way.

07-10-2003, 10:07 PM
Both my cats enjoy sleeping downstairs in the lounge, as its the warmest place to be , as we have had the heating on before going to bed, but they will, when they choose sleep on the end of the bed at the bottom, not together, neither are cats who will sleep up close near your face or in the bed, which because of my allergy is probably just as well.

07-10-2003, 11:54 PM
*sniffle* Because of Cupcake's lizard-eating habits she's not allowed to sleep in my room. :( She killed my last bearded dragon, and while I don't blame her for my mistake of leaving her the opportunity, I'm not going to make that mistake twice!

She USED to sleep curled around the top of my head, or occasionally right across my neck! 0.o

07-11-2003, 12:01 AM
Raven sleeps next to my side. She is so cute because she tiptoes on the bed. She's totally stays quiet all night.

Ron, on the other hand...I lock his butt in the computer room at night. He is the rudest cat at night time! He'll trample over you all night long (he weighs 15 lbs). He's sharpen his claws on our laundry hamper, meow, scratch at the walls, move the blinds, you name it.

Heather Wallace
07-11-2003, 03:57 AM
None, both cats sleep down stairs. I used to have them sleep with me but having asthma, I find it much better is the upstairs of the house is animal free.

L. Wayne
07-11-2003, 04:41 AM
Now that it is summer time, most of the 9 kittens sleep with me. the older cats sleep in cooler places, such as in windowsills, and on the floor next to a fan. When the weather turns cooler, this coming October. I suspect that there will be more furkids on the bed with me.

Midnight is usually sleeping near my head, and likes to cuddle and purr. I suppose that he will sleep with me under the covers when it gets colder. Tabby constantly kisses my all over my face, in fact, sometimes she wakes me up with her affection. Snowball, is another affectionate kitten who will sleep next to me and will, like Tabby (Tabitha) will begin to kiss me all over my face and arms. Tippee usually sleeps at the foot of the bed. Sammy cat sleeps in between my legs. Summer and Solstice often sleeps with me at my side. Jumper and Callie if they sleep with me, will usually do so at my side. The only adult who often sleeps with me at the foot of the bed, is Chrissie.


07-11-2003, 06:07 AM
Amber-always on Charlie's side
Jasper-at charlie's feet
Jim-snuggled up to me
Kim-various places
Lucas-foot of bed
Monte-he rotates turns between near Charlie and near me
Sterling-foot of bed
Willow-no (well occasionally by my side for a tiny while)

So that means always at least 3 but up to 8 (or 9 if Willow takes his turn)

07-11-2003, 01:43 PM

none, at the moment.

i moved furniture around and Eddie HAS to sleep in the new areas he finds....Last night it was so hot
he climbed on a steel folding chair and spent the night on it.

THAT TICKS ME OFF...because when i look for him in the 'regular' places, he's not there, i panic - until i find him......

07-12-2003, 02:02 AM
Pixel spends most nights on the bed or at least in the bedroom. She's a little ball of energy, so she usually runs around. Ocasionally, she'll be snuggled right up, but she usually sleeps between legs or between us. She also gets under the covers some times!

07-12-2003, 04:38 PM
Storm will usually sleep at the foot of the bed. He'll sometimes cuddle up with me too. :)
Sunny will sometimes sleep beside me and will also sometimes cuddle up with me. :)
Cirrus has never slept on the bed with me in it. He prefers to sleep on the cat condo in my room.
Sky has slept next to me before but then Storm and Sunny chased him off the bed so he hasn't done it since. :(

Most of the time all 4 cats will end up sleeping some where in my room. They love their box beds and kitty condo. They'll even sleep on the floor. :)

07-12-2003, 05:10 PM
Since its winter, Bastet crawls under the blankets and sleeps in the crook of my back. In summer she sleeps on her Padd's bed.

07-13-2003, 10:09 AM
I have thre Cat Beds on my bed so I dont roll over unto them. with back pain , I can be a restless sleeper. Michael and Diane like to lie beside me , and Sam , like the late Mr.Scrappy likes to lie on my chest!

07-13-2003, 01:40 PM
ms polly sleeps my my head
hank sleeps on my headboard
carl sleeps at my feet

3 kittys total who sleep with me :D

07-13-2003, 10:27 PM
it is pretty much a battle of who can get under the covers with me first,......then the "great pile on" begins. i couldn't ask for a better good nite story:D :D :D

07-13-2003, 10:29 PM
Corkscrew likes to sleep at the foot of the bed. Tibby likes to sleep on the pillow, but usually I end up pushing her off. Because she likes to bat at my eyelids when they twitch and it's hard to sleep with her slapping my face. So usually she jumps on and off the bed all night but most of the time she ends up curled next to Corkscrew at the foot of the bed.