View Full Version : brushing my pet

07-09-2003, 04:03 PM
I would LOVE to be able to brush my dear little calico kitty, Julie...But she absolutely, positively will NOT let me! I am less worried about the plentiful hairs that she leaves around my apartment than I am about the fact that she also ingests quite a bit of this hair and thus has to deal with hairballs from time to time. She does let me pet her frequently, and I try to sweep off as much loose hair as possible at those times. So I ended up voting NO on this particular poll...

Interestingly, although Julie won't tolerate ANY type of procedure (like nail clipping, pilling, etc.) when done by me, she will accept it from other people, like vet techs and groomers. Thank goodness for that!

What about everyone else? How do their pets fare?

Take care, MARTHA

07-09-2003, 11:51 PM
My cat hates to be brushed. But there are times, when, the fur must be brushed, mats must be reomved, toe nails must be clipped, and she must put up with it. So I have my mom hold her down while I do it -- carefully, I'm afraid of those nails that need to be clipped ;)

My rats would never sit still for it, even if they needed to be brushed. I have a soft brush for a baby that I give them a quick wipe down with,but nithing major.

My dog Timber is alright, but she's often too rowdy and tried to play. She will nip at my hands if I brush a sensitive area.

And Leather, my most well behaved baby, sits like a queen and LOVES to be brushed. Exhilerating for her.

07-10-2003, 03:13 AM
Kai puts up with anything mommy does...but not from other people lol. He's an angel for me when I'm brushing him so the daily brushings aren't a problem. He gets his nails clipped a wee bit every week so he's fairly use to it now. The only thing that he's a bit iffy about is getting his ears cleaned. He use to mouth me but now...he'll sit there nicely with an impatient look on his face lol.

07-11-2003, 06:27 AM
When I brush Ringo he thinks I'm playing but he calms down , the cruddy thing is when I'm done brushing him he shakes off so his hair looks unbrushed again:rolleyes: He is really hard to deal with when I'm cleaning his eye goobies though, once he was sooo out of hand my friend had to hold him down (while I cleaned his eyes) which is insane considering he was 3 pounds at that time:eek: :rolleyes: Ringo can really put up a fight;)

07-11-2003, 04:28 PM
Ever try a grooming glove? it brushes the beasties while you stroke them, it's available in really smooth for short hair and a bit rough for longer hair.The terriers loved it-they liked the rubbing and attention-they hated!!! being brushed-so the grooming glove was fantastic-they're available at most pet supply stores.

07-12-2003, 03:42 AM
I was going to say try a grooming glove, they work good at removing dirt dandriff and hair! I dont personally have one Nut I want one lol. My cat alwasy gets matts and he is come and go come and go, *outside cat* my brother never brushes him because he stinks. :rolleyes:, so me and My mom have to cut out mats and stuff all the time which is very painful for our kittie, he has very long hair to. My brother is so irresponsible thats why he doesnt have any pets but a cat that hardy is ever home. and when he does come home I end up having to feed him. :mad: sorry atarted to vent there. :rolleyes:

07-12-2003, 06:04 PM
ohhh maybe I should try a grooming glove? Oh well...I'd still have to use brushes regardless...I have a few different brushes for different things

07-31-2003, 07:52 PM
Buddy LOVES to be brushed and Sierra HATES it!!!

08-05-2003, 03:10 PM
Griz loves to be brushed. Puff is okay with being brushed, it depends on whether he wants attention.

08-05-2003, 03:19 PM
Tibby loves being brushed, but she WON'T tolerate anything else like clipping her nails or letting me brush her teeth. Corkscrew is the opposite, I can cut his nails and brush his teeth but he will not let me brush him. Sometimes I can brush him for a few seconds while he's asleep and I get a little bit of loose hair off of him.