View Full Version : Gross!

07-08-2003, 09:31 PM
I was outside with Mickey and my parents. My dad callled Mickey over and whenever he does that, Mick gets so excited he wags his tail and starts to smile. This time he didn't and we saw him slurp something up. I figured it was a rock so I opened his mouth and forced it out of him. It dropped into my hand and I smiled and said proudly, "I knew it, it was a rock!" I look down and see this huge, disgusting flying beetle who was just looking at me with his feet moving like crazy. I was like :eek: and started screaming. lol I was so disgusted. My dad killed it and I ran to give Mickey a breath buster. (minty cookie) My mom was just like, "And you give him kisses" I was like :o

I can still feel it in my hand. :shudders:

So gross lol...anyone else have a bug-eating dog? (Just to add, Mickey should really stick to small bugs. how the heck was he gonna swallow that thing? :p)

07-08-2003, 09:53 PM
Oh yeah, Chester eats EVERYTHING that moves, creeps, slithers, flies, crawls or jumps!!! Ewwww!! We have these spiders here called Wolf Spiders. Their name implies it all. He attacks those things, but if I see him near one, I scream bloody murder and he leaves it alone so I can kill it. Sorry to any spider lovers, but if it's in my house it dies! :eek:

So this beetle was big enough for you to think it was a rock?? Wow!! :eek: You guys have some big beetles up there!!!!

07-08-2003, 10:16 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: Oh...what a tramatizing day eh?

Kai likes to eat...period. He once ate a small worm and decided to give me a kiss before I could react and hold him off. :o

07-09-2003, 09:26 AM
anyone else have a bug-eating dog?

Omg lol Just this morning I was eating breakfast and Ringo was laying on he rug I leaned over to see what he was doing and he was watching this beetle crawl by (he was so cute just watchin him so innocently). A few minutes later I hear a crunching noise I lean over and the beetle is gone! LoL I was like "Ringo, you ate your little friend, now noone will wanna play with you because you might eat them" LOL, Ringo's a little stinker sometimes :D :) ;)

07-09-2003, 09:37 AM
lol :D

Originally posted by micki76
So this beetle was big enough for you to think it was a rock?? Wow!! :eek: You guys have some big beetles up there!!!!

Yeah it was prety big, but it's also because I have these small rocks on the side of my house. I thought it was that.

lol I know what you mean about killing them off for you. One morning Mickey was just staring at the floor and not moving. My mom came over and saw this bee on the floor. He was watching it for us. lol

NYCbabi 13002
07-09-2003, 11:11 AM
That is gross. I have a similar story, but I almost ate a cockroach thinking it was a chip :eek: Thank god, I felt it moving then realizing it was definetly NOT a chip!!!:rolleyes: :eek: Then I let it crawl all around my apartment, Geez how stupid can one person get :rolleyes: ?

07-09-2003, 11:42 AM
Kia was 'hunting' moths last night. ;)

07-09-2003, 01:14 PM
Yuck, thank goodness you got it out of his mouth-some of those bugs can be poisonous-did you know they actually use ground up beetles in lipstick to make it glossy and shimmery! There are good beetles-I just prefer them away from me!!:p

07-09-2003, 01:53 PM
I don't own any dogs at the moment but my cats loooovvveee crunchies:D


07-09-2003, 02:03 PM
Star never seems that interested, my cat is our flying insect catcher, and my beardie LOVES pill bugs!

07-09-2003, 02:30 PM
Kodak LOVES bugs...and anything, for that matter. He'll eat the first thing he sees...whether it's edible or not. He was rolling around in the grass one day, and I went over to him so I could bring him inside. Ew...the second I saw him, there was this little thing dangling from his mouth. When he got close enough to jump up and give me his slobbery kisses, I saw that it was a worm. Yuck, he swallowed it just in time to avoid dropping it on me...LoL...and then proceeded to cover my cheek in his spit and worm juice. :eek: :eek: :eek:

07-09-2003, 03:07 PM

07-09-2003, 04:09 PM
ha ha that is too funny, tikeya likes to go after mothes and bees, and flys !! she can never catch them though, she is also very interested in the common earth worm lol. Oscar eats them :eek: it is discusting!!!! my dogs get the same treats as Micky!! :D the breath Busters!! :D.

07-09-2003, 04:23 PM
OMG!! That`s soooo gross! The only thing wierd that Bailey eats is cat poop. PJ doesn`t eat anything weird. Ohhhhh! JHe like tomatoes but he doesn`t like raw meat.

07-09-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Denyce
I don't own any dogs at the moment but my cats loooovvveee crunchies:D



That made me shiver!!!!!

My dogs looooove bugs--especially Riley!!! He just watches flies or bees fly around outside, and if something lands, he thinks it's a snack!! Abbey follows them around on the ground, and Kito really likes moths!!!

07-09-2003, 04:42 PM
The other day I was looking at a lady bug on a leaf. I showed Timber, and she slurped it up. lol

I don't like breath busters because the carry carcinogenic preservatives called bht bha. http://www.addisondogs.com/addisons/subadpgs/dietnutr.html