View Full Version : My dog is CRAZY!

05-17-2001, 12:22 AM
Can anyone else relate to this....?

Maddie likes to play "I dare you to come and get me" when she gets into trouble. It's like she is fearless! Tonight she dumped over the freshly filled water bowl all over the floor and tried to drag to bowl out thru the doggie door. As I get mad and tell her to go outside she does and then as soon as I turn around she peaks her head thru the doggie door as if she is asking "Are you sure you want me outside?" So I turn around and shoe her outside again... this went on 3 times. Finally she darts thru the doggie door over the furniture and acts like she is a cat (ya know, when they race like lightening thru the house like they are chasing a ghost) and won't let me catch her! As soon as I take a step towards her she darts the other direction! How in the world am I supposed to punish! I don't know whether to blow up or laugh my ass off!



05-17-2001, 06:14 AM
I know, I know. Hannah has a routine where when she is outside she barks to come in. I get up and go open the door for her and she then turns around and leaves the deck. I call her and she won't come...just stands there looking at me. I go back to doing whatever and again she barks and barks. I go to the door and the same thing, she leaves the deck. I have deduced that she really doesn't want to come in, but this is her way of trying to get me to come out. But my going out cannot be at her beck and call. Lately I have been trying the 1-2-3 routine that some people use on their children. She barks at the door. I go and call her. Then I count to 3 slowly. If she doesn't come by the count of 3, I shut the door and ignore her for awhile. This actually has started to work as she now frequently comes in when I start the count.

karen israel
05-17-2001, 10:40 AM
Wow Rach! You out-clevered the little imp huh? That's why I HATE when researchers and doctors say dogs don't reason like we do..Could've fooled me! Hannah knows EXACTLY what she's doing! (LOL! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif)Great techinique which I will steal from you when needed! Definitely like little human kids! You'll have to get her to sit in the corner!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-17-2001, 11:05 AM
Rocky used to go the back door and whine. So I'd get out of my chair (where I was very comfortable) to let him out. As soon as I opened the patio doors he'd run the other way. It didn't bother me too much. I think he did it when he felt I was ignoring him. It drove my husband crazy though!!! I'm so glad that Hans never picked up this habit!

05-17-2001, 11:13 AM
Daisy has been doing this for a while,
our back door is loose and she found out she could take her paw and bang on the door and make plenty of noise. At first I thought someone was knocking at the door and went to look and there was Daisy sitting there with Perry behind her. If you don't get up and let them in she just knocks louder and louder. This used to happen in the morning now it goes on any time of the day that she is outside more than a half hour. To be honest we just sit and have our coffee and just laugh.

Daisy's Mom
05-17-2001, 06:27 PM
Yup, I can relate to that! When Daisy wants to come in she jumps into the chair we have set up below my computer room window and she'll stare at me and whine until I get up and go let her in. However, she also likes for me to think she's big and tough, so sometimes when I open the door, she puts on a big show, barking at nothing, and she runs into the yard to chase some imaginary monster. I think she gets insulted when I shut the door and go back inside, and when she comes up to the window and I open the door again, she slinks in, in a snit.

05-17-2001, 07:10 PM
Doggie Mom...Dumping over her water dish got my attention. Boy can I relate! Thanks to our new Pet List I quickly looked up info about Maddie. (Age: a little over a year.) As I was reading I thought "she must be a puppy!" She sounds very much like Bella with her actions. Gee, I thought that by the time Bella was a little over a year old this would stop! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Bella also loves taking things from the small trash cans in the house (without lids). It is a game now and she is quick!! When she has retrieved what she wants she literally prances through the house, tail up straight and haughty as can be, looking over her shoulder like she is saying nah nah nah nah nah!! She does the same thing at the door too. Rachel you have hit it on the head. I know with Bella it is because she wants us to come outside and run around with her. Hannah is doing the same thing I am sure. What characters huh!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-17-2001, 07:21 PM
Hannah does the same thing after she gets in trouble. I think its her way of checking to see if Im really mad or just a little upset. If I laugh at her and tell her she is silly then she settles down and goes on her mary way, but if I tell her she is not funny mommy is still mad then she will go lay down and give me her sad hound dog Im sorry look. That look usually does it and I forgive her. I've only stayed really mad at her for a day once and that was when I caught her in the ditch by the road.

~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

karen israel
05-18-2001, 11:33 AM
They are BRILLANT!

05-18-2001, 11:59 AM
Sadie is like that, too!!! Except, she runs like lightning under my dad's desk!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif She thinks I can't get her if she's under there! Wrong!