View Full Version : we found 2 dogs!

07-08-2003, 12:53 PM
Driving home from the store this afternoon, a husky pup came running out in front of the car. I thought it was Dakota, one of our neighbor's dogs, but it wasn't, she was definitely younger. As we were trying to get her attention to leash her up, a reddish dog came running out too!! None of the neighbors were home, so we took the dogs to our house. We called the number on the rabies tag of the reddish dog, and the vet said she was registered to PAWS, a local rescue group. I called their number, but they're only open on Saturday and Sunday, and I didn't want to just leave a message. I got a contact number from the vet, and I called this lady's home, cell and work number and left messages. Nothing.

Since we knew nothing about these dogs, and didn't want them in with ours in case they had worms or fleas or anything catchy, we waited outside. Eventually I called the police. I found out from the officer that our township does not have an animal control officer. The black lab we found before had been in another township, that's why the lady came to get here.

Anyway, he took the dogs, and told us to call the township and try to get something started about animal control. He said it's unbelievable the amount of dogs he has to pick up. We knew Rosie was registered to someone, but we gave him our number in case no one claimed the husky.

He just stopped back, and said on his way down the street some kids were out skateboarding. They recognized Rosie, and led the officer to a lady, who said yes, Rosie was just adopted by her mom, and she was in town visiting and the husky was hers. Meanwhile the lady from PAWS did call back, and we assured her that Rosie had gone back home. I hope they call her and yell at her for letting her dog off leash.

Here's what really makes me mad: neither dog was licensed, had a nametag, and the husky didn't have a rabies tag. No one was out looking for them--we were on the street trying to get them for at least 30 minutes--I would think someone may notice that 2 dogs had gotten out, and the girl who said Rosie was her mom's dog said "oh, I knew my mom just got a dog, but I didn't know her name":eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Stupid people really annoy me.

At least the dogs did go back to their "home", such as it may be.

07-08-2003, 12:58 PM
UUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! What stupid people! That really angers me :mad:

Thanks for all your work in getting the dogs back to their owners.

07-08-2003, 01:00 PM
That lady sounds so irresponsible:( You would suspect that they would notice and start looking for the dogs! When Alex got out, we drove around for 2 hours looking for him, and only stopped because we had to go out of town to drop off our foster kittens. I'm starting to get worked up now, so I'll stop, but there is still alot more in me;)

07-08-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by aly

Thanks for all your work in getting the dogs back to their owners.

I'm kind of sorry we did:(
The husky sure was a sweetie, and it doesn't sound to me like they are very well cared for, or cared about:(

07-08-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I'm kind of sorry we did:(
The husky sure was a sweetie, and it doesn't sound to me like they are very well cared for, or cared about:(

I can tell how you feel, but you didn't know when you did return them. I'm sorry for the pups, and I hope that they will end up in a good home eventually.

07-08-2003, 01:50 PM
I just finished my reply to you Lovemyshiba and went back to the boards and it was on this post. I guess I had started to read this when I got your PM. Glad that the dogs are back I guess....:confused: Just wish that these people were taking better care of their dogs. Sometimes you just want to smack some people upside the back of their heads.


07-08-2003, 01:54 PM
I'm glad they did get back to their owner, but it doesn't sound as if this so called "owner" was a very good one:(

Thanks for doing your part and keeping them from getting run over!