View Full Version : Going to the Shelter, Need Ideas

11-21-2001, 06:26 AM
OK. I need some ideas. I have managed to take the afternoon so that I can go to the shelter in my county and see the puppers.

I want to take the babies a "gift." They are so sweet and it breaks my heart that they do not have a family to share Thanksgiving with. Any ideas?

They have treats there for them. But I want to bring something special.


11-21-2001, 07:20 AM
How about rawhides? I know technically they are treats, but most of them probably don't get those. If you have a dollar store in your area, you might see if they have any cute little toys too. Just the fact that you are going and giving them a little attention is going to be more than they would have gotten, so just love on them for awhile and they will be thrilled, but of course YOU are the one who will be thankful! You are a great person for doing that too...I do admire you. Did you ever get to go the the site www.petrefuge.com (http://www.petrefuge.com) and look at the dog named Bandit? He really looks like your Drake.

11-21-2001, 07:33 AM
Squeaky toys, even cheap ones, are always fun, or the little stuffed toys are good (and look very cute with the dog and maybe, if he or she is even cuter, she'll find a home!). I would, if you can, bring a "human treat" too, for the staff of the shelter, to let them know that we appreciate their work so much, too. :) Even balls, or good sticks to fetch, any old blankets or towels to make cages more comfy ... oh the list goes on! :)

11-21-2001, 07:36 AM
Thanks for the ideas. Keep them coming. I am going to stop by the store and get those pups some rawhide and some toys. Great idea about getting the shelter folks a "treat" too!

Mugsy, you are right. Bandit does look like Drake. If he wasn't a bit darker, I would have thought it was my Draker on there!
Bandit is breathtaking!

[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: Souraya ]

11-21-2001, 08:58 AM
How about calling the shelter and seeing what they especially need or would suggest.

11-21-2001, 09:04 AM
Souraya, that is so nice of you, I'm sure they will appreciate the kindness. I'm thinking colorful tennis balls they are very reasonable or they have some rubber colored ones that Daisy loves, Petsmart has those too.