View Full Version : Lovely sight!!

07-07-2003, 05:36 PM
I went to the supermarket this afternoon and as I got close to the entrance I could see a man sort of tethering his FOUR Rough Collies (Lassie/big Sheltie:D) to an iron rail thing. They were all lying down so nice, I went to get a trolley from right by them and they were just totally unconcerned. The man didn`t go far, he was just in the entrance a couple of feet away, being, it seemed to me, in a position where he could watch them and look for whoever he was waiting for.

I went in the door and as I walked past him I asked if they were his dogs, and when he said yes, I said how well trained they were and would he like to train a Springer Spaniel?:D He laughed and said that he used to train GSDs for showing etc, but the Collies were a just great because they didn`t really need training, they just sort of picked things up as they went along. I left him then because I didn`t want to carry on distracting him from whatever he was doing.

All four were so beautiful, how I wish I had had my camera with me!

07-07-2003, 06:00 PM
Thats so wonderful how some take the time to try there dogs and how some dogs are just so well behaved :D

07-07-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
All four were so beautiful, how I wish I had had my camera with me!
Too bad you didn't, I bet they were just amazing:D

07-07-2003, 08:33 PM
Well trained dogs in a row ARE so beautiful! Nothing quite like it!!

*sigh* would anybody care to train a nawtee golden labbie boy so that he can be beautiful too?? :p

07-07-2003, 08:41 PM
Aaaaah, well behaved dogs are a wonderful sight indeed!

07-07-2003, 10:30 PM
Oh I would have loved to have seen that picture. The Roughs
are just so gorgeous and supposedly more laid back than
the Smooths. I can imagine they'd be even easier to train,
than the Smooths.
