View Full Version : Fellow Reality Show Junkies!!!

07-07-2003, 03:47 PM
Ok this is a crisis situation. I'm getting ready to leave because I have a class starting up that I'm teaching on Monday nights. Wellllllll, I usually watch Paradise Hotel and record For Love or Money on the other tv on Monday nights. But I'll be gone tonight :eek: :eek: Two shows to record and just ONE vcr!! *WHINE*

I am thinking about recording Paradise Hotel, so if someone watches the finale of For Love or Money tonight, can you PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top update me on what happened? I heard there's a lot of surprises tonight (but they always say that). I REALLY want to see it, but I like Paradise Hotel better.

I don't know anyone in person who watches these shows so I'm hoping someone on here can help me out :)

I feel so dirty being addicted to all these shows :o :D

07-07-2003, 04:04 PM
Yikes, I hope not too many people read this because For Love or Money is one I'm addicted to as well. I'll try to post here, if I'm still awake. heehee. I also like Big Brother, and they are starting a new series this week. I can hardly wait.

(Oh, please don't let my friends see this thread.)

07-07-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
Yikes, I hope not too many people read this because For Love or Money is one I'm addicted to as well. I'll try to post here, if I'm still awake. heehee. I also like Big Brother, and they are starting a new series this week. I can hardly wait.

(Oh, please don't let my friends see this thread.)

:eek: :eek: I SAW IT, RACHEL!!!!!! LOL!!!! :eek: :eek:

07-07-2003, 04:10 PM
Who do you think he'll pick? I'm thinking it'll be Paige because she seems most likely to pick him over the money. But then again, who knows! I've seen some interviews where she was talking about how she wanted some money for her family.

Don't worry, this is incredibly embarrassing for me too! I almost didn't start this thread out of embarrassment :o

I LOVE BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so entertaining! Most people don't like it and say its boring, but I have been addicted to every season of that show! Can't wait for the new one!

07-07-2003, 04:33 PM
I LOVE Big Brother...can't wait until it starts! :rolleyes: :p :o

07-07-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Logan
:eek: :eek: I SAW IT, RACHEL!!!!!! LOL!!!! :eek: :eek:

Well, looks like I'm busted. :o

Aly, I agree, I think he will pick Paige for that very reason. Also I think whomever he picks will go for the money. There is no guarantee that this *match* is going to go anywhere after the show anyway. If whoever is chosen picks him over the money after this kind of limited *dating experience*, she should ask him for a loan from the money he will get so she can have her *head examined*.

Big Brother is one of my favorites because the editing the producers do. They know how to zero in on what people say and juxtaposition the clip with other disingenuous comments.

07-07-2003, 08:00 PM
The only reality shows I watch are Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, and What Not to Wear (although the 2 hosts are truly obnoxious).

07-07-2003, 09:19 PM
I just got home ! I'm watching the second half of it right now! He's babbling on and on, sheesh!

I wish he'd pick one already and stop talking about his mother :p

07-07-2003, 09:58 PM
IT`S....ERIN!! She picked the mooooolah though! It`s awful but I can`t wait for the NEXT one! I love reality shows!

07-07-2003, 10:00 PM
Well Aly, you missed absolutely nothing in the first hour. Of course you now know the result as well.

Erin initially made the right choice, but this second decision baffles me. She's gambling a whole MILLION DOLLARS and she knows the odds are against her. What is she thinking?

07-07-2003, 10:12 PM
Wow! I'm glad she did gamble the million bucks though. This next show should be interesting.

I sort of think they somehow coaxed her to gamble that million. She probably also wanted another 15 minutes of fame and more camera time :rolleyes: You know Paige would have never done that.

Glad I didn't miss anything in the first hour! I was actually thinking about it while teaching :o :eek:

What'd you think of Rob? I think he was such a total loser.

07-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by aly
I sort of think they somehow coaxed her to gamble that million. .
What'd you think of Rob? I think he was such a total loser.

I agree! They probably indicated all this exposure would lead to income producing opportunities as well.

Ditto! He demeanor (affect) was so bland, he didn't even seem real.

07-07-2003, 11:31 PM
I don't care for most of those shows. I hate survivor. I watched the first big brother, that was enough for me. I have watched one a couple times, I don't remember the title but it's where 2 people meet and the ex's are talking to the people witha microphone in the ear, telling them to ask her this, or ask him about such and such.

the one I saw the other day I really like, I think it was on lifetime channel, called what would you do, or something like that. about what to do in emergencies. it was very interesting.

07-08-2003, 12:58 AM
I LOVE reality TV.. Survivor, Big Brother, Temptation Island, American Idol.. all great!!! Heheh.. I don't like the bachelor ones though, or love or money.. the guy on love or money was so BORING I coudln't stand the show. I didn't get into Paradise Hotel on the first show.. although I recognised Toni right away from LOVE CRUISE! (which was a great one ;))

07-08-2003, 10:56 AM
I think the best one of the reality shows is Amazing Race. That is sooo addictive. Although this season is a little more catty than the first seasons. But it is up to the teams and how well they work together as to whether or not they continue in the race. It isn't up to a bunch of back stabbing, jealous, whiney people. Of course saying that I also still love Survivor and Big Brother. I don't watch any of the dating ones. And of course a weekend wouldn't be complete without Trading Spaces and While You Were Out. Has anyone else seen the new carpenter on Trading Spaces? Carter something...he is a cutie pie.


NYCbabi 13002
07-08-2003, 11:13 AM
I am addicted to Daytime Soaps like As the world turns and Guiding Light. But I can't get enough of Reality T.V. shows like: Trading Spaces, While you were out, Big Brother, American Idol, Paradise Hotel, Punk'd, And most of the WB shows (i.e. Will&Grace, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, and alot more.) :eek: Oh my god, I am making myself sound like a couch patato!!:rolleyes: Owell.

07-08-2003, 11:22 AM
I really don't like Carter, the new carpenter on Trading Spaces. He's probably nervous because he can't measure up to Ty (hehehe)!! I'm still waiting for Carter to show some sort of personality.

Did anyone see Trading Spaces Family? It was good!

07-08-2003, 01:29 PM
Depends on the show. To me, if you're going to test out your relationship, Temptation Island is NOT the place to do it. Could not get into that at all.

But....I am a fan of Survivor, Big Brother, Bachelor, Bachelorette, and I watched the SF of For Love or Money last night but did not follow the series.

As for soaps, just Coronation Street and the Young and the Restless.

07-08-2003, 06:46 PM
Okay, Big Brother starts in 10 minutes. I had thought it was going to be on Thursday, but luckily my husband pointed out that it was on tonight.

Speaking of Ty, he is going to be at our local LOWE's store this Friday.

07-08-2003, 08:02 PM
OMG! That episode of Big Brother was PURE GENIUS!!!!!!!!!! I won't give it away because I know it hasn't aired yet in some time zones.

WOW! I love the new twist!

07-08-2003, 08:23 PM
Yes I found the Big Brother twist to be very interesting! Boy that really freaked some people out! That Allison. Not so sure about her.:confused:

07-08-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Denyce
That Allison. Not so sure about her.:confused:

I had the same reaction to her. What a drama queen!

07-09-2003, 10:21 AM
Did anyone watch Amereica`s next Top model? I love that show, and Adrianne won so I was happy about that! What did you guys think about it.

07-09-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Rottieluver45
Did anyone watch Amereica`s next Top model? I love that show, and Adrianne won so I was happy about that! What did you guys think about it.

Oh yeah, that was a great show! I REALLY wanted Shannon to win. I just thought she did SOOOO much better than Adrianne in the last show. But I do know Adrianne really needed to get out of her current "ghetto" lifestyle, so I'm happy about that.

Hehe, I'm not sure if there's a reality show out there that I don't watch :p

07-09-2003, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by aly
Oh yeah, that was a great show! I REALLY wanted Shannon to win. I just thought she did SOOOO much better than Adrianne in the last show. But I do know Adrianne really needed to get out of her current "ghetto" lifestyle, so I'm happy about that.

Hehe, I'm not sure if there's a reality show out there that I don't watch :p

Yeah, Adrianne really needed that!

I watch everything but Big Brother ans Survivor! YUCK!! :D