View Full Version : Bunnies!!!

07-07-2003, 12:21 PM
My sister (Tweety_Pie) and I went to Pet World yesterday and they have so many bunnies! They are on SALE! Well of course I just had to ask my mom if I could get one but she dident answer she just looked at me and smiled:confused:
I think they are holland lop rabbits but they may be mini lop rabbits.:)


07-07-2003, 01:33 PM
Hi there you are I didn't know where you went I was just waitin there waiting for you to answer my little question thingy

07-07-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by bijou3
Hi there you are I didn't know where you went I was just waitin there waiting for you to answer my little question thingy you could always pm her!!

I love bunnies maybe your mom has a suprise awaiting you and your sis sometime this week??? lol

07-10-2003, 10:53 AM
mabey :D:p but there has been no signs and my birthday is tomorrow!! im turning the BIG 13!!! lol

Aspen and Misty
07-10-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by green_chameleon_girl
mabey :D:p but there has been no signs and my birthday is tomorrow!! im turning the BIG 13!!! lol

CONGRATS! :D Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear....ummm... Green chameleon gilr (lol) happy brithday to you!!!! :D :D :D


07-10-2003, 02:49 PM
Rabbits are cool, the last on I had was a California meat rabbit,but If I was to get another one I would get a Dawrf Rabbit!


Heather Wallace
07-11-2003, 03:52 AM
Please think carefully before getting a bunny. they are a lot of hard work and need lot sof attention and exercise and they may not turn out like you want them to be.

Think carefully. xx

07-11-2003, 09:28 AM
Heather is absolutely correct, rabbits are a LOT of work. And be advised that they will NOT automatically love you, unless you get one very unusual bunny, when you take them home. What I think is the fun and reward part of having rabbits is that they will not automatically love you the way a puppuy or kitten will.

YOU are going to have to earn their TRUST first. To do that I always advise people that they must get down on the floor with their bunny and spend a LOT of time down there. Rabbits are a prey animal and they DO NOT like being picked up, many do not like even being held in your lap...they do not know, especially at first, that you mean them no harm. A lot of other people will say that rabbits hgave no personality. And sadly for those buns who are left in an outdoor hutch or in an inside cage, never let out to play, and seldom interact with people, they never become the charming, playful and comedic companion that rabbits can truly be.

You should also know that contrary to what mosdt people think rabbits are a very expensive animal to maintain. One of the biggest fallacies is that they can have rabbit pellets as their main or only source of food. 90% of the pellets on the market today are alfalfa-based...which is very high in calcium and low in fiber. This alone presents 2 problem: baby rabbits up until 1 year old are growing their bones and need the calcium but after that they do not. Excess calcium in their diet "mostly" gets excreted in their urine...the calcium that does not, goes in to the bladder and forms in to crystals which eventually form in to bladder stone.
That's problem number 1 with pellets. The other is that pellets are low in fiber (anything under 17-18% fiber is too low)....a rabbit's gut has to move constantly....(that's why the poop so much)...if their diet does not have enough fiber, the gut slows and can stop...this is a dangerous condition called GI stasis and this condition call kill a rabbit in 24 hours.

Alfalfa hay likewise is too high in calcium. Ideally rabbits should have unlimited timothy hay, which can be difficult to find but is readily available online from many rabbit supply sites. Then they should have, depending on their size, 1-2 cups of fresh DARK green leaf veggies each My rabbit specialist vet (and you need on of those too because not all vets take the training in rabbit care..and again rabbits are so much diff from dogs/cats, that it is vitally important to have a knowledgable vet that won't accidently ill your rabbit by giving wrong mediciation).

If you really, really want a rabbit go to www.rabbit.org and read up. They ARE wonderful, wonderful pets but they are not for everyone and they will take a lot of your time, attention and money. But, as far as I am concerned they are worth very penny I have to spend. Good luck in getting a rabbit. :)

07-11-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Heather Wallace
Please think carefully before getting a bunny. they are a lot of hard work and need lot sof attention and exercise and they may not turn out like you want them to be.

Think carefully. xx


I had NO idea Thelmer was gonna be so much responsibility! If you get a female you HAVE to get her spayed, if not, she could get really mean. Believe me! It`s really fun having a rabbit and have them kiss you,(BTW: She kissed me agin last night!) but you have to earn their love!

07-11-2003, 06:08 PM
I have lots of time on my hands lol. I relize(sp?) how much responsibility they are but it was just a thought..

07-11-2003, 06:15 PM
BTW: Happy Birthday!

07-14-2003, 11:56 PM
Oh well....I dident get a bunny yet but mabey it wasent ment to be..:( my mom cant make up her mind and as much as I love animals mabey we have to many already....:(

Heather Wallace
07-15-2003, 12:51 PM
Don't worry as you have plenty of time, I didn't get my first bunny till I was 26 and now I have 5!!!!

07-15-2003, 04:23 PM
:D ya mabey ur right ;)

07-17-2003, 12:13 PM
I have to agree, green chameleon girl....I'm sorry....I had a friend who had a grey dutch rabbit and it was a LOT of work. I had always wanted one, but my mom was allergic to their dander so I couldn't (she worked at Shillito's before it became Lazarus in the fur department and it nearly killed her).....and having this friend later in life taught me how much work they truly are. It was her only pet, though, so she could devote all her time to it, but since you have other pets.....I don't know, you really need to think long and hard before you invest in a bunny. Another thing is, they need to be let out of their cages every day and played with, and she could do that since she didn't have any other pets....you would have to lock the other animals out so they didn't hurt your poor bunny. Lots of things to consider. I hope you can get one, but I just don't want you to be disappointed.

My boyfriend's brother is your age...just turned 13 on the 16th....and he's had a bird for the past year and a half....it's a parakeet and he neglects it and doesn't ever take care of it, his father or my boyfriend have to do that. I'm not saying you would do that, I know you wouldn't.....the fact that you wrote to us at all says that you wouldn't neglect your poor bunny....all I'm saying is that when you're young, you want pets and beg for them and when you get them, they turn out to be a lot more work than you'd originally thought. I know you wouldn't do this, but a bird is a lot of work, but it's also a lot easier than a rabbit. Just some things to think over.

Just my $.02. Take care, and happy birthday!


Originally posted by Heather Wallace
Please think carefully before getting a bunny. they are a lot of hard work and need lot sof attention and exercise and they may not turn out like you want them to be.

Think carefully. xx

Aspen and Misty
07-17-2003, 08:39 PM
Hamster Lover- i have a bunny, named Julian who I completly care for by myself. I also have a dog, 4 rats and a cat who I also care for by myself. It is alot of work, but for anyone who is up to it I would defintly say get a bunny. I love my baby Julian and wouldn't trade him for the world. He is such a good compainion. I agree, he is alot of work. You should see his room it is very very messy at the moment cause he got mad because I locked him up in his cage. So I am probly going to be spending the next hour or so just cleaning his room and moving the matresses out of his room. Julian also has cost us alot of money, by destroying carpet in my closet and bedroom and also by damaging a matress. But I would spend all the money in the world for him.

I am 15 years old and own 7 animals. I care for them all myself. I feel bad that adults have this perspective of teenagers and kids begging there parents for pets and then negelcting them. I know my pets are never neglected but when I tell people I have 7 pets they think that I begged my parents and now my dad does all the work, which is not true at all. I just minutes ago dragged a threee story ferret cage outside and hosed it off. I also cleaned out 2 litter boxes, one belonging to Julian and one belonging to my cat. I also recently spent 10 dollars on my Fish, Bella who has tail rot and change her tank now every 3 days to keep her water clean. My dog Nova is on pills morning and night so I have to make sure she gets them every day. When my pets need to go to the vet I make the apointment not my dad or my mom I do. I know you do not think that all kids are like your Boyfriends brother but I just want to say that the persepective you have on Most teenagers and kids is not comptly acurate. I know many people think of teenagers as lazy kids who are rebelouse, but there are teenagers out there like me who care for there pets and don't think of pets as a shirt, you can just get ride of it when it gets old, they think of it as a life long companion and friend, some one who you have to care for for the rest of its life.

By the way, I wanted to sya thank you, from all the homeless bunnies out there. I love the way you put you post and I think that you said that wonderfuly! I love the way you explained teh fact that bunnies are alot of work but you put it so it would not hurt her feelings. I wish more people would speak up like you did and tell someone how hard of work animals are. So, again, Thank you from me and all the homeless bunnies.


07-17-2003, 09:34 PM
You're welcome :)

I didn't mean to make it sound as if all teenagers are like that. I know they're not. By the time they're your age, they should know that their pets, no matter how many they have, are their responsibility....and I know a lot of them do. But I also know some of them don't, and I just didn't want her to think it was an easy pet to own and then get frustrated or whatever when it turned out differently. I wasn't putting down teenagers at all. I realize that some even have jobs by the time they're your age, which I think is cool....teaches them responsibility.

Just wanted you to know I don't look down at teenagers at all. No matter how old you are, you have to take care of your pets :) That's all I was saying.


Aspen and Misty
07-17-2003, 10:08 PM
:D Ok :D Yea, I'm getting a job at the vets office in Auggest after school as a kennel girl, I can't wait! I just have to wait till the summer help leaves.

I wasn't sure on your veiws of teenagers and didn't want you to think all of us were lazy and didn't care for our pets. Just ask Julian who has his own room and air conditonig while I burn in the spare bedroom :rolleyes:


07-18-2003, 12:11 AM
I know....you sound like a very responsible young adult, and I'm sure you'll grow up to be a nice, responsible adult :) Don't take offense....just know you and your brother aren't in the norm, and for that you should be proud of yourselves.

Take care,