View Full Version : Camping Collie Style... (Pics)

07-07-2003, 12:53 AM
Hi ya'll!

Oz and I just got back from camping in the Ozarks. I've got a lil' write up and pics here:


Oz had another doggie buddy on the trip, that's just as cute as punch.


07-07-2003, 12:57 AM
AWW! looks like he had a great time! Oz likes the water?? LOL, Molly wont go near it!

07-07-2003, 01:14 AM
hi goldenretrluver!

Well he didn't much care for the swimming, but he did like
wading around it and going in to fetch a stick.


07-07-2003, 01:18 AM
I wish Molly liked the water..she barks at people whenever they go in the pool..lol :)

07-07-2003, 05:01 AM
I just wanted to say what a wonderful webpage you have, All the pictures and stories. I spent the last 45 mins reading and looking and now off to work I really enjoyed reading the stories. :)

07-07-2003, 06:20 AM
Dear Oz...What a great "read!" Have you considered submitting it for publication??:) Every chapter, every photo, was funner than the next!:D (Aren't those Terriers a hoot!) What a happy way to start the day, reading all about the adventures of Oz and Idj!! And Oz, I can see how you feel in love with your little Terrier pal; what a cutie!:D I'll be back for a re-read for sure! Thanks, Oz! You're precious!!

07-07-2003, 06:37 AM
What a nice way to start my day! Your camping diary was a hoot! Oz, as always mesmerizes me with his sleepy blue eyes. Idz and Oz are a study in opposites aren't they, but they seem to have been able to put away their differences except, of course, for that little piece of remembrance that Idj needed to have of Oz! :D Great writing/photography job! I will explore the rest of your webpage after work today when I have more time. I agree with Sandra - this is publishing material! ;)

4 Dog Mother
07-07-2003, 08:08 AM
Great pictures, great story!!! Thanks for sharing.

07-07-2003, 08:15 AM
So cute! Thanks for posting it! :D Your little terrier friend is so adorable too! :D

07-07-2003, 09:03 AM
I just loved Oz's account of everything that happened on your trip!
I also wanted to say your website is just great, I really love the cartoons:D

07-07-2003, 12:35 PM
Oz, you are such a great story teller. :D

Loved the pics!

07-07-2003, 10:16 PM
Aw thanks ya'll! I really appreciate the compliments. Made
my day!:)

That Idj really is something. I never thought I'd be so won
over by a JRT, but she is such a whiz kid. I was working on
teaching Oz to touch a plastic lid. It's for targeting where
the contact zones are concerned in agility. He wasn't quite
getting it, so my friend tried it out on Idj. She not only got
it after a couple of reps, she figured she better pick the target
up and hand it to my friend to make sure my friend saw that
she touched it. :)

Oz stood back and kept watching her. Then while we were
talking about how awesome Idj was, Oz went over and picked
up the forgotten target and handed it to me for his cookie.:)
Idj is evidently a creative learner and Oz learns by example.
I need to have her around full time, so he can follow her lead.


07-07-2003, 10:38 PM
Great story and pictures! I know how Oz feels about being jumped by a pyr.....I'm jumped a million times a day (of course with Alex being a pyr mix:))! Sounds like you had alot of fun with Idj, and I loved you story Oz!:D

07-07-2003, 10:56 PM
I really enjoyed your story (and especially the pics!) Oz, you are a very good story teller! :D And you are both ADORABLE!!

07-08-2003, 01:02 PM
hiya apcrs5122!

Yeh, I think Oz is gonna wanna steer clear of the pyrs for
awhile. He's just totally oblivious as to why any dog would
not like him and want to play with him. He looked like a
deer caught in headlights, when all 3 dogs came charging
at him. When I took the lil' Maltese back to the lady for
the second time, she kept saying how "nice" her dogs are.
Well yeh to me they were great, but they've evidently got
a wee bit of a dog aggression problem and really shouldn't
have been off the leash on a public trail. *shaking my head*


07-08-2003, 01:16 PM
Yes I know what you mean. Going to off-leash dog parks (I don't go because of this reason) is chaos. Every single dog is off leash (what do ya expect;)) and most of them don't know what the heck "come" means. The park has special rules to keep people and dogs safe, but most people don't give them a second glance. The dogs have to be dog-friendly, have some kind of obediance, especially "come". Most dogs just run up to others and literally jump them, and the owners either don't notice or say "Oh, no he's absolutly harmless" (when the dog is a 100+ lb Akita). And when you go up to them and say NICELY "Could you PLEASE call your dog off of my dog" they take it personally and start yelling at you about how rude you're being!!!:mad: Ok, sorry, I didn't mean to go on and on.....I'm finished now;)

07-08-2003, 03:35 PM
Great pictures. Your angels are so sweet looking and full of energy.

Ricky & Lucy Tu love to camp and snoop also.


07-08-2003, 03:53 PM
Great Pictures!! And what a cute story!

07-08-2003, 10:43 PM
Fantastic story and great web-site.

Going back for more now ....... :D

07-09-2003, 03:41 PM
Thanks again everybody!!

hey MHMama!

I just love this pic:


Maddie would kill me if I photographed her like that though:)
