View Full Version : Cat Throwing up?

07-06-2003, 05:37 PM
Hello, I have a 2 year old male cat. He has thrown up 2 or 3 times with in the last week. He throws up every now and then. I will be calling his vet in the morning to try and get him in. He just threw up again about 30 minutes ago or so. I of course got it all cleaned up, he went to the bedroom to laydown. I went into the bedroom to make sure he was ok. I started petting him and his eyes had alot of eye stuff in the corners. His eyes are almost always clean. He also started growling if I would pet him to long, he has never growled at me before. Is there any kind of medication I can pick up at a grocery store tonight for him to settle his tummy or what ever it is that is bothering him? He has never been like this before and I am worried. He doesn't seem like he is in alot of pain or else I would take him to the emergency vet. But his vet is 2 blocks away and I should be able to get him in there in the morning some time. Please help me.

07-07-2003, 07:04 AM
I don't know much .. but this happened to my Toby a while back. He just started getting inactive, his eyes were watering, and he threw up a few times a day - it lasted 3 or 4 days then he just went back to normal. Eventually he started dry heaving, or only throwing up a little spit .. A virus maybe?

07-07-2003, 07:30 AM
Thank you for your advice. I will be calling the vet this morning. Unless I see him back to his normal self.

07-07-2003, 10:53 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Cubby isn't feeling well. :( I would also call your vet and ask him if he should be seen. I sure hope it's nothing serious and that he gets well soon. Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. Please take care and keep us updated on Cubby's condition.

07-08-2003, 12:17 AM
I forgot to write the update on this forum. He was back to his normal self today and I still called the vet and they said it was only hair balls and to keep an eye on him and if he stops drinking or eating to bring him in. I might stop by there tomorrow to get a sample of some hair ball medication for him to see if that helps him. Today he was very loving. Every time he throws up the next day he just wants as much loving as you can dish out for him. But he is back to his old self again :D

07-08-2003, 12:35 AM
I am glad to read that Cubby is feeling better. Are his eyes still goopy though? If they are, he may have a URI or a cold along with hairballs. We usually give the kitties at the clavamox to clear up colds and such along with an eye ointment. Just keep an eye on him, but if he seems ok, he could have just had a bad hairball moment! :o

07-08-2003, 12:41 AM
His eyes look normal now, I think it was just a really bad hairball moment.

L. Wayne
07-08-2003, 05:10 AM
Every once in a while a few of my furkids will go through bouts of barfing. I have generally found that it could be due to their dry cat food. I remember Tiger, 2 years ago, used to barf up every form of adult cat food that she ate. Then I switched her diet to kitten chow, and this stopped her barfing up. Tiger has "sensitive stomach syndrome" so I found out. Also, when the weather turns hot, they are more prone to barf up their food. be sure that they have plenty of cool water to drink, and also that their water bowl is clean. (cats will not drink from a bowl or water dispenser if it has debris in it). I wouldn't worry about it as this is normal cat behavior.

It is always helpful to give your 'kids some green grass cuttings every morning. Apparently, the grass helps them digest their food, or to barf up what it is that they can't digest. When I bring in green grass cuttings in the early morning, most of them, but not all, will all gather around the "grass bowl", almost as much as when they are fed their regular diet. Each one will not require much grass to eat, perhaps one short blade.


07-08-2003, 11:01 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Cubby is feeling better. :) I give my cats laxastat at least once a week to help with fur balls. You can also buy treats that have furball medicine inside of them too. Hopefully this is all that Cubby needs. Good luck. :)

07-08-2003, 01:14 PM
This time of year is particularly bad for hairballs. Speckles will barf about every 4 or 5 days and when I come to think about it, I don't think there is 1 square inch of rug that hasn't been barfed on.:eek: :eek: Thank goodnes for Prosolve.

Glad to hear Cubby is feeling better.