View Full Version : How pink does a kitten's tongue have to be?

07-06-2003, 03:11 PM
I need some advice here:

As you probably know, I have planned to get a little sister for Luna, and friends of mine have a little kitten (6 weeks), Lily, which I have promised to adopt when she's old enough. I have already posted her pics here and I'm already in love with her, but there's one thing that makes me worry: I find the color of her tongue/gums too pale (same goes for her brother). Her tongue has more the color of salmon and doesn't have the same deep pink like I'm used from Luna and other cats I know.

These are photos showing Lily yesterday:

http://home.t-online.de/home/0554132997/lilyface.jpg http://home.t-online.de/home/0554132997/lilypink.jpg

I really like Lily and would love to adopt her, but of course Luna's safety and health comes first! I thought I would have Lily checked by a vet BEFORE I bring her home, but I would need my friends' agreement to do that, and I haven't ask them yet. Have the strong feeling it would offend them to consider their kittens being sick, so I have to be very diplomatic (and I'm not very good in that!) and have to wait for the right moment to tell them.

Any ideas what to say to them?
And has anyone noticed different shades of pink in kitten tongues without them being sick?

Would be very thankful for some advice here, as this is giving me sleepless nights already... :(


07-06-2003, 03:15 PM
My cats not only have various shades of pink in their mouths, BUT, the pink changes, too. I am not a vet, nor do I play one on TV, but, I don't think this is a concern.....maybe others with more training will jump in here....

07-06-2003, 03:36 PM
She looks fine but I am no vet.

I would try to modify your agreement to adopt Lily with your friends by saying that you will pay for a vet to test/examine Lily before you adopt her. This is standard practice for shelter animals to get the all clear before being offered for adoption (maybe breeders ? as well) and it is a perfectly reasonable request.

I agree you need to make sure she is healthy before you take her and I hope it all works out.

Prairie Purrs
07-06-2003, 04:03 PM
I'm no expert on kitten tongue color, either (although I've been licked by a few kitten tongues :D ), but Lily's doesn't look "off" to me. She looks just precious, doesn't she?

Maybe you could explain that before you take her home you'd just like to have your vet do a regular checkup and that it's a routine thing. The idea of a checkup isn't that you think she might be sick--it's to help you do everything you can to keep her well.

07-06-2003, 04:41 PM
Her tongue doesn't look unusually light to me. I would guess though that light gum and tongue coloring could be due to anemia ... which could be caused from FLEAS! I'm speculating here (OF COURSE) .... just ask your vet to be CERTAIN!!! Lily is adorable though, and looks healthy to me!

07-06-2003, 05:16 PM
I have never even considered the color of my cats' tongues. But she sure is BEAUTIFUL. I love that first picture.:D

07-07-2003, 12:56 AM
I also think that Lily looks very healthy and adorable but I would have her checked out by a vet before you take her home. It's better to be safe than sorry later. I'm sure that your friend will understand. :)

07-07-2003, 02:24 AM
I don' think it really matters. But if you doubt, you'd better ask your vet, just to be sure!
This in Inka's tongue; picture is taken last winter, when she was as heakthy as a fish!

07-07-2003, 02:49 AM
Lily's little tongue looks completely purrfect to me (as does Lily ;) ). I also agree that she has to see the vet anyway for shots before she should get to you and she should be checked.

If you get her without that you should keep her separate from Luna until you have checked her. However: Lily looks to me cute and absolutely healthy:)

07-07-2003, 03:22 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm glad that Lily's tongue looks okay for you! :)

I agree, I somehow have to find a way to take her to the vet before I'm adopting her, and I'll keep you updated!

I don't think she has fleas, she has a very good home, and she is also dewormed (and so is her mommy). Her mommy has also got her regular shots, but my biggest nightmare is FIP... :eek:

I really hope Lily is healthy because I'm already in love with the little girl! :) BTW, I find the first pic hilarious! LOL Actually she's yawning, but she looks like she's making faces! :) She has such a cute little face!
