View Full Version : cat remedy

07-06-2003, 10:13 AM
i have had the flu for 5 days now and the best
cure is my cat-

soup, water, aspirin, cough syrup and having your
cat jump into your lap every once in a while.

my cat is my-
-hot water bottle
-a little distraction from my hacking lungs
-friend when no one want to be around a
sick person
-a blood pressure reducer
-a little jester when you don't feel like
-and someone to listen to me gripe and complain
about being sick.

now if only i could teach him to clean out his box and feed
himself--he'd be perfect.

07-06-2003, 11:08 AM
Cats sure do have a whole lot of jobs. I hope you feel better SOON!

07-06-2003, 12:08 PM
My hubby can attest to the nursing instincts of cats . . . when he was going through chemotherapy and bedridden, Lily (elderly gray) layed on the bed by his side loyally. She was his ever present comforting nurse and so I nicknamed her "nurse-shark", since she is gray like some sharks, and usually has an attitude like sharks, to boot! :)

07-06-2003, 12:22 PM
Aww how adorable. I'm glad to read that your cat comforted you while you were sick. The flu is the worst. I hope you are feeling better.

07-06-2003, 12:28 PM
Richard, hope you feel better soon. I have never heard you mention your cat so much as lately. any pics to post? or are you saving them to show at the get together next you all are going to next weekend?

07-07-2003, 01:57 PM
eddie's been on hiatus...
he's taking a vacation from being a cat....

every day he becomes more human....

it's amazing how cats know when you don't feel well!

07-07-2003, 02:05 PM
Hope you are feeling better Richard. Yes, I've experienced that special cat therapy too. It can be so soothing and rewarding.

(did I mention, when I get home tonight I get to try to glue back together a ceramic umbrella stand that I made in high school almost 30 years ago? None of the little stinkers are confessing so I don't know who the guilty party is.:eek: )

07-07-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by catland

did I mention, when I get home tonight I get to try to glue back together a ceramic umbrella stand that I made in high school almost 30 years ago? None of the little stinkers are confessing so I don't know who the guilty party is.:eek:

i have two suspects- one is gravity and the other shall remain nameless.....

in a moment, the results of that trial!

notice, they never break the cheap/unsentimental stuff:rolleyes: