View Full Version : Water fun

07-05-2003, 11:59 AM
We took the boys downtown to the beach/lake this morning. I don't think they've ever had that much fun in their lives. LoL. The second we got out of the car, Moody and Tucker were dragging us along...and Scout calmly walked next to me, tail wagging, but completely calm (what a difference a year makes!). LoL. Anyway, we let them run around in the water...and they had a ball jumping right into the waves and retrieving their frisbee. Much to our surprise, they're not bad swimmers lol. :D

We were out there for a few hours, and now they are completely worn out, LoL. Scout and Moody are sleeping at my feet, and Tucker is not too far away, cuddled up on my bed. Another big day in the lives of the Chinook pack, LoL.

07-05-2003, 12:32 PM
Whoa...just realized that I called Kodak, Moody. Wow...it must still be early. LoL. I had just read RottnRotties' post about the new Chinook, and had mentioned how much Moody looked like Kodak...so I think I was still thinking about that. Ah, sorry Kodak...LoL. :o

07-05-2003, 12:35 PM
Sounds like you guys had a blast!!! :D

lol, i did that to Molly one time..i called her Daisy..no wonder she wouldnt come to me.....LOL! ;) :D

BTW, I love you signature! :)

07-05-2003, 12:35 PM
LOL....sounds like they had an eventful day~! Must have been fun.. Have any pix??j/w

Thanx for sharing~!