View Full Version : Are you taking percautions?

Aspen and Misty
07-04-2003, 07:34 PM
I was just wondering how many of you are doing things to keep your pets safe tonight?

I know Nova just took her last trip outside for the night, I've heard of people stealing dogs and doing things to them with Firworks, I think it happened last year to someone around here. And its not gonna happen to my baby. If she needs to go out later it will be with me watching her the whole time. She also is wear both of her collars and Her harness incase if she gets out, for some reson like she gets scared reall bad I atleast know between the 3 items she will get back to us.

I also shut the windows in JUlian's room and I made sure the rats had a place to hide in there cage in case the dog scared and brought Julians wooden house from outside for him to hide in.

Is anyone else doing anything to keep there pets safe?


07-04-2003, 07:38 PM
My boys will be kept on their leashes AT ALL TIMES when outside...where, of course, we will be with them. :) We have an electric fence, but that obviously wouldn't make much difference if they got scared and ran through it, or if someone wanted to take them. We haven't had any real problems with dog theft or anything like that, but you never know. Most people back away when they see Crash and Bruiser anyway, but we're not taking any chances LOL.

We are going out later tonight to watch the fireworks at a local park where people are allowed to bring their dogs, so we will be bringing them with us...but kept very close and always on their leashes.

This was a great post! Great idea Ash!

07-04-2003, 07:42 PM
lmao Ash what a priceless pic! :D :D :D

No precautions needed to be taken over here ;)

07-04-2003, 07:53 PM
Just collar, tag, leashes but that's only when we go out. We have a 6 foot fence on the right side of the yard along with a four foot fence on the other side. Kai could get out from the 4 footer if he really wanted to but we're always outside with him plus my neighbors keep their gate closed always. Other than that, there's really nothing else.

07-04-2003, 08:40 PM
Before I answer, I have to say Princess shure has
one long tongue. lol
Great photo.

Dogs will be in the house tonight, with gates locked.
If we can see the fire works from our back-yard,
than the dogs can come out in the back yard with us.
(which they won't accept for Pepper, who
likes to bark at the fireworks)

Aspen and Misty
07-04-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by KYS
Before I answer, I have to say Princess shure has
one long tongue. lol
Great photo.

Sorry for the confussion, My pups name is Nova, and yes thats a very veyr long tongue, imagine the kisses I get :D dog slobber everywhere. Thanx primabella.

I'm glad that you all are taking percaution, I don't think Nova really cared for the loud noises. I think she slept most of the time, LOL.


07-04-2003, 10:23 PM
I am sorry, my mistake.
You had the name Nova right on your post.
But she still does have a very long tonue. lol

07-04-2003, 11:12 PM
All my animals are by my side all the time, but I am keeping them a bit closer tonight. Poor Lolly girl won't come outside to potty. She's scared out of her mind.

07-05-2003, 12:04 AM
My boys were at our side all night...I don't think they enjoyed the loud booming and yelling kids. Scout pretty much slept through them, I think LoL. Kodak hid under his blanket all night LoL.

They were allowed outside with us while we were watching the fireworks and just hanging out, but we kept a careful eye on them.

07-05-2003, 01:27 AM
Ruby has been inside all night, and she spent a good part of the day indoors as well. She was out in the (fenced) backyard with me earlier in the day, but whenever she heard a firework go off she'd run inside & hide :( She's going to be so happy when all the loud noises are over with!!

07-05-2003, 07:01 AM
we had 2 bands of thunderstorms yesterday late afternoon, AND fireworks. duke my senior gets very nervous, so we did an early "outie", i picked up the water dish and gave him 3 mgs of melatonin. the melatonin works wonders for him, he can (sorta) hear the boomer, but doesn't care. i took the dogs out at 1:30, then back to bed until 6:30 breakfast time. :p now i'm up and they're asleep, AGAIN:rolleyes:

07-05-2003, 07:04 AM
Penny Lane hid in the basement most of the day yesterday. My sister was over with her dog Hutch so Leo was hanging out in the back yard with us most of the day. (Leo and Hutch are best buds) When a particular loud one went off, Leo would run into the back porch and hide for a few minutes, then come back out. After my sister left the fireworks got pretty heavy and loud, so I had to shut the house all up and turn the tv on pretty loud - both dogs were hiding under things for most of the night. :( I couldn't get them out last night to go potty before bed, so I set my alarm for 2am and took them out then.

I'm glad this holiday is almost over. My dogs do not like the fireworks at all.

07-05-2003, 07:24 AM
The fireworks were very close to my house and Sadie hates them. They were very loud so I can understand her fear. Inside the house there is no place that comforts her so we went in the car and she curled up under my boyfriend's feet, shaking.

I hate it cause I have never found any way to comfort her (it's the same problem with thunderstorms). What is this about melatonin?

07-05-2003, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by sabies
[I hate it cause I have never found any way to comfort her (it's the same problem with thunderstorms). What is this about melatonin? [/B]
for somedogs it works very well, but not all dogs. the experts recommend desensitizing by playing sounds of thunder and fireworks until the dogs get adjusted, but duke is 13, i have no idea WHY he panics, i know THAT he does. the melatonin i bought at a health food store is 1.5 mg size, 90 to a bottle and cost around $8, very cheap. for duke it seems to take the fear edge off, he knows that there is something going on, but he isn't panic stricken. earlier this spring during a daytime storm, while i was at work,he 'broke out' of the babygated kitchen and moved my double bed away from the wall so he could hide and then he got stuck. quite a feat for an old dog with arthritis. if i know there are afternoon storms expected, i'll come home during lunch and give him one until i return that evening. for him, it's a blessing