View Full Version : Too Soon?

09-20-2001, 12:50 AM
1) Can anyone help me with my signature? I want to put Aly's page in my signature and I can't remember how to do it!!
2) I was talking to a friend of mine at work today, she had just heard about Shaianne. She said to me, "One of my goldens is going to be a daddy and we get a puppy. I want it to go to a good home b/c we aren't going to keep it. If you would like it your more than welcome to have it b/c I know you will give it a good home." It would be born around the beginning of Oct so it would be ready around mid Nov. I was so touched by her gesture I almost cried. I miss Shaianne so much but am afraid to get another too soon as I don't want to replace her. My question is would it be too soon. I saw Sue's post that she got Killi 2 mos after Avalanche's crossing. I know that I want a puppy next time, I think Kylie would adjust better to it and vice versa! I really don't care about the breed I have never been breed specific. I was thinking about a mixed breed. I am torn b/c I never wanted to get a dog from a breeder, due to the fact that there are so many animals that need homes out there. But this little tyke needs a home too. My friend has a shitzu and 2 male goldens so they don't want to keep the pup.
I would love to have it, it is going to be registered with papers and everything and she is just going to give it to someone since they don't want to keep it. Tho the papers don't mean anything to me. I just want another dog to love. Nothing will replace my baby girl, but there are others out there that need homes too. I think Shai will let me know when its time. She and I bonded so much from the very beginning, I think she will let me have another connection almost like I had with her.
Any opinions?? Thanks!!
hugs and kitty kisses

09-20-2001, 06:28 AM
Only you can tell if it is too soon for you to get another dog. It sounds to me like you are missing Shai terribly. Another dog, even an identical looking one, will not be Shai so can not take her place in your home or your heart so don't worry. You will never forget her. If you feel you want the pup then go for it! It is not replacing Shai as it will be a totally different individual.

09-20-2001, 07:14 AM
I fully agree with everything Carrie said.

I personally think that there is not a too soon, deep in your heart you will know when you are ready. When my Titti died just over 4 years ago I was devastated, she was 18 and we had a very strong bond. I said that after her I never wanted another black female cat (I say female because also Gigio was black). 2 months after though, someone found Maya, she was only a couple of months, lived in a semi-feral colony and some of her siblings were killed by a dog. She was desperately needing a loving home so I took her in. It helped with the grieving and it helped Gigio too, even though he was never very close to Titti, they lived together for almost 14 years and after she went he started suffering from separation anxiety. Maya helped him through that. A year and a half later Prema entered my life, she was supposed to be my sister's 3rd cat but on look and we were both in love. And there was me saying that I never wanted another black female cat :D . They look similar and there are other similarities too but at the same time they are completely different.

I believe that when we lose a pet and we take another one in we don't replace it because that's never going to be possible, they all have their different personalities. After over 4 years I sometimes get tearful when I think of Titti and I will never forget her and I don't love her any less than then, but now I could not imagine my life without the others. There so many out there that need a loving home.

09-20-2001, 07:29 AM

You know how I feel about Goldens, so it goes without saying that I think that particular breed would be wonderful for you. And a puppy would certainly be a distraction for you! :eek:

And just a word about my own experience. Unlike Shai's sudden death, Helen and I watched our Kaycee's health fail for almost a year. I knew each day we had her was precious and I worried not only about how Helen would handle her death, but myself as well. So after talking with my vet, I decided to add a little Golden puppy to our family. That was Honey. And I have to tell you that baby Honey was a blessing for us after Kaycee died. And the day after Kaycee's death, my friend's Golden gave birth to a huge litter of puppies. You know the "rest of the story". We knew we had room in our hearts to remember Kaycee, love our Honey, AND add Lilly to our family.

Everyone grieves differently, and I have to bite my tongue sometimes when responding to folks who have lost their beloved pet. Because I want to "shout" loudly to tell them not to wait, but add another to love. It really helped us to deal with our loss. Not that we weren't sad over Kaycee. In fact, we still are, and its been over two years now. But what we got in return from Honey, then Lilly, made it all worthwhile.

You will not ever replace Shai, but neither should you feel guilt about moving forward. She would want you to be happy! :) And we all want the same for you. I'm not trying to get sappy on you, but maybe this puppy was just meant to be.

You will know what to do. Good luck with your decision.

09-20-2001, 07:30 AM
I forgot your first question! I think you click on "my profile", and then "edit" and then you can go into your signature and just add it at the end of what you already have there. I didn't test my instructions...but I am sure you'll figure it out!

karen israel
09-20-2001, 07:31 AM
Hi Stace! As a 1st time dog owner, I have no idea how I ever functioned without one! I always think about what I would do when Cody passes. I know, unconditionally, that I would get another! I would DEFINITELYadopt that puppy! Rememeber that no other dog will EVERreplace Shai! Just like a beloved human can't be replace. Nobody in the world is alike, thank Goodnesss!! I think puppy training (Oh, those days!) will keep you so busy it'll help heal your heart.
My friend lost his fabulous Boxer in April and SWORE he'd have to wait emotionally for another dog. Guess what? I got a call less than a month later, and he's now a proud papa again with another little girl! He placed his sweet Niecey's urn on the fireplace and knows that she approves and watyches over all of them. That is very comforting for him. He knows Niecey would hate to see him sad since they had a wonderful life, full of unparalled love, devotion and fun.
GO FOR IT! The very fact that your friend offered the puppy (GR.. yay!)to YOU, knowing you would be the perfect owner, says it all right there!!! What a compliment!!! Shai would want you to be happy! For sure she is looking down on your with a huge grin and approval!!!! :D ;)

09-20-2001, 08:17 AM
I agree with everyone who has already posted. Getting another dog will never take the place of the one you lost. There will always be a special place in your heart for Shaianne. Having another dog, especially a puppy, will, however, allow you to focus on something else. I am all for getting another dog and the sooner, the better. But, again, only you can decide when you're truly ready. Good luck to you and let us know what you decide.

09-20-2001, 08:48 AM
Dear Staci. I echo what everyone else has said. I lost the dog of my lifetime, my beloved Jingles, over 2 years ago. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of her, grieve her loss, cry, or miss her desperately. I too, never wished for a pedigree, or to go to a breeder for another pup. Too many doggie's needing homes already! But, just 1 month after Jing's passing, all things and circumstances conspired to bring Star into my life. As you say about this golden pup, she too needed a home. And I needed to put my grief to work, transforming it into a positive force, opening up my heart to another in need. Star has not replaced Jing. She moved into my heart and my home, helped me to heal, and holds her own place among the animals I have been privileged to share my life with. Only you can decide in the end when the time is right. But, you should never feel that you will in any way betray the memory of Shai, the love you shared, by opening your heart to another. We think of you and beautiful Shai every day. I know you will make the decision that is best for you right now. Have faith in yourself and follow your heart. Love, Sandra, Cody and Star

Dixieland Dancer
09-20-2001, 08:56 AM
I have had 6 Goldens over the past 25 years and no two have been alike. Each has it's own personality and each that has passed is remembered very dearly. I have had strong bonds with all of them and know how having one around when the other passes makes it more bearable because you have to go on taking care, and loving the one that remains. That doesn't lessen the loss you feel, it just helps you to go on with a furbaby to love and cuddle with. I can't imagine life without a dog around.

I agree with Carrie though that only you can determine when the time is right. You need to deal with your grieving in a manner that is bearable for you!

One additional comment... Logan and I share the same thought that the breed is definitely a good choice. I realize that the papers you get don't mean anything special to you, it is the love you are looking for, but you may find that you can work with your new pup and even enter it in competitions for agility, obedience, etc... That is a great hobby for our dogs and also for us. I love going to the dog shows with Dixie and soon with Dusty and sharing some special memories of earning titles and learning together.

Best Wishes in making your decision!!!!

09-20-2001, 09:23 AM
Dear Staci, as everyone said no other dog will ever take Shai's place. Only she has a special corner of your heart. I think this little pup would be wonderful for you. Of course you are the only one who knows if you are ready. Just follow your heart.

09-20-2001, 09:53 AM
Staci, this is something only you can decide.
If you get this puppy, there may be moments early on where you question, 'was this the right choice?' but those moments will be fleeting. You will still miss Shai if you get another dog, and probably always miss her. 15 years from now, when this puppy has been with you it's whole life, you will look back and not regret any decision you made now. I'm trying to say that you may have questions and regrets in the beginning, when you first bring a new puppy home, but in the long run, you won't have any regrets. Does that make sense???!

I lost my cocker spaniel, my companion from the time I was ten years old, in Jan. 2000. I had always said that, when Freckles passed, I would get two dogs eventually.
I was still in mourning in late February, when Joe saw something on the local news about greyhound adoption. He said flippantly 'how about a greyhound?' I said that I wasn't ready.... but it got the wheels turning in my head. When we read a notice about an adopt-a-thon in an area pet store. Joe convinced me to go look, 'just to check it out.' I kept insisting that I wasn't ready. We went to the show, met Paula, and two hours later, it was me who nervously grabbed an application and filled it out. Let me tell you, there were lots of times over the next two weeks (while we waited for a home visit and to complete the adoption process) where I broke down and said, 'I don't know if this is right; I feel like I'm cheating on Freckles....' But I went through with it. Even after Paula came home, I still had regrets and questions. But, a year and a half later, I am so happy that we did it. We might have missed out on our Paula, and the other dogs too, if we hadn't taken the step when we did.

In retrospect, you will never regret the choice to bring home a pet, as long as you train it well and it gets along with Kylie.

09-20-2001, 10:17 AM
Thank you all for your support, I knew you would be there.
I am working on a letter to Shaianne for the rainbow bridge page of the pettalk page. I was writing it last night, crying. Kylie jumped up on the bed and put her paws on the tablet as in saying, Ok you're done!!
I think I will tell my friend I will take the puppy, it will be 8 weeks away as they are not born yet. By then I can mentally prepare myself for it.
Jessica, that is so neat the way you "got" Paula. You chipped!! I think maybe sometime down the road, I may rescue another greyhound. But from the very beginning, I said "I am not gettin' another one, they run too fast!!" If I had a fenced in yard, maybe.
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the plight of those poor gentle creatures.
As I said before, Shai will let me know when its time. She will want me to give another dog the kind of life she had.

09-20-2001, 01:31 PM
Staci, I'm a huge advocate for adopting dogs from shelters and rescues, but I also feel there are times when fate steps in. I think it's fate that you get that puppy. I completely agree with everything everyone else has said. I think a Golden will have the perfect goofy personality to help lift your spirits. With the passing of dear Shai along with the country's tragedy, you deserve a little golden ball of happiness. I am happy to see you getting another pup because I have really been worried about you. I am so glad Kylie is there to help you cope. Good luck with everything. You're a great doggie mom and that little Golden is soooo lucky. We're all going to be on your back asking for pictures too :)

Oh, I have been in California for the past few days but I am going to add more to the Shai page. I also need to fix the guestbook because it cuts you off.

You put an extra .com at the end of the address in your sig.. otherwise it works fine.

[ September 20, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

Daisy's Mom
09-20-2001, 02:36 PM
I can only repeat what everyone else has said. Only you can decide when it's time, but my advice would be to get it. You would not be replacing Shai, but filling in the horrible gaping hole she has left in your house. So, I say, go for it :)

09-20-2001, 07:46 PM
Everyone is right. Staci, only you can decide when is the right time. This sounds like fate to me, though. :) With the new puppy or dog (whenever that will be), you will not have time to break down and cry or feel depressed because the new pup will distract you. I remember that whenever I thought of Avalanche and started to cry, Killian would come over and lick my face. I would then get distracted and feel better. I also swore I would never get a GSD again after the death of my beloved dog of a lifetime, Wolf. As you all know, that changed. No one could ever replace Wolf or Avalanche, the others just share the place in my heart with my two at Rainbow Bridge. Good luck to you and go for it, if you are ready!!!!!

09-21-2001, 12:09 AM
omg! 3-g-a-a-m, that's exactly how i felt when i brought King into my life. after 18 years of Baron being gone, i felt like i was cheeting on him because of how much love i felt for king. 18 years and the pain has never left. but after a week i realized he would want nothing more then for me to be happy. i'm so used to Specks feeling ultimate jealousy. for severl weeks i still had feelings of guilt, but it finally faded away.

Staci, i defintly agree about the dog not being replaced. (though, a few people do that, but they don't love their dogs as much as all of us do in my oppinion.) i think a new dog is great for helping ease the pain. and no matter what, don't think you're obligated to forget about Shai. you shouldn't. i say that, because i know it's going to be suggested to you by someone.

09-21-2001, 12:14 AM
The next time I see my friend I am going to tell her I will take that puppy. Until then I will try not to get toooooo excited. As I have at least 8-9 weeks to wait.
I am never going to replace Shai, she was a wonderful friend and companion. The next puppy will just find a place beside Shai in my heart and help me thru this time.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
I think it is exactly what the doctors at pettalk ordered!!!
Today was very hard for me b/c it has been a week w/o her.

Aly did you get my email? When I tell people what you did about the website, everyone is so touched. I just can't express to them how great the people here are. and how grateful I am to all of you for helping thru this time.
Thank you for worrying about me, I know I worried about you and Harley and you and Lolly also.
As I stated before Kylie is my sweet little white furball of an angel. When she came into my home, I was so worried about Shaianne not feeling left out, and neglected. She was the only child for a year and a half, and had to deal with this traumatized kitty. Now I worry about Kylie, which is why I want a puppy, I think it will be easier for her to adjust to. and vice versa.
I too think this is fate, I never thought I would get a dog from some place other than a shelter or pound or "free puppy" ad. We shall see if this was meant to be. I will keep you posted as always!!!

[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: shais_mom ]

09-21-2001, 06:02 AM
Staci I am glad to see that you are looking forward to the future and getting excited over your potential new pup! If you are ready then I say it's time!! I think Kylie will adjust just fine and especially if your new addition is a puppy. They should learn to peacefully co-exist as my cats did when Bella came along. They had lived 3 years without a dog in the house but they never forgot, and they gave Bella a fitting feline welcome. :D

When we finally decided to get another standard poodle my hubby wanted another black one, the color of our sweet Whitney. I felt that would be wrong. Even though we knew Whitney couldn't be replaced, I felt just seeing a black dog in the house again would stir some memories. I wanted my pup to have her own identity and to me that meant looking different as well. It looks to me like being "mommy" to a golden retriever might be just what the doctor ordered. Please keep us posted on your progress as you heal and get ready for your new pup. Oh, and Trevor and Andy say to prepare Kylie because kitties don't like surprises! :D :D :D

09-21-2001, 07:04 AM
Hi Staci,
The grieving process/recovery process is the same with cat owners. We lost our beloved Valentine three years ago, and it did take us a year to grieve and finally decide we wanted to have another cat. Well, it turned out that we got four cats!!! I know most people want to rescue pets from a shelter or pick them up from the "want ads" and that's a good thing, no question. However, I urge people to be open about getting a purebred animal. Our four babies came to us from three different breeders. All came with papers, and the best thing about it is that all of them came with perfect manners and behavior. These were cats that were kept in a cattery (like a kennel, large place w/separate rooms for cats) and had some human contact but not a lot. The breeders were absolutely delighted to find a home for these cats so they could have a lot more human interaction. I didn't care whether or not I got purebred cats or which color or which sex, all I wanted was cats to love and hug and spoil, and that's exactly what I got. In addition to some lovely and very well-behaved pets, I got three very good sources of advice and help with cat illnesses, food choices, etc. because breeders keep in touch with those who adopt their cats and they are wonderful sources of information, even at 10 PM when your cat is throwing up or has diarrhea :eek: .
One of the four cats now lives with my Mom in Virginia; the only male cat couldn't get along with the dominant female so the breeder took him back and he now has a wonderful home in NJ; that left us with Bo and Abby, and Abby got sick last June and is now at the rainbow bridge. Bo is here with us and she is such a spoiled priss, but every bit a lady and probably the best pet I've ever owned. (excuse me, she owns me I think!) ;) I've been able to find cats for other friends through the cat breeder network, and if I ever wanted another cat or cats, all it would take would be one E-mail and I'd have multiple offers of adult "retired friends" as they are called in the business.
You've done the right thing and I know the puppy will have a wonderful home :)

09-21-2001, 08:34 AM
This is kind of an odd statement, but anyway, what would Shai want you to do? I know that he loved you because of everythings you said about him, and I know he wouldn't want you not be happy. Go ahead and get another little pleasure: another dog. You'll never forget Shai, and she'll always be in your heart, but I think another dog may just comfort you, and I know you'll enjoy it. Good Luck! :-)

09-21-2001, 10:01 AM
Staci.....I am smiling "BIG" for you :D and for Shai :D

09-21-2001, 02:48 PM
BosMom - You can also find perfectly behaved, sweet, spoiled little angels at the shelter :D Also a lot of shelters (and especially rescues) will keep in contact with you about health and behavior issues because they don't want to see the animals returned.

Staci - I'm glad you liked the webpage. I have some good ideas for it... Hopefully I can do them without failing miserably :)

Daisy's Mom
09-21-2001, 08:26 PM
I am so excited for you Stacey! I know you won't regret getting a new sweet puppy. Just be prepared to show us a lot of pictures :)

09-22-2001, 02:12 AM
I am having some doubts of course, as I think that is natural in any way. I keep saying to myself, the next dog is going to be completely different from Shaianne.
Its so hard, you can't imagine life w/o your pet, and then one day they are gone and now you have life w/o your pet. You want to go on b/c you know that is what they want, but you also don't want to hurt their feelings by moving on.
I think in my heart of hearts even tho it is very sad right now, Shaianne would want me to go on and give a new puppy/dog a new and better life like she had. She was so happy, she lived life to the fullest. She loved me unconditionally, and I loved her unconditionally, and she would want me to love that way again.

You could never fail miserably when it comes to Shai's page, whatever you decide to do with it is such a gift to me and to my baby girl.
I am having some guilty feelings over wanting this puppy, simply b/c I have been an advocate of shelter/pound adoptions since I got Shaianne. But this puppy needs a home when it comes into this world also, and I can't help but think that I would give it a great home. I think I will ask my friend if I can see the puppies when they are a few weeks old, and see if I am ready then. If I am ready then the good Lord and Shai will let me know, if I am not, then they will let me know that also and the puppy is not meant to be with me and it can find a good home with someone else. I hope. :(
I would love to welcome that puppy or any puppy into my heart, home and arms but if its not meant to be, then its not meant to be. I will find another one someday. Maybe sooner than later!! Or Later than Sooner!!!
Thanks keep all advice coming, as I need it desperatly now.

[ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: shais_mom ]

09-22-2001, 11:53 AM
Staci, like others I really feel this is fate for you to have that pup, BUT only you will know. And of course we will all stand behind whatever decision you make. It is normal to have doubts. When my 14 year old lab died, I didn't feel like I should ever get another dog again. Dessi let me know though that it was time to move on and she would watch over me. Even though I have 2 dogs now, I also keep Dessi in my heart and mind, and after a year and a half, I haven't forgetten her in the least. You won't forget about Shai, and you won't be betraying Shai. She will let you know. And we will be here for you :)

09-22-2001, 01:14 PM
Something tells me that when you see those little furry bundles of love, you'll know what to do! Will you get to choose the puppy you want? And do you want a male or female? I have heard postive things both ways...some people believe that males bond with the "mom" (as in you) better than females. But I am living proof that Helen and I could not be loved more than we are by our two girls.

You'll know, Staci, and whatever you decide, its ok! We just want you to be happy! :D

09-22-2001, 05:17 PM
You guys are great! :) :cool:
I stopped today at work to tell my friend that I would take the puppy. She said "Well, they are not born yet!" I said "I know and I think that is best." I think that will give me more time to heal and prepare myself for the arrival.
She said that when they are born we can go over and I can pick out the one I want. I would like a female. I am partial to them for some reason. I think "puppy breath" is just what the doctor ordered, and the timing will be right.
I agree with what Sue said earlier about Killian and Avanlanche. I think Shai crossed to the bridge to give this puppy a chance in the world, who knows where it would go?! Shai's crossing for that reason and the gift that she is giving those people at the bridge is one the most beautiful unselfish things. I still miss her everyday and will miss her everyday for the rest of my life. But with this decision, I also think she is smiling down on Kylie and I with that beautiful greyhound grin that I loved so much.
I know when the puppy comes into my life, there will probably be tears of joy and sadness. I never got to experience Shai's puppy stage, so it will be wonderful to have that. And I think Kylie will adjust better to a puppy. They will be the same size at first!!!
Thank you for all the advice and keep it coming, I love to hear different opinions.

09-22-2001, 05:58 PM
My very first thought was, All things happen for a reason. And this very kind gesture is here for a reason. It was just plain meant to be. So, stop beating yourself up, and worrying is it too soon. And go for it. I bet all things work out fine. You will know deep in your heart if the time is right. and I also agree, papers are here nor there, when it comes to loving animals. I know it is very difficult when a beloved pet crosses over. But, please remember all things happen for a reason. No accidents here. At least that is what I believe. Best of LUCK to you. Keep us posted. :) :)

09-22-2001, 06:21 PM
Although I have worked with hundreds of dogs they are all so different and some come along that are SO special....
If the ones that touched my heart in a life long way were such a horrible thing to lose I would never look at another dog.
Instead, those dogs, as much as I miss them and will never forget them, give me the reason to go on and meet and get to know other dogs. Every dog that passes out of my life gives me the incentive to go on and get to know others.
If you have a really bad marriage, for instance, it does not make you feel that great about marrying again, does it? If you have a great marriage..........
There is nothing to feel guilty about. You are saying that Shai and the relationship you had with her was so great that you are willing to try and make a similar relationship again.
It will not be the same, but it was so good you another relationship with a dog.
This is a tribute to Shai that you feel this way.
This is something that Shai has given you, not something you should be feeling bad about.
If Shai had been horrible, hated you, not shown you love and not been loveable would you even be thinking about another dog?

09-22-2001, 11:02 PM
So little time, so many to be rescued. That's why I will be looking for another to save very shortly after the passing of my present beloved dogs. What better tribute than to save another one in the same predicament? No time to waste.

09-23-2001, 07:31 PM
Thank you, you all said it wonderfully!!

09-24-2001, 08:55 AM
Instead, those dogs, as much as I miss them and will never forget them, give me the reason to go on and meet and get to know other dogs. Every dog that passes out of my life gives me the incentive to go on and get to know others.
If you have a really bad marriage, for instance, it does not make you feel that great about marrying again, does it? If you have a great marriage..........

Carrie, I feel exactly the same way! After I lost my cocker spaniel (my first dog) I first felt that it would be a betrayal to get another dog. But, as soon as Paula came home, I realized that it was because of the positive, enriching experience I had with Freckles that made me able to love Paula so unconditionally. I feel that I will credit every dog to come in my life to Freckles...

09-24-2001, 09:13 AM
I don't mean to make light of your loss and your grief, but think of all that time and effort Shai put into training YOU to be a loving friend and caretaker! You are just getting good at this dog-lover stuff! You've learned so much about behavior and health issues and how to help a dog blossom into a loving pet.

To me, being a friend and teacher to another dog is just passing along all that good stuff that Shai gave you. She helped build you, now go out and make her proud!

Best wishes to you during this time of loss and change. Keep loving - it will come back to you in bushels!

09-27-2001, 07:45 AM
I have been perusing GR sites for info. Does anyone know any sites that are good for training/housebreaking puppies?
I had a dilemna yesterday morning! A lady at work told me about a girl she knows trying to get rid of some labbie puppies for free!! I said "Do they have any chocolates" (my favorite) and she said Yes. As much as I would like to, I feel this GR is tugging at my heart. It would be easier to train a puppy while the weather is still nice, but it has only been 2 weeks and I feel it would be too soon. At least with the GR I will have time to prepare my heart and home. In my heart, I feel the GR is the right one, of course I still harbor some doubts, but I had them with Shaianne in the beginning and Kylie also. Now I can't imagine life without them in it or influencing it the way they have.

09-27-2001, 05:47 PM
Dear Staci

I think you really should follow your heart. And from listening to you, I think you already know which route you want to follow. I'm sure that just the idea that someone you know is right there with a labbie pup for the taking is very enticing and a comforting thought after such a terrible loss. But only if you know "this is the time; this is the dog." Do what feels right deep, deep down.. When the time is right you will know it for certain, and the perfect pup will come your way, and your heart will be open to give and accept that incomprable love. It's all part of a greater plan! :) And I want you to know, I think of you and Shaianne every day. At work, I think of her each time I hug one of the "Greys." Today it was the beautiful rescue Buttons. You two are always in my heart and prayers. Sandra

[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

09-27-2001, 10:41 PM
I was also thinking about you. I'm glad that you will be getting a pup soon. Don't feel guilty. No other dog in the world will take the place of Shai in your heart, but you have a big heart, Staci. You'll soon have room for another pup to love!

09-28-2001, 09:26 AM
When my Bailey went to the Rainbow Bridge, my husband and friends put pressure on me to get a puppy. They thought I was grieving too much and having to engage in the puppy raising would bring me out of it. I knew I had done most of my grieving before she passed because of her lengthy illness, but I still couldn't think straight. so I let them talk me into it before I felt I was "ready". So it was only a month after Bailey's passing, when I got Hannah, who as fates would have it turned out to be a terrible puppy and it was winter. At first I felt I couldn't bond with her. She was resistant to housebreaking as well as being a very strong alpha female who seemed to have no need to please. Then she got very sick and I thought I might lose her and I realized how very much I loved her. The next two years were still very difficult, but that love carried me through and even her most contentious characteristics taught me lessons I never dreamed I still had to learn. I guess what I am saying is that I know how difficult it is to know
what to do at a time like this. But in the end, it will probably turn out just fine, even if you think you make some preventable mistakes along the way. Was I ready for another dog....NO. In my haste did I choose the right time of year to raise a puppy....NO. Did I choose the right dog for me.....NO. If I could go back in time, would I do it any differently....NO.

[ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

Dixieland Dancer
09-28-2001, 10:12 AM
This is a typical Golden. See what you have to look forward to!!!!


I am a member of the Golden Retriever Club of America and our local GRC. Check our the GRCA website for more info. www.grca.org (http://www.grca.org)

You can get to this site from the grca URL.
puppy training (http://www.canismajor.com/dog/tpuppy.html)

[ September 28, 2001: Message edited by: Dixieland Dancer ]

09-28-2001, 10:22 AM
Oh Dixie that is just the most precious picture I've ever seen - everyone I've ever talked to that's been owned by a Golden feels the same way. If I didn't live in a small condo I would definately consider getting one of these beautiful dogs!!!

09-28-2001, 10:49 AM
We rescued a stray golden and had it at our house for a day last year. What a lover she was - and so full of energy (she kept us up all night wanting to play, but I think that's just because she missed her family!). She was so sweet; I kept thinking - what a great pet for a young kid! - since she was so gentle, energetic, and loving. I can totally see we those of you with young kids picked goldens to share your homes with!
The ONLY reason I could never have a golden is because of the hair! (We filled up an entire vaccuum bag with long golden hair after she went home - I'm used to greyhound's minimal shedding! :D )

09-28-2001, 11:09 AM
Dixie what a great photo, I'll have to admit the Goldens are so beautiful, and it seems any photo of them that you look at they look so loving and peaceful and kind.

Dixieland Dancer
09-28-2001, 11:18 AM
My Goldens do not shed a lot of hair except twice a year (spring and fall) for about 1 1/2 weeks. The rest of the year is very minimal. Usually if you have a golden who sheds uncontrollably it is the diet you are feeding them.

Goldens tend to have allergies that are produced from primarily grain based foods. Dogs are conivers (meat eaters) and should be fed food that they were meant to eat. If they were meant to eat grains then they would be garden raiders and not animal killers in the wild.

Super Premium dog foods like Innova (3 meat products as the first 3 ingredients) tend to fair well with helping the shedding out of control situation. I'm sure this applies for all dog breeds and not just Goldens!While super premium foods cost more to purchase, you feed less and it actually costs less in the long run per pound of food to feed.

If any of you have dogs that shed really bad, try switching their diet and maybe that will help!

09-28-2001, 11:28 AM
Rachel, your story of Hannah sounds familiar,we still had Kona but it was just a matter of time. Don said I could have any dog and I decided on Daisy, I felt sorry for her. When we got home, I was the only one she would bite and I mean draw blood, she would never come to me but would go to Don,
when we took her to the Vet and I held her in the Explorer she would bite me the whole way. She would never do anything I told her to do. I just about gave up and said to Don she hates me. My arms were full of bandaids.
He said patience is a virtue. She never wanted to be held. I said o.k. somehow I'm going to win her over, we took our time and I never picked her up, I called her and she wouldn't come but that was o.k. After three years of patience, she now comes to me, I can hold her for maybe five minutes and she gives me kisses. At first she slept at the bottom of my bed (o.k. carrie I know) now she sleeps next to me with her butt against me. I look in her eyes and I know how much she loves me and we do have a special bond.
I believe this all happened because the breeders two girls carried her around like a rag doll, they never put her down for a minute when we were there. When they did, she ran under the coffee table to hide.
Daisy is my dog of a lifetime.

10-07-2001, 04:56 PM
hey Stacie. just checking in, seeing how you are doing.

(sorry if i missed a post on the subject. catching up you know.)