View Full Version : Can anyone cheer Luna up? :)

07-02-2003, 03:25 PM
Looks like my girl is bored lately, especially after the surgery (but could be the warm weather as well); anyway, this is how she's spending her days now:


Only in the morning and evening she's getting more active and wants to play and catch insects, but during the day, she's just a little lazy girl.

Any ideas how to cheer Luna up? :)


07-02-2003, 03:51 PM
Did Luna see that her lover is worried and waiting for her kiss? Or at least mail?


If Jack can't cheer her up I have no idea.

BTW Tigris and Filou also spend the hot days sleeping: Filou in sunny spots:eek: and Tigris under the bed:rolleyes:

07-02-2003, 03:54 PM
AWWWW poor girl, you sure do need your beauty rest don't you? Actually my two kitties do that ALL day long and for them it's just the weather. As soon at it hits 70 degrees F it's like their internal body clock says "nap time".....

Luna, you look beautiful and your markings are just like my Speckles!

07-02-2003, 04:03 PM
Personally, I don't think she needs cheering up.......she seems to know that best way to spend the hot summer days.:D But seeing her sure cheered ME up! ;)

Prairie Purrs
07-02-2003, 04:16 PM
It's been around 100 degrees F here the past couple of days, and everyone is stretched out on various parts of the floor. It looks like I carpeted with cats! :D

07-02-2003, 04:40 PM
Luna, I've been missing you too! You sure seem to know the best way of spending you afternoons, you look absolutely comfy there! :D

Fister is sleeping most of the day too, so don't feel bad about it! ;) Perhaps you'd enjoy if your mom came with a good brush, Fister loves that in the afternoon - in fact he's calling for it.

07-02-2003, 05:30 PM
Yes, I also think it has a lot to do with the temperatures; today, it has cooled off and Luna had her "moments"! :)

Randi, like Fister, she also likes being brushed. I only need to walk into her room, and she would follow me, jump onto her scratching post and waits for me to brush her! :) Of course it's not the same since she had surgery, we have to wait for her wound to heal and her fur to grow back until it's full enjoyment again! :)

Barbara, thanks for bringing Jack's post to my attention, I wasn't much online lately and missed it :o, but now Luna could finally reply to her Jack! :)
