View Full Version : My very special kitty friend

07-02-2003, 09:32 AM
Just thought I'd share about a very special kitty friend.

We call him Stumpy. He has no tail (looks like he got into some sort of accident) and has a ton of toes! I'm not kidding. He has more then 5 on one paw.

He is the only truely welcome kitty in our yard. He enjoys catching birds but never tries to kill them. He just holds them between his paws and then sets them free. The squirrels let him catch them!

He is a very sweet kitty. He was named in honor of our former dog pal who my dad called stumpy because his legs were really short.

I'll show you pics ASAP!


07-02-2003, 10:04 AM
Sounds like a cutie! Can't wait to see some pictures. :D

My sister-in-law works at an animal shelter and frequently brings home sick cats and nurses them back to health so they can go back to the shelter and go up for adoption. The cat she is currently taking care of has LOTS of toes. I think he has 7 or 8 toes on each of his front paws, and 6 or 7 on his back paws.

07-02-2003, 06:11 PM
Rachel, your Stumpy sounds like a treasure. Can't wait to see pictures of him. Thanks for sharing his story with us.