View Full Version : Another Candle Lighting...

09-18-2001, 01:38 PM
I realize most of these topics are under "General" but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this today since this is supposed to take place tonight.

I received this e-mail from work and want to pass it along. The lady heard this info on the radio and I don't know for sure how true this is. Hopefully some of you have heard this as well....

...10:30 EASTERN TIME.... 9:30 Central, 8:30 Mountain, 7:30 Pacific I just heard on the radio that the U.S. has asked that everyone step out on their lawns tonight at 10:30 and light a candle. They will be taking a satellite picture of the U.S. and posting it on the news tomorrow morning. Please pass this on to as many people as possible....

Even if it isn't true it would be another wonderful gesture if we all did this. Some of us can only offer this small token. I lit a candle the other day and sat outside with a neighbor for awhile. I gave blood last week and just wish I could do more.

I haven't been responding much on here but I read everyone's posts to keep up. I just don't know what to say right now.

Sandra, I am terribly sorry about Buff. I wish I had words to comfort you and take away your pain. Your greiving process can now begin...

My thoughts are with all of you and I hope you are all well and that you can light your candle tonight.

Take care..

Cinder & Smoke
09-18-2001, 02:43 PM
Too windy for your candle? Make a LUMINARIA...

Please join the Candle Lighting tonight. If you're afraid your candle won't stay lighted outdoors ~ Check this link for an old Christmas Tradition: About.com "Luminaria" page (http://albuquerque.about.com/library/weekly/bllumin.htm?rnk=r5&terms=luminaria)

A rather *windproof* candle display can be easily created with a simple plain brown or white paper bag. Smaller than a full sized grocery bag is best, and white bakery bags are great. Unfold the bag, keeping the sides vertical; and spread a few inches of sand or small gravel INSIDE the bag to weight it down. No sand? Kitty Litter will work, and can be recycled (don't tell the Kat!) No Kat? Use a brick. Place the lighted candle INSIDE the bag on top of the sand, litter, or brick and Wow! You've got a wind (resistant) Luminaria Candle :D.

Decorate the outside of the bag with crayons or markers, if you wish. Got lotsa bags and candles? Arrange them in a design on the lawn ~ heart or cross patterns might be appropriate for tonight's display.