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11-18-2001, 08:55 PM
just to let you know I love your idea!! the location is great!!!! i live in fl.!!! i will drive to texas!!!! we could make this happen!!! let me know everyones thougts!!!and how i can help!!! the deli dog

11-18-2001, 10:34 PM
I have been game for the possibility of a PetTalk meeting since I first met Rachel. I loved meeting Rachel, Hannah & Tucker and would love meeting more of you fantastic people and more fantastic dogs :)

What about some kind of carpool for those folks who live semi-close to one another? That is maybe something to think about. I think I would like to go, but TX is pretty far and I would want to drive...I have not felt comfortable flying since the first disaster, the 2nd one that went down in Queens pretty much ended my desire to ever fly again (I know, I know, I am just letting the terrorists get to me like they wanted...sorry :( ) anyway, I have always wanted to drive across country, but not sure about TX. I would really want to take Graham if I do end up going to the first annual Pet Talk meeting, 2001, so it would be nice to meet someplace dog friendly.

So as of now I can't guarantee anything, but count me in as a deffinate possibility!

11-19-2001, 07:16 AM
I would love to go to TX. Is there anyone in GA that would want to ride together? I hate driving that far alone. Drake won't be able to come. It is very difficult to find a hotel that allows pets that weigh 90 lbs.!

Golden Smiles
11-19-2001, 12:43 PM
:D I would love to meet!! Sounds great! I guess the only problem i would have is picking which babies would go with me!! :(