View Full Version : Get your own back with Pet haters!

07-01-2003, 05:03 AM
Well, everyone in this forum knows what it's like to have a family member or friend make unwelcome comments in your house, about your pet. I had my own experience this weekend...

A friend was up in Brisbane from Melbourne, and she was spending the night at my humble abode. She had bought with her another friend, resident of Brisbane, who wanted to have a few drinks and spend the night. Fair enough.

Anyway, I spotted him as a cat hater from the moment I met him - I can just *tell* so I was on my guard and tried to keep her away from him.

Sure enough, he made a comment about stomping on Pixel. I let it slip, with an evil eye in his direction. He didn't get the hint, so when he made a comment about kicking Pixel, I said (quite calmly, I thought) "Kick my cat, and I'll kick YOU" (with a pointed look at his crotch). He still didn't get the hint, so I would counter each of his comments in the same manner. Soon, my friend from Melbourne was joining in. He asked me if it would be okay to set fire to Pixel, my friend jumped in and said, "no, we'll set fire to YOU instead."

Honestly! :(:( :rolleyes:

Eventually, I said, "Enough of the cat jokes, they really aren't funny," and (rather sheepishly), he shut his big trap! LOL, there is little that annoys obnoxious and rude people more than getting their own medicine back!


Give as good as you get, I say. Why should I be polite to someone who is so blatantly rude, a visitor to my home whom I have only just met properly for the first time?:(

EDIT: And yes, I'd extend the same courtesy to any rude family members or long time friends who made the same comments!

07-01-2003, 06:39 AM
The nerve of some people. Glad you and your friend gave him a taste of his own medicine:D

07-01-2003, 07:13 AM
I will never understand why people make cats the object of some awful humor and downright horrible comments. I never see people joking about dogs in the same way and I can't understand it, not that I would tolerate that either!!! People who make tasteless remarks about cats have obviously never known or loved one. I am glad you were able to put a stop to that kind of talk. People are just soooo rude!!! :mad: That's why I often prefer the company of my animals!

07-01-2003, 07:21 AM
Yeah, I remember when I had my first beer!

IttyBittyKitty, you were way too nice to this chump...

he would have left my house will some swollen, discolored parts...

but that's just me....

:D :D :D

07-01-2003, 08:43 AM
That was darn right rude of that person.
He was a guest in your house and should
have been on his best behavior.
(I guess the next time your friend brings him over,
you will tell that guy where the nearest hotel is)

07-01-2003, 11:15 AM
Boy, I don't know what his problem is; but, I bet it's difficult to pronounce.I would have let the cats use his bowl of cornflakes as a litterbox and not told him-sweet revenge!!

07-01-2003, 11:27 AM
he certainly would not have been welcome in my house after the first "stomp kitty" remark. he would have been told to leave.
no class or consideration for being in your house, or for a living being.

07-01-2003, 11:39 AM
I learned that family or not...pet lovers arnt allowed in my house. There is a sign on my door that says this.
"Don't Like my pets? Then I dont Like you. Leave. Don't Return." Ill have to get a picture of it.

07-01-2003, 11:42 AM
Who could make such awful jokes about beautiful Pixel ?????? :(

I'm sorry you had to go through that!

07-01-2003, 11:49 AM
You are a nice person! Much nicer than I would be.

My theory is "this is their house, too"! If you don't like the household inhabitants (two leg and four leg) - find somewhere else to stay.

Love the cornflake litterbox idea though!

07-01-2003, 12:27 PM
That's why I often prefer the company of my animals!

Right on Pam!!!

Those two would've been out the door in a heartbeat if it had been my home. They were both rude, obnoxious and I would've shown them the door.

I don't tolerate crap like that, I don't care who it is. And I make it very clear from the minute a comment is made.

You were WAY too nice. But you live and learn. Set Pixel on fire. I'd have stuck a pole up his butt and told him where to go.

07-01-2003, 12:39 PM
I've been married for six months now. The one thing, and I mean, the only thing, that my husband does that irritates me is makes jokes about Butter. He is not a cat person, or at least doesn't admit to being one. He is learning. We have two, and they were with me long before he was! :D I think his comments now are much more in jest, because I find him with cats sleeping on him, constantly, or see him petting one, who is sleeping or walking past him. But I don't like his comments, and he is my husband!!! A stranger's comments would tick me off even worse!!! Joking or not, less commentary is better, in my opinion!!!

07-01-2003, 02:36 PM
I think a co-worker was way out of line, but am not sure if I started it. Would you sanity check this situation?

The guy and his wife made over their daughter's bedroom when she turned 13 as a surprise. An aquarium theme: painted it blue, had a lot of fish designs stencilled on the walls, a big fish pillow, lots of details that didn't really stick with me. Frankly, it didn't appeal to me at all and I wasn't sure how someone would react to having their room redone as a surprise -- I was appalled, but wanted to be polite. (I'd never heard of those TV shows that do this at that time.) Since he'd put a lot of work into it and was expecting some kind of response, I tried to sound enthusiastic and said that I bet my cats would enjoy seeing it. (I know, incredibly lame. I don't do social all that well...) His response was he'd like for me to bring my bl***y cats over so he could sic his dog on them and watch him rip them to shreads. :eek: I've been avoiding this coworker ever since. (We are in different buildings and rarely interface.) He has noticed that I'm avoiding him, but seems to have no clue why I'm annoyed. Okay, my remark was inane, but I thought his response was really out of line. Comments anybody?

07-01-2003, 05:27 PM
sounds like he is a sadistic jerk! what kind of a*****wants to see one animal rip into another one? and to say that to the animals owner? yeah real nice, very classy.
you should have invited him over to be torn apart by your doberman(he didnt have to know you don't have one)

07-01-2003, 06:40 PM
that guy needs a sense of humour overhaul!!all cats love watching fish-they even have a video-gee lighten up guy! Your remark wasn't inane at all it actually was a compliment-the fish looked great so your cats would enjoy it-had the fish resembled Liz Taylor's tummy that would have been another story!! At least you could tell they were fish-by the way aquarium bedrooms-so 1980's!!:D

07-01-2003, 06:51 PM
Thanks. His personality is a little ... um, extreme (is this a safe descriptor?) so I tried to be kind. But since this discussion, I find it better to leave him ALONE.

(Note: I met him with his family on company outings twice I think, but we've never seen each other's homes. So maybe he thought I was being pushy???)

07-01-2003, 09:36 PM
Amber - it was nothing you said, those type of conversations call for inane comments. Heck, we can't be honest and say what we really think, can we? Your co-worker was way out of line - he's obviously some type of sicko!

Yes, I was more tolerant than I should have been - but that was purely for my friend from Melbourne's sake! :)

07-01-2003, 10:19 PM
I learned that family or not...pet lovers arnt allowed in my house. There is a sign on my door that says this.

I love that sign! I must get one! My mom in law hates animals. She doesn't understand why I would want to own something so dirty. She made the comment out of the blue one time (as she looked in my backyard with disgust) "Can't your dad take your dogs? I am sure they can live with him." I said "Sure, and why don't you give your daughter to grandma. She's getting a little messy too."

07-02-2003, 06:48 AM
Good reply, Tonya!

07-02-2003, 02:00 PM
IBK- you were entirely too nice. I would have made it clear from the first comment he made, that guest or not, that it was totally unacceptable.

I work with some people that think it is ok to talk like that, send me emails, etc., I walk away. It isn't right, and I refuse to give them a moment of my time.

07-03-2003, 09:13 AM
yes, good reply Tonya!:D

07-03-2003, 10:05 AM
When I am out doing PR or at an adoption event for my rabbit rescue group, I cannot tell you how many times men will walk up and say "So, when is dinner?" or "that rabbit would make a great stew" , or something equally tacky.....

I choose to believe they THINK they are being funny, when all it is is really irritating..... Depending on my mood I will say something back like "not today" or "no, these are pets" ...when what I really want to say is something like "and for dessert we will have your kid"....

However what I find especially heartbreaking are the stories people feel they HAVE to share....the "I had a rabbit once and......" kind of story. It is almost always a heartbreaking story of stupid or careless behavior resulting in the rabbits death.... Then I want to scream at them and have to bite my tongue..... And unfortunately there are still a lot of people out there that don't see rabbits as pets but as something to feed THEIR pet, or use to teach dogs how to race or hunt or eat themselves..... It's terrible. I know I have thin skin when it comes to rabbits and that I need to toughen up. I also feel kind of sorry for these idiots who have no regard for another animals life and that they truly have no understanding that given the correct attention and care rabbits can be really great pets.... if they are given a chance to begin with........ :(

07-13-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Whoa!! Time Warp!!! :D I see that now!!! LOL! Who brings these old posts out of the mothballs anyway??:rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :D Delete...delete..?? I guess so!

leslie flenner
07-13-2004, 08:19 PM

07-13-2004, 08:31 PM
I have a bad habit of seeing who's online, and picking interesting looking threads that they're reading.....take note of the original date of this. Geesh.....I deleted the first response, and will delete this one next!

07-14-2004, 07:33 AM
I don't see the need to delete it? Sometimes some people have missed an older post. I read it and found it interesting. *shrug*


07-14-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Daisylover
I know I have thin skin when it comes to rabbits and that I need to toughen up.

I hope I can keep my thin skin forever and ever and that I can stand up against cruelty -whether it is against animals or humans. There is too much suffering due to people with a thick skin.

The people that are making so-called jokes of that kind must be VERY afraid to see others who are more in contact with their softer side.

07-14-2004, 09:30 AM
Admittedly, I really didn't like cats. My parents cats when I was younger were rude, ill-mannered beasts to put it nicely. They bit people and clawed people and were generally a good example of a really badly behaved cats.

I didn't think the nicest thoughts about them. But I NEVER said anything cruel.

Then I actually decided to befriend other peoples cats *My mum in laws to be specific, she is a cat lady extreme* Now I own a kitty *well he owns me but we have this agreement that I get to go to work cause it pays for his toys lol* Anyone that comes over knows that if you want to be friends with me, you have to at least make peace with the cat. The first rude comment about harming my kitty gets you booted out the door!

I really hate when people get all rude about my rats. Snide comments about feeding them to large snakes or stepping on them are common. I guess no one likes rats but come on people this is like one of my KIDS here. Maybe I aught to feed thier kids to a boa constrictor or step on them.

I agree with other people on here, you were nicer than me! I would have given him a pillow and told him to sleep on the lawn.

07-14-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
You were WAY too nice. But you live and learn. Set Pixel on fire. I'd have stuck a pole up his butt and told him where to go.

yup. Definitely. I remember once someone telling me my dogs were ugly.Ugh!

07-14-2004, 02:08 PM

With all due respect, I would've shown him the door!!!! No one, and I mean NO ONE makes any kind stupid, threatening remarks about my cats and gets away with it.

I think you were being WAY too nice to them.

07-16-2004, 01:58 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Thats all i am gonna say !:mad: :mad: :mad:

07-16-2004, 02:18 PM
I'd have had the displeasure of meeting people who have been rude to my pets. One time, we had a Mary Kay lady come to the house for a demonstration. She SHOVED Nicki out of the way (yes, Nicki was being a major pest) but SHE had no right to shove Nicki! she could have asked something along the lines of "could you please put her outside, or somewhere that she can't be in my way?" No, she decided to shove Nicki. Of course I would have been likely insulted at the request to put her outside! Its Nicki's house too! :D

Anyway, I decided to thank her for her time, but we weren't in the market for Mary Kay at the moment and showed her the door.

If you are invited into someone else's house, you are a GUEST and should respect the ways that the homeowner lives. You wouldn't dream of making fun of what a lousy housekeeper they were, or tease them about the outrageously expensive car in their driveway, why should they feel comfortable to make sick jokes about my pets, or worse - harm my pets?

Aspen and Misty
07-16-2004, 02:54 PM
When we first got Connor we only had him for 2 days. He had been locked up in a batroom all of his life and was EXTREMLY hyper.

My cousin came over and kept making remarks like "He is soo bad" "Can't you keep him under controlle!!" etc. etc. She would acctually try to punish them!! That was the last straw everytime she said something like "Nova come and sit." i would say "O no, it's ok" and she would shut up :mad: :mad: boy did she ANOY me!!

Ash :mad:

07-16-2004, 06:32 PM
I get a LOT of rude comments about my animals, even from people who haven't seen them!

Now, I know that a lot of people don't care for snakes or tarantulas or insects. That's why they're in my room, not in the main part of the house, so that our more skittish guests can still enjoy themselves at our house without being freaked out by the spider skittering around or whatever. That doesn't seem to matter to some people though...

"Why would you WANT to have a tarantula as a pet?!"
"Eew, that's digusting!"
"Ugh, how do you put up with them?"

A few days ago I was out in the back breaking up some bed-a-beast for Evelyn Eve's tank, and I had her on my shoulders. My neighbor came out, looked at me poking around in a bucket of dirt, and asked what I was doing. I told him I was making soil for a terrarium. When he asked me what the terrarium was for, I pointed to Eve and he said "Oh, sorry I asked, I'll NEVER ask again!" and took off.....

Now, I try not to scare people with my animals, but it hurts when people so openly express disgust at the fact that ANYBODY could possibly like these animals.