View Full Version : I got braces..

06-30-2003, 07:29 PM
Well, I got the braces on today...it didnt hurt putting them on, but they feel soo annoying! I cant eat ANYTHING with them on!.....and i have to go back in a couple of weeks to get teeth pulled....:(

06-30-2003, 07:52 PM
I remember when I had braces. I lost like 15 lbs and never ate! I had the clear ones so I couldn't eat mustard and that made me soooo mad!

Good luck with them. I hope you don't have to keep them on long.

06-30-2003, 07:54 PM
I have to have them on for 2 years...:( .

Thanks :)

06-30-2003, 08:00 PM
Don't worry. I wish I could have done 2 years with them. And don't worry about the pulling out the teeth thing. I loved it. They gassed me up lol It was so fun :p Good luck though. They feel really weird and your teeth are sensitive to everything but it'll pass.

Did your doctor tell you anything about not chewing gum? I had just gotten my braces and I forgot about them and started chewing a gum. It was such a mess to take out, it was all stuck to my retainer. And if you ever need some funny stories to cheer you up, just ask me. I have been through so much with my braces. On Christmas I was eating a candy cane and it got stuck in this little hole my retainer. A WHOLE CANDY CANE! I swear. I got more stories if you need any... lol :D

06-30-2003, 08:04 PM
LOL LIANA! A whole candy cane? wow..quite the accomplishment lol :D I chewed gum, jub jubs and all those yummy things when I had braces...lol...it was a pain to brush out but was well worth it lol! I love sweets. About the teeth coming out...it shouldn't hurt. If you can handle having the braces put on..you can handle the teeth coming out. I actually found it "fun" too lol! Oh and some advice..when you change the colors...don't pick white if you intend on eating "colored" foods..lol I had curry the same night I got the whites on.

06-30-2003, 08:04 PM
LOL! Stupid braces...Yep, i cant chew gum, eat any kind of candy, chips, basically no junkfood, no hard stuff ( cut it up in pieces), and no soda...:(

06-30-2003, 08:07 PM
Oh the soda part is rubish! LOL...seriously? No soda? That's..my life! I had sooo much when I got braces..because I couldn't eat anything.

06-30-2003, 08:22 PM
Oh yeah a whole candy cane! I was so proud :D A little in pain, it was kinda cutting off my air supply but I managed to get it out ;)

My ortho told us no gum or chewy candy (not soda, that's just silly :p) but I did it anyways. My mom got me this sugarless gum that doesn't stick (lmao it was for dentures :p) I went in for a check-up once and as soon as I got out I put a gum in my mouth. The secretary was like :eek: and she called out the ortho. I was like "It's sugarless!" Oh well :p

I never got different colors. Always blue or green. I'm not into the one is pink, one is red thing. People in my class went along with the holidays. On Christmas they had green and red and so on...it was funny.

K I'm rambling :rolleyes: Hehe

06-30-2003, 08:36 PM
Welcome to the Club! LOL!

I am sooooo sorry that it hurts! I feel your pain! I have braces, too! They hurt only for the first few days, and whenever you get your baands changed, then they hurt, too, even if you've had thyem for awhile, but you've just gotten your bands changed, it hurts then, too! Because they tighten it. For the food issue, siunce it's summer, I reccomend lots and lots of smoothies, ice cream, popsicles, and milkshakes! Hey, the smoothies are good for you! lol! Hang in there!:) ;)

06-30-2003, 08:39 PM
OoOo...milkshakes sound good right about now! Thanks you guys! :D