View Full Version : Just a thought

Dixie Belle
05-15-2001, 01:33 AM
A lot of people think me werid, but I know I'm not. I've always been "different" because of my love for animals. I got to thinking on it myself one day. Why do I love them?
I think of Jewel. I remember the skinny, scared kitten that I brought home eleven years ago. Looking at the ten pound cat today, you would never be able to guess how small she was then. It's when she comes only to me, no one else, just because she heard my voice. She curls up beside me and purrs. It's the trust she has, the "Thank you" that she says.
I think of Justin. I remember the rolly-polly puppy that I got ten years ago. He's never done anything really special. He hasn't saved any lives. But he is always there to play fetch with. He's there just to talk to and to pet on. It's the trust and devotion in his eyes.
I sit with Mama by my side. I remember the little puppy that seven years ago, showed up on my parent's step. She was hungry, and for more than just food. I think of the times when I have been hurting inside. I remember how she has always been there to give me comfort. She never complains, never tells me I'm wrong. She has never said I'm a bad person. It's the love, devotion, the "I understand" in her eyes.
I sit with Belle on the swing. She is still a puppy in many ways. But she lays there, her head in my lap, sleeping. Not a thing in the world can scare her, not with me there. It's the trust.
Now Ihave Smokey and Bear. Two little kittens I've had only one week. Their mommy is dead, my husband and I are all they have. In one week they hear our voice and are happy. They purr while we hold them. They follow us around the house, never wanting to be far from us. The trust is already there. What will it become when they are grown?
I think of these things when people ask me, why do you have so many animals? What is it about them? I've come to realize that I'm not crazy, I'm not werid. I realize that I'm special. I'm special because these animals have chosen me to trust, me to love. And they are always there for me, no matter what. And I know that's why I love them.
If you have managed to put up with me long enought to read all of this, then please, look into your pet's eyes and see what they have to say. It's bound to make your day go right.

05-15-2001, 08:28 AM
That was a wonderful read this morning. Very well said. You are special, and I'm so glad you joined us on this board. I've always said I must be from a different planet. Now I know there are others here as well. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-15-2001, 09:30 AM
I feel just like you do. But I came to realise that it's not us that are weird, I believe that the strange ones are people who do not love animals. How can you not love someone who loves you unconditionally and just for a little gives you back so much? I could not live in a house without pets, I would feel there is something missing.

And if loving animals just as much as we do is considered weird by other people, then I say the weirder the better...

[This message has been edited by Gio (edited May 15, 2001).]

05-15-2001, 09:47 AM
Those people who don't know the love that an animal can give them are missing out. They don't have a clue!! I think that WE are special because WE have the love of our animals!

05-15-2001, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Gio:
And if loving animals just as much as we do is considered weird by other people, then I say the weirder the better...


I love that quote!!!

05-15-2001, 04:31 PM
Dixie....How beautiful! You write and speak with such sincerity. And you are certainly not alone in your feelings, Dixie. A difficult, sometimes lonely and frightening childhood taught me very early in life, how healing and comforting the love of an animal can be. The smell of their fur, the warmth of their breath on my face, their sweet kisses, the rhythm of their sighs as they lay beside me, somehow sensing my despair; wanting to console me. And oh, those soulful, soulful eyes. For me, it was a livesaver. And for all the days of my life, their incredible love and devotion, their mere presence, will forever evoke in me an immeasureable depth of comfort, security and peace. It is a love I feel honored to have received and a love I can never repay. Thank you to all the creatures who have helped to make me a better person. I have loved you all with every fiber of my being.

Daisy's Mom
05-15-2001, 06:18 PM
What would we all do without our wonderful pets? Life just wouldn't be worth living! As I have said before, Daisy is my first dog and I got her when I was thirteen. I had to wait thirteen years for a dog! My parents finally agreed to get me one because as my Mom put it, "I could tell that your life just wasn't complete without a dog." That's the truth! My bond with Daisy is difficult for some of my friends to understand. I tell her everything. She listens to my problems, doesn't tell my secrets to a soul, and kisses my tears away. Whenever I need her, she is there. She is indeed the prototype of a perfect friend. If we humans could be half the kind beings dogs are, the world would be a much better place to live in.

05-16-2001, 05:33 AM
Amen to that, Daisy's Mom!

05-16-2001, 07:34 AM
These have been some of the most heartwarming posts and they express my sentiments as well. It is so reassuring when people you have come to admire and respect have feelings and thoughts so similar to your own.

05-16-2001, 01:17 PM
The love your dog gives you is unconditional and unjudging. When I was sick three years ago with severe Lyme Disease, all my human friends left me in a time of need.They didn't want to be around me anymore. But my dogs(and My mom) were the only one who didn't judge me because of my illness. And thats why I love my dogs so much. If I didn't have my dogs it would have been 1,000 times worse.

05-16-2001, 08:09 PM
Dixie Belle...That was so beautifully put and no, it wasn't long at all. I have often wondered why some people never have pets. I know there are some with allergies (God forbid I would develop an allergy..I would just suffer!) Some say they are messy or demand too much time or pose a problem when they want to go away. I am grateful that my parents never felt that way and that I had a childhood where there was always a dog by my side. Too late in life I learned what beautiful, gentle and mysterious creatures cats are. I feel doubly blessed to be able to share my home today with my two cats and a puppy. How wonderful to have these three great friends to love and who give so much love in return. I wouldn't want to live without them for one minute!

05-16-2001, 09:00 PM
Very beautifully put Dixie.

We are all very special to our pets.
They always love us unconditionally,
and give us selfless love and joy.

05-16-2001, 09:03 PM
Wonderful posts from all, I think you all speak for all of us.

karen israel
05-17-2001, 01:48 PM
Amen! I'm going through a lot of personal turmoil now and I don't know what I would do without Cody. I waited 41 years for the best thing that ever happened to me. I never thought I was capable of such overpowering and inexplicable love and devotion. Sometimes I just look at him and sob, I'm sooo blessed and grateful! I don't care what anyone says cause they just don't know what they're missing in life! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif