View Full Version : Help!

06-29-2003, 09:26 AM
Its morning now, and the house is very dark:( It just started to rain, and I hear LOTS of thunder, and I'm home alone.
I wish the power won't go off, or else I have nothing to do.
I HATE thunderstorms. Especially in the morning, and especially when I'm home alone.
Anyone like thunderstorms here?

06-29-2003, 09:33 AM
I like them. Of course, when they aren't too loud, the lights stay on, and I am home with people! ;) I hate the loud ones, but the low rumbling ones are okay. I kinda like it. Kinda calming, lol, don't ask!

06-29-2003, 09:38 AM

I love thunderstorms. We had a real bad one last night. I happened to be on my computer at the time and immediately shut it down and just sat on my couch and watched it out my window (the storm, that is). Afterwards there was the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen!!! I believe it was my RB furbabies saying "Hi Mom, we're okay!!" I made a wish on it and tried to take a picture but it didn't come out.

I live alone too, so I know how scary something like that can be. The only time I'd worry is if I were outside when it was happening. Rule of thumb if this ever happens, drop to the ground and stay there. Lightening strikes the tallest object.

06-29-2003, 09:45 AM
Just what I thought would happen, our power just went off! I was sitting here reading a thread when suddenly, the light turned off, and my computer went off too. But then the power came on again. I only like thunderstorms when I'm sleeping.
Just now, the rain stopped and the sun's out! Wow! and it became a little brighter.
A few minutes ago, when it was thundering like crazy, Blueberry came and sat beside me, but once the rain and thunder stopped, he left. lol, but he doesn't seem scared:p

06-29-2003, 11:20 AM
I loooooove thunderstorms. For me, they've always been the best part of summer.

I love the anticipation of a thunderstorm,
Watch the clouds grow blue-black and heavy
On the horizon, seeing them surge across the sky
Changing the very color of the air
Still, thick and sullen

I love the way the temperature changes swift
Trees wind-whipped show white under-leaves
I love the sudden crash of rain when it begins
Hard enough to say "this is a real storm,"
"Take cover if you're smart"

And all the wild birds flee for heavy cover,
Sparrows, chickadees for the spruce,
The cottontails and chipmonks for burrows,
Squirrels for their homes.

Sitting and watching the sky flash,
Silhouetting every trembling leaf for one heartbeat
Before the world goes dark again
Then comes the thunder while I count in thousands
One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand
Habit of a lifetime as the storms bounced back and forth
Between my hometown hills

More rare and precious is chain lighting
Seeing that brilliant fraying yarn of light
Snake through the glowering sky to earth
Always breathtaking and by the time I can say
"look there!" it's gone, but still burnt
Into my retina, my brain

I love the stillness of the house when the power fails
No fans, no motors, no refrigerator hum
And when it doesn't flick back on,
The rush to eat the ice cream before it melts
Three spoonfuls in, laughing, the lights return

I love the aftermath of the storm
The ozone-smell of air seems cleaner
Like the world, the air, the sky
Have all been scoured clean
And I can breathe again

I love thunderstorms.