View Full Version : ideas please,what to do...

06-27-2003, 06:45 PM
well my mom and dad went to calgary with Ripley they just left and I am bored already, they wont be back until the 7th, now normally I would spend time with my friends exept for one thing they went camping!:eek: just for the weekend though, so I need ideas for something to do lol, I cant drive yet, so I cant go anywhere, in wich normally I would call my bro for a ride but he is MOVING to calgary thise weekend:rolleyes: even my naighbores are going to calgary, and my moms co-workers etc.. now the question is who IS'NT going to calgary?? :eek: ok any ideas what I can do this weekend?? all the dogs are tired and sleeping, even the border collies dont want to move.:eek: I already cleaned all the piggie cages(all 4 cages) and the gerbils cage, I finnished all my chores for today. and cant go outside cuz its hailing :( cant make supper my mom made me some potato salid this morning, I gotta feed the dogs at 6 but that will only take a few seconds, any ideas???:(

06-27-2003, 07:04 PM
Play with the pups, draw, sleep, surf the net, take pictures, watch tv, arts n crafts.... hmm what else do i do when i'm bored. I normally always take pictures.:p

06-27-2003, 07:50 PM
I know it is a novel idea;) but what about reading a book?

06-27-2003, 07:54 PM
I'm not going to Calgary...but then again I live there so I don't have a reason to go. :D Anyway's ideas for what to do when you're bored, you could watch tv. or a movie. Read a book, snuggle with the dogs, listen to music and dance around the house in a crazy fashion...after all nobodies home you so you don't have to worry about being seen.

06-27-2003, 08:01 PM
Whenever I'm bored..I sleep lol :rolleyes: I also re-arrange my whole room and webdesign when I'm bored...why not take a nice long bath w/bubbles and candles? lol:D

06-28-2003, 08:16 AM
When I'm bored, I usually surf the net. But after a few hours, I have to get off. I always read too, and sometimes watch tv.