View Full Version : Flyball or Agility?

06-27-2003, 02:32 PM
Hi, all! If you haven't herd my wonderful news, I'm possibly adopting Dot (http://www.azrescue.org/servlet/barksearch?view=1&id=1025148273), the Labrador/Pointer mix from a rescue group her in ARizona.
I was thinking of something diffrent to do when I adopt her..I wanted to train her for flyball, but then I found agility quite fun looking. I'm not sure which one she would like best. The rescue group said that yeah, she loves to play fetch, and adores tennis balls. That's what made me think Flyball. Then they said that she was very entergetic and intellegent. So that's when I thought about Agility.
Help?? I'm confused and don't know which one to pick!!
The agility course is inside, air conditioned, and very nice.
Here's (http://www.karyngarvin.com/agility_training.htm) the webpage for both Flyball, and Agility.

Please vote, and then explain your answer. Thanks. :)

06-27-2003, 03:04 PM
Flyball is AWESOME!! That would be really kool to me to know a flyball pooch!

06-27-2003, 03:21 PM
I've seen both sports done but I'm only active in one of the two and that would be agility. I love agility, it gives a chance to work together with my dogs which I think increases the bond between us. Plus it's fun not only for the handler but the dogs as well. Of course you could always do both there's no rule that says you can't.

06-27-2003, 03:37 PM
Dot is adorable!!! Congrats!!

I think both sports are fun, but I would let Dot decide. If you can, give her a chance to try both and see if she seems to prefer one of the other. Some dogs, even if they like to fetch tennis balls, don't do well with the sound the box makes when it releases the ball.

Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll both have a blast!!

06-27-2003, 04:27 PM
I say give both a try. I plan on letting Kai try both sports and possibly herding...to see which ones he enjoys. If he enjoys it, I'm sure I will. I have my eye keen on agility though. I love how the dogs are so bonded with their owners...and the fact that the dogs rely on body language really impresses me. Anyways, I'm sure you two will have a blast either way.

06-27-2003, 04:40 PM
Personally, I've always enjoyed watching agility much more than flyball. Agility is what I plan to do when i'm older. :)

Dot is cute, she reminds me of Sadie

06-27-2003, 05:11 PM
Oz and I are in agility and having a blast. I wanted something
we could do together, where I was going to get some
exercise too, while we were having fun. It's really
challenging and it's turned out to be much more mentally,
than physically I think. So you're exercising your brain muscle,
as well as your body.

There's a lot of different commands you're working on with
your dog, that's going to help in everyday life too, like "Come"
and "Stay". Just an all around great activity.


06-27-2003, 06:14 PM
Cincy-Dot looks so much like Sadie! :)

I think I'm starting to lean more towards Agility now. Not only does it give my dog a workout, it also gives ME one as well. ;)
But I really think that Dot would enjoy jumping over things, and running around alot. It would definetly increase out bond, which is good as well. :)
But, keep the opinions coming! I might change my mind! =D

06-28-2003, 07:49 AM
as others have said, have a go at both and see what the dog prefers or even better train for both sports.

at the moment we are only involved in flyball ~and obedience yawn~ and we have a ball :rolleyes: but i would also love to do agility with clover.

but the main thing is to have fun and i hope everything turns out well with dot:)

06-28-2003, 08:20 AM
Dot is adorable! I don't know much about either but I think you should try to let her decide. She looks very athletic and if the shelter says she loves tennis balls she could be a flyball natural.

06-28-2003, 08:40 AM
Ack..I changed my mind. :confused: I don't know WHICH to pick!
I have to go to camp now, though! I'll be gone for 3 whole weeks, and I'm sure that when I get back, this post will be on page 14! ;)
But, I'll think about it over the summer. I'll probably end up doing whatever she likes best. I think she would like Agility alot..

Bye everybody! Have a GREAT summer!!!
<skitters off to New Hampshire from Arizona for a 3 week camp :p>

06-28-2003, 09:45 AM
Im more fond of agility, but like some people said... I think you should let Dot decide! :)