View Full Version : Introducing Otto

Dixie Belle
09-17-2001, 03:46 PM
My doctor pulled me from work on Wed. My surgery for my toe is tomorrow. I have already been going crazy sitting around at home. What does my husband do? He brings home Otto, my new feret. And talk about a cutie! He is the funniest little thing I have ever had! And active, my goodness, he just loves to run and play! I guess my next month home won't be so bad...

P. S. Dixie Belle got her stiches out from her eye surgery. They were very pleased with how well she has healed!

09-17-2001, 04:00 PM
Oh Dixie, Otto sounds so cute, when do we see pictures?
So glad Dixie Belle did well and her eye is healed. Thank goodness.
Good luck on your surgery tomorrow, just take it one day at a time, rest and do what they tell you.

09-17-2001, 05:51 PM
Good luck on your surgery!!! We'll be thinking about you! Let us know how it went as soon as you know.

So glad Dixie Belle's eye is fine now!!

Give Otto a scritch from me!!

Daisy's Mom
09-17-2001, 09:29 PM
Good luck on your surgery, and thank goodness Belle's went okay! Kisses to her and Otto!

09-18-2001, 10:51 AM
I also wanted to wish you good luck with your surgery and also a warm welcome to Otto!

09-18-2001, 01:30 PM
Congratulations on your new addition, and I hope your toe won't hurt too much. :)

09-19-2001, 04:06 AM
Good luck w/ EVERYTHING!!! hope all goes well!

09-19-2001, 08:07 AM
Oh, good luck with your surgery! I hope all will go well, and that when you are recuperating, Otto and the rest of the gang will keep you entertained. Somehow, I think they will! :D

karen israel
09-19-2001, 08:19 AM
Ditto for me! A speedy recovery for all! :)
BOO surgery, :( YAY that you get to stay home with the gang! :D

09-19-2001, 02:54 PM
Any news on the surgery? How are ya doin'? Let us know as soon as you can. We're thinkin' about ya!!!

Dixie Belle
09-20-2001, 12:08 PM
I had the surgery done. I couldn't feel a thing in my foot until this morning, and ouch! It hurts! I just keep reminding myself that it will be over soon, and that it won't hurt anymore!

09-20-2001, 02:55 PM
DixieBelle, glad the surgery is over with and that you are doing good, don't be trying to kick anybody too soon. :D :D

Daisy's Mom
09-20-2001, 02:57 PM
I am glad everything went okay. Your toe will feel better soon :)

09-20-2001, 05:44 PM
Aren't you glad the surgery is OVER! I think the worst part is thinking about it before hand. I hope that your recovery is quick and complete and that you will be running around with the rest of the pack soon. Glad to hear the Dixie Belle's eye is progressing well.

In regard to your signature, you sure aren't talking about MY dog....who has many ideas about what I should be doing, i.e. get her something to eat, come outside with her, take her for a walk, throw the Kong, get her something to eat....she is thoroughly infected with the concept of what I should be doing!

09-20-2001, 06:35 PM
So happy to hear your surgery is behind you, the healing has begun, and that Dixie Belle is doing well too! We send you healing prayers and lots of love. Sandra, Cody and Star

09-20-2001, 07:25 PM
Very glad the surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery. Take it easy and get well quick!!