View Full Version : Look what showed up...{pics}

06-26-2003, 05:04 PM
I am really bored so please bare with the stupidity of this thread :p The other day, I went to see my cousins' new baby downtown and we stopped for gas. It was St. Jean Baptiste over here and it's celebrated with fireworks and parades and stuff. So, we're stopping for gas and these two policeman show up on their horses. It was so funny. They just came out of nowhere and were on these horses. lol You hadda be there I guess :p Anyway, I took some pics knowing there are some horse lovers here ;)


I included a traffic cone, knowing their are some cone lovers out there too! :p

I also took a pic of Mount Royal and the cross at the top. There is the reflection of the window but it kinda looks like heaven has this light shining down on the cross, huh?

That's all :cool:

06-26-2003, 05:13 PM
That's really cool. :) Great pics! I especially like the cross one, that looks really cool.

06-26-2003, 05:45 PM
Wow, the pic with the cross looks beautiful!

06-27-2003, 12:01 AM
Mounted police force...that would be so much fun! I just love to see them and how those horses are trained SO much! very cool!

06-27-2003, 12:09 AM
Did you hug the cone?? :D

06-27-2003, 12:11 AM
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, "RCMP".
What province r u in to have the RCMP on horse back?? They never ride horse back in Ontario, unless its a stupid G8 summet thingy where they need cops from everywhere, even other provinces, oi.

Rob use to work for the RCMP, he did communication & invented things. Then he left for university, & he regrets it very much, cause they wont let him back in without a degree & he couldn't finish university due to no $$.

06-27-2003, 01:31 AM
beautiful pic of the cross!

have you ever seen those bicyclist cops? in San Diego I had seen them a few times...LOL..LOL:D

06-27-2003, 08:40 AM
cool pics of the horses.
I wish we had mounted police in our area.

06-27-2003, 11:14 AM
No, we don't usually get the mounted police. It was only because it was St. Jean Baptiste.

kingrattus, we live in Quebec. :)

Did you hug the cone??
Oh yeah ;)

06-27-2003, 08:29 PM
Cool were neighbours :)
saddly not friendly neighbours, stupid Ont & Que fighting...

06-28-2003, 09:08 AM
Yeah I don't like Quebec very much anyways lol...the politics ruins it. :mad:

06-28-2003, 11:36 PM
does that mean I can make fun of que??

*****que isn't part of canada*****he he he look at me I'm Jean!! I'm all powerful & such he he he*****

hehehehe... I'm only joking... But the quebecers that go into ottawa r really MEAN!!!!!! I've met way too many at bayshore... if u don't speak 100% french ur a horrible person & should be burnt at stake!!! & don't think I have something against french people, I was raised french & my moms whole side of the family (which is huge) are french, but they live mostly in ont (up north, like timmons & sudbury).
My grandma refuses to go into que. She says even tho she speaks perfect french, but since shes from ont, she needs to be burnt at stake.

& whats up with english being printed really tiny?? or none at all??

06-29-2003, 10:56 AM
I don't even wanna go into it. I like where I live but the language thing is just a real piss off. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of really nice ones and those who are willing to learn other languages and be more open-minded but a lot of the ones I have met just think too highly of themselves and act like huge snobs. It sucks, that if you don't know how to speak the language perfectly, you don't get a job here or get told off by everyone. It's their loss. You can't expect to only know French and really have a job outside of Quebec. Have you ever heard of Martine Chevrier, the Quebecois singer? I didn't think so :p That being said, that explains why I hate talking to the people in my neighborhood. They're mostly rude. But then I have met a lot of really really nices one (thanks to those walks I take with Mick).

My friend works at Mcdonalds and the people in the backroom were all speaking english. This customer was ordering and started telling off my friend "Why don't they speak French? This is Quebec. You have to speak French" blahblahblah.

*sigh* Anyways, I don't wanna talk about it anymore. They're are a lot of jerks but a lot of people are also nice. And this thing that Quebec is an independant country? Please! What are they gonna do without Canada supporting them??

06-29-2003, 10:59 AM
Bah...now I feel bad if there are any Quebecois out here. lol well remember, I have never had a really good experience with one so it kind affected the way I think...;)

06-29-2003, 11:07 AM
Hey Prima...here on Cape Cod we get tons of French Canadian tourists every summer. If it makes you feel any better, while we treat them with GREAT deference and kindness, here, me make them speak English!;) Great photo of the mounted police! I'm originally from NYC. There the "mounties" are out in force every day, especially around Central Park. They are awesome! (The horses, that is!:D)

06-29-2003, 04:19 PM
Nice horse photos Prima.:)
I have been up to Montreal and I have seen some of the RCMP horses before.
They don't like you to pet the horses because they don't want them to be too friendly when they are working.:rolleyes:

Prima, I may have some parade horse photos to add to this thread later, I took them on Memorial Day and forgot about them until recently.

Have you ever been down to Vermont? we get a lot of Canadian tourists here and it helps to know some French(which I do).

Tats, we get a lot more Canadians here than you do, they also love the coast of Maine like Old Orchard Beach because it is much closer than the Cape.:)

06-30-2003, 09:26 AM
Oh so the RCMP are regulars over here? lol I didn't even know :p I just assumed that since it was a celebration that they were parading or something. ;)

Oh, I'd love to see the pics Vermontcat :D Post 'em soon :)

No, I've never been to Vermont. It's always good to learn some of that French though. Good job :cool: I guess I should thank the gov't for enforcing French so much, if it didn't, I wouldn't know mor thna one language and it always helps to know 2 :)