View Full Version : Stupid Friends

06-26-2003, 01:52 PM

My two "friends" came over with their puppy. She brings it everyday and I admit, it's cute, but it's so annoying! It's to cold out for the puppy, so she had it wrapped up in her jacket and she's complaining about MY dog sniffing HER dog in the privates.


Then Michelle was holding on to Abby's leash while I ran to get the phone. I came back outside and Michelle goes, "Take your stupid dog back."


That outraged me, and then my brother was playing outside with his friend, and his friend's pants were... ahem... a little low. Michelle goes "Pull up your pants, we don't want to see your ugly butt." The poor kid, who is only 6 or 7, Walks up to my brother and goes, "I'm going home." My brother then walks up to us, and goes "I never did that to one of your friends."

THEN--- Oh yes there is more...

Tiffany takes her puppy, Nike, and puts him on Abby's back, therefore freaking her out, and making her hide behind my legs.

I am SO mad, just had to vent before they come back... *help*

06-26-2003, 03:56 PM
:eek: That's really mean. I have a friend like this, and it just gets me so mad too! Once she was over, and we were eating ice cream. Her hands got all sticky and dirty, and she picked up my cat! Ewwww, he got all dirty after. and my friend is also very mean to others too. Its just SO annoying. I'm so happy I won't be seeing her for awhile now.

06-26-2003, 04:43 PM
How dumb. Tell her next time to leave HER dog home!!

06-26-2003, 05:50 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Another example of those who shouldn't have pets...

06-26-2003, 06:45 PM
Some people!!! doesn't your "friend " know Airedales should be treated with respect! Sound to me like she needs an attitude adjustment! Geez, glad I'm all grown up!! well kinda-physically anyway!!

06-26-2003, 08:27 PM
There used to be this stupid little kid who always used to come over and they'd try and play a game on the floor and Buck would walk on it . My brothers would just say buck move and push him off the game board, well this stupid kid goes "Move you stupid dog, or Im gonna to kill you!" I snapped at him and he hasnt been back since.