View Full Version : oh no!!!

06-26-2003, 08:27 AM
My nawtee nawtee nawtee dog bit a little girl this morning. She is our next door neighbor, and she came running over to see him, and I had him tight on the leash, sitting, but when she got too close, he jumped at her and got her thumb:( :( :( :(
I apologized at least a hundred times to her dad, who was trying to get the kids off to the sitter and get to work, and I just feel terrible.
I am so scared that they are going to do something like call animal control or something and say we have a vicious animal. The dad, especially, is not a dog person at all.
He didn't even break the skin, but he did put a mark on her thumb, she cried, but I know she's ok--she is only 2 after all.
In all fairness, we were on our property, and she came running over, and these kids in the neighboorhood are all aware that he doesn't like kids--we told everyone that before we moved in.
I feel so bad--I know it was my fault--when I saw her coming, I should have picked him up, and drug him in the house--he just doesn't like kids.
I'm just so scared that they are going to want to take some kind of action against us, that's just me being paranoid, we couldn't have asked for nicer neighbors, but I'm very upset about it.
I'm going to call a behaviorist today to have him evaluated--our yard will be fenced soon, and then no one will even have to look at him.

06-26-2003, 08:35 AM
For one, don't feel bad whatsoever. Like you said, she was the one whom came running over onto your property, Your dog's territory. The parents were warned of the dislike of children and should have kept watch of their child. It was not your fault whatosever. Damn kids.

06-26-2003, 08:58 AM

Don't worry over something that may or may not happen. You'll drive yourself crazy. As long as there was no blood drawn, I hardly doubt the parents will take action and I'm sure the kid will live. And as long as you have his rabies paperwork, that will show them his shots are up to date.

Keep us posted.

06-26-2003, 09:21 AM
Don't worry about it. For the reasons KayAnn and moosmom named, I think you'll be fine. My uncle had it much worse and things went well for him. He was taking his Dobie, Prince, for a walk one night and this old lady stopped to pet him. Prince got excited, jumped up on the lady and bit her nose. I don't know how bad it was, but I do remember him saying it was bleeding or something, but my uncle came home and was yelling at the dog. The lady didn't do anything though, and I think that that is much worse than a scratch ont he thumb. Good luck though ;)

06-26-2003, 10:27 AM
Whatever happened to those child leashes you used to see years ago? I think those need to make a comeback.
I HATE it when parents let their kids come running up to my dogs and don't stop them before I have to try to pick them up. Thankfully Millie and Chester are the only two that don't really like kids, so they are usually easy to pick up. When will parents learn?? I was never allowed to approach a dog without asking permission, even if I already knew the owners and the dog.

Don't worry, Emily. You are definitely in the right here, especially having warned everyone in the past.

06-26-2003, 10:28 AM
Don't feel bad about anything....it is not your fault. Like Prima said...Kayann n' moosmom told you is right. They should have been watchin their kid n' no matter who you are never come running up to a dog you don't know.....you just don't know how it may react. Don't feel bad about it. Hope everything goes well.....

Keep us posted.

06-26-2003, 10:39 AM
I agree when will they bring back those kid leashes! I hope your beastie didn't catch some disease from the kid!! I got measles, mumps and chicken pox all at the same time from a kid on an airplane. Your doggy was not naughty-it's her yard and she was on a leash!! Lets just hope the kid's dad isn't sue crazy. Good luck:)

06-26-2003, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, they made me feel better--Kayann and Micki, yours made me laugh:D

My husband called the mom at work, and she said it's fine. Her husband was in a major hurry this morning, and he felt bad for not talking to me after it happens. She also said that her daughter does need to learn her lesson, and she's glad it happened with a dog that she knows, and she knows is healthy and up to date on all shots. She also said if we want to work with him on getting him used to kids, she would bring her over to the house and let them play (he's much better when he's not on a leash).
My husband also told her that if she would have needed stitches or anything like that, we would have paid for it.
The mom is sure that the girl will just brush this off, she's a pretty resilient kid, so I guess all is well.
I guess I can drop the silent treatment now;)

06-26-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
[B]She also said that her daughter does need to learn her lesson, and she's glad it happened with a dog that she knows, and she knows is healthy and up to date on all shots. She also said if we want to work with him on getting him used to kids, she would bring her over to the house and let them play (he's much better when he's not on a leash).

Chester's much better off the leash with kids and other dogs, too. Aly said she sees that a lot with introductions in her shelter. Seems like it would be just the opposite. :rolleyes: :confused:

Glad everything's going to be ok and hopefully the parents will teach her some dog manners. :)

06-26-2003, 11:03 AM
It was the little girl's fault. If they DO happen to do something against you, you can tell them that you told everybody before oyu moved in that Kito hates kids...Woopdedoo. :rolleyes:

I agree about the little kiddy leashes..I'd always crack up laughing whenever I saw a little kid on one. Mwahaha! >=D

06-26-2003, 02:18 PM
Don't worry about it :) You could have prevented it, but it wasn't your fault. It's your property, and you should be allowed to have your dog in the yard. It was the parent's fault for not teaching their child to run around a dog.

If they report you, you'd still win. Your property, leashed dog, unsupervised child.

06-26-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Whatever happened to those child leashes you used to see years ago?
Ha! I actually seen a kid on one of those leashes when we were at the amusement park a couple of weeks ago!

I'm sure glad to hear that the parents aren't upset with you or Kito. I bet it really puts your mind at rest:)

06-26-2003, 11:03 PM
Eek! I was yelled at by stupid neighbors when I had Nebo on a leash, in MY yard...trying to get in my car and dumb kids ran up to Nebo without asking. He was just a pup and playfully jumped on them. :rolleyes:

I'm glad everything will be fine between you and the neighbors--it's not your fault, people should watch their kids!

06-26-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Whatever happened to those child leashes you used to see years ago?

I saw one of those for the first time last year...I think my eyes must have popped from my head! Then I laugh.

Poor pup I know those stinky kids are annoying but you can't get mommy in trouble!
Next time pee on them ;)