View Full Version : Getting Braces...

06-26-2003, 12:44 AM
I went to the orthodonist (sp?) today for a follow up on my braces. Well, i got x-rays, pictures, and more x-rays lol. I also got spacers in (which REALLY hurt my teeth...) and im getting the real braces this coming Monday....ok, stupid question, but does it hurt when the braces go on? Im also getting two teeth pulled....:( Any advice would be appreciated.

P.S- Sorry if this bore anybody.


06-26-2003, 12:54 AM
Oh boy did you ask the right person! lolololol

This is my third time in braces, so I kinda consider myself an expert. :D

The actual putting on of the braces doesn't usually hurt unless you're getting bands....those can be a little tender.

You'll probably start getting sore a couple of hours after they go on. I like to take some pain killers about an hour before my appointment and I also make sure to gorge myself before I go in. Hehe. Any excuse to go to Taco Time.....:)

Any questions, please feel free to pm me.

06-26-2003, 12:58 AM
WOW! 3 times? YIKES! lol, thanks. I have these things called spacers, like little rubber bands inbetween your teeth..its driving me nuts! Ill probaly get rubber bands on when they put the braces on....Thanks for your reply. :)

06-26-2003, 01:12 AM
I had braces when I was younger for like a year, and the only time that they really hurt me was when they changed the wire. Other that, I don't remember a lot of pain. I still have a retainer however.

06-26-2003, 01:16 AM
OUCH! three times!?!??!? Wow! I've had them once and that was more than enough for me lol! The spacers hurt for a bit...it'll fell fine in a day or two because the teeth are just kinda moving around right now. One of my spacers actually fell out and I had no idea lol! I won't lie...there is discomfert when you get the braces on BUT it isn't bad. I'm a big wuss...I'm sure you can handle it. And..the teethpulling...doesn't hurt. I've gotten it done..god knows how many times. I had to get almost half of my teeth out at once when I was alot younger...and had to get afew out a couple years ago. They don't hurt much. I actually think the needle they gave me hurt more! lol. It just feels like someone's pulling on your tooth! No pain..just pressure. Although, follow cheshirekatt's advice...EAT ALOT before you go! I had to wait for days before I could eat regular foods because it'd hurt when I applied pressure. All I had for those few days were congee LOL! Anyways, be brave..it's not as bad as it sounds and it'll all be done in a flash.

Oh yea..i have a tip...when you go to the ortho's again, stock up on wax..you'll need it.

06-26-2003, 01:22 AM
Thanks! Very helpful info! I really hope they give me a shot for the teeth pulling...iv had a couple pulled out before, and they didnt give me the shot..they just put on this cheapo gell that was *supposed* to numb it..umm..it didnt. lol, ill be sure to stock up on wax!

Anyway, Thanks!:D

06-26-2003, 11:01 AM
Try braces for 6 years in a row. (around 6 years) What a pain in the ^%$. I got them in grade 4 and took them out last summer. I have had eveything you need in braces. I had a crooked jaw and a underbite so they needed to rearrange my entire mouth.

I had 4 teeth pulled and I was fine. They were baby teeth though. I've had the expander, headgear, mouthguard, 3 types and sizes of elastics, spacers (we call them doughnuts :p), and a retainer now. I had to go back every 6 months for a check up and now I have a wire in the back of my bottom teeth for life. I can't escape the metal! :p

Good luck, the smile you get int the end is all worth it! :D

(Just make sure you follow your ortho's instructins and wear everything you need to. This guy I know didn't, and thye put them back on...not worth it...;))

06-26-2003, 11:24 AM
i had my tooth pulled once and i didnt even know it was happening but the novocaine or whatever it was made my cheek feel like it was the size of a tennis ball.ive never had braces but my friends say it hurts at first but then its not so bad.it helps if right after you get them on you eat something like a smoothie or a milkshake or some soup.at least thats what ive heard.

06-26-2003, 11:24 AM
My daughter Indra is wearing braces since 1 1/2 years now. She never complained about pain. I think it different to every person! she is wearing those blocks (a block on every tooth, and connected by a metal band)

06-26-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by primabella
I had to go back every 6 months for a check up and now I have a wire in the back of my bottom teeth for life. I can't escape the metal! :p

Good luck, the smile you get int the end is all worth it! :D

(Just make sure you follow your ortho's instructins and wear everything you need to. This guy I know didn't, and thye put them back on...not worth it...;))

LOL! I have that metal thingy too! It's wired to 3 of my teeth I think...It's a pain to floss....hahaha I should really start looking for my retainer. I haven't worn them since we got Kai!:eek: LOL

06-26-2003, 05:38 PM
Getting them on doesn't hurt. In my opinion, I kinda think it depends on how much your teeth need to move as to how much discomfort your in. My teeth were really sensitive for a while. My friend however said hers were never bad at all. Its nothing serious though, I threw up I was so nervous about it..I know thats stupid, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I seriously don't know what I thought they were going to do lol. You also get use to it, so after a while your teeth don't hurt at all after getting them tightened. And if it helps, my dentist was evil and I got mine ON halloween..come on now who puts braces on a kid on halloween?!?! I couldn't eat all my candy..it was depressing lmao ;)

06-26-2003, 05:53 PM
it's so much nicer now for braces.I'm 51 and I had the gorgeous head gear. Stock up on ice cream-the cold does stop that pressure pain-it's not really pain-just that odd dull feeling. One good thing did come out of the head gear-horse bridle bit-I can sneer like Elvis used to!! Is that a good thing? Best of luck (####) mouth full of braces keyboard style!!:D

06-26-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
And if it helps, my dentist was evil and I got mine ON halloween..come on now who puts braces on a kid on halloween?!?! I couldn't eat all my candy..it was depressing lmao ;)

LOL! My dentist did that too! I ate the candy regardless of the pain though LOL...no one can deprive me of my sugar:rolleyes:

06-26-2003, 08:10 PM
I went to the orthodontist yesterday. I'm going into phase 2 of braces, and I'm getting them on July 16 :( On my first phase, it didn't hurt one bit, just a little presure on my teeth, a little discomfort but not pain. I've also had somewhere around 3-4 baby teeth pulled because the adult teeth have come in behind them.....that hurt worse than braces, but not too bad. The times I got the first 2 pulled, it didn't hurt at all, the 3rd actually hurt even though I got 5 shots of anasthstetic (sp I have no clue :rolleyes: ) and the last one (not too long ago) had discomfort.....I probably just bored you out of your mind.....sorry!

06-26-2003, 08:15 PM
I was soppose to get braces last June, but umm...I never got in there. All my teeth are straigh with the exception of this one back one..he said Id only have to have them on for about a year.

06-26-2003, 09:03 PM
I think it's different for everyone whether it hurts or not. I had bands on my bottom teeth (my mouth was a mess, I'm minus 8 teeth total because there just wasn't room for them!) and that hurt!!!! so much getting them on that I left fingernail marks in the PAINT on the underside of the chair arm - which was metal, so that shows how much I didn't like it that my fingernails chipped enamel off metal! Owww!

The only thing that hurt worse was a new dental assistant with really long painted red fingernails didn't realize she was actually digging into my gum with one when she was holding something in place for the doc - I had a half-inch-long cankersore there for days afterwards. The next time I went back, though, her fingernails were very short, and had no polish - someone else must have complained. I couldn;t at the moment it was happening, because there were three hands IN my mouth!

But it is differnt for everyone, and was completely worth it! I often get compliments on my smile, and I don't get cavities where my teeth overlap so tightly I couldn't even floss before - now they don't overlap at all!

06-26-2003, 09:39 PM
Thanks you guys!

Wow Prima...6 years?! YIKES!!! bah, if you could do 6 years in braces, im pretty sure I could 2. :rolleyes:

Well, i just found out from the dentist...I dont have wisdom teeth! lol...

Thanks again! :)