View Full Version : Disturbing night....:(

06-25-2003, 11:58 PM
My dad had went to the bank and came back inside...he told me there was a white lab running around my car acting strange.

My first instinct was to go out the door and see...but I decided to look out the window first. Just fyi this is very upsetting and disturbing, so maybe some of you shouldn't read it.

The dog was an elderly light colored lab. He was just standing there on the sidewalk by my car...head twitching, drool pouring out of his mouth. His eyes were glazed over. I knew from just one glance something was NOT right. Then he wobbly started to move and just fell right off the sidewalk onto his back. He began to spasm and twich, what looked like a seizure....that had to be the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed.

My parents called animal control. It seemed like it took forever to get here. I wanted to go up and comfort the poor old guy, but I didn't dare get near him. It was just awful. :( He eventually got up and was walking and stumbling sideways across my lawn...running into things and falling over. His head kept twitching and his mouth was frothing. He fell over into our bushes and sat there for the longest time, it looked like he was having another seizure...and he kept barking and growling like mad.

Eventually animal control arrived and they got him into a kennel. The guy said that it looked like there was a large absess on his belly. They weren't sure what was wrong with him....possible things are being hit by a car, distemper, rabies, poisoned, etc. He, of course, was filthy and no collar or tags.

Some neighbors down the street came up when they saw the cop car. They were like "yeah, we saw the dog a long time ago...it's slowly been making it's way up the street...we figured it was just hit by a car and was making it's way home." Gee, how caring, just let the dog suffer. :rolleyes:

I'm sure the dog has been put to sleep by now. I'm glad he's no longer suffering. This is what happens when people don't take care of their pets and let them run loose. :( :( :(

06-26-2003, 12:11 AM
It's unfortunetly Nature's way.
But still, his owners should have NEVER let that happen :mad:
That is so sad..I'm glad he's pain-free by now :(

06-26-2003, 12:29 AM
Oh that's so sad. :( But I'm glad you were there to call animal control. I'm sure they did what's best for him. Poor old guy........

He'll be in my thoughts tonight.

06-26-2003, 01:23 AM
That's so sad. I'm glad you called AC to get him, you did the right thing. Poor pup. :(

06-26-2003, 05:43 AM
I'm so sorry. That must have been very upsetting. Although I guess pup is probably better off at the rainbow bridge than suffering out on the street. :(

This reminded me of something that happened at work today (yes! I am currently doing two weeks work experience at a veterinary surgery. Was going to start a topic about it, because it's VERY exciting and I'm learning a lot, but it just never eventuated). A black lab came in as an emergency - he's 14, pretty old for a lab. He'd had a seizure and was drooling, yelping, crying and trying to writhe off the table, and before they could get the IV drip into him he'd shut down completely into a coma. :eek: They thought it'd be kinder to put him to sleep at that stage, so we called the owner, but the owner told us to keep fighting for the dog and she was on her way. By this stage the dog's gums were ghost white and his breath was cold.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, after a LONG battle they found a vein and got some fluid into him, and I had to hold him on the heat mats once he regained consciousness, because he kept writhing off them (he was shaking so bad the table was moving :().
If you're wondering, he's in a stable condition at the surgery now. They think he's going to be fine, but it's doubtful how good his quality of life will be after this.

Sorry Amy, this might not be relevant to this thread, but I thought it sounded quite similar (both elderly labs and all).

06-26-2003, 06:03 AM
Amy, i'm so sorry you had to witness that. Knowing me I would have ran straight out there. Luckily we don't have morons in my neighborhood who aren't responsible for their animals or let them run loose. The animals around here are always on a leash and if not, there's about 5 or 6 neighbors outside trying to get the dog safe.

06-26-2003, 07:27 AM
Oh how sad.
I probably would have went out there though--I know you did the right thing by staying inside!!
You did the best thing for this dog, and you should take comfort in that.
Poor doggie:( :( :(

06-26-2003, 09:04 AM

I took your warning and didnt read it. I know it'd probably make me cry all day. I am really sorry you had to see whatever happened though :(

06-26-2003, 09:25 AM
How terrible for you to have witnessed. You did the right thing though and I'm glad the dog is no longer suffering.

06-26-2003, 10:21 AM
Aww...poor dog. Im soo sorry you had to witmess this....what a terrible sight. Im glad you called Animal Control...n' he is put to rest form his pain. You did the right thing.

Rest In Peace.... lil' doggie....:(

06-26-2003, 10:44 AM
You cared!! and that's all that mattered! If more people would care just a bit-sad story but you deserve a big hug!

06-26-2003, 01:20 PM
Amy, I'm so sorry you had to witness that.

From what you described, it sounds like he did have a seizure.... As you know, I've been there.

It's scary. :(

Kia was yelping as if something was beating her when she had her seizure. They become hypersensitive.

I pray the shelter will end the poor dogs agony. :(

06-26-2003, 05:59 PM
What a tramatic experince for you to witness.
I am sure the poor lab is in a better place now and
no longer suffering.

06-26-2003, 07:29 PM
Amy, that sounds so upsetting. I'm so sorry that you had to witness it. :(

It is so scary to think that this might have been preventable. If it was rabies, he could have had a shot. If he was hit by a car, he could have been leashed. And all because someone didn't care enough. :( Rest in peace, sweet puppy. You'll be loved at the RB. :(

06-26-2003, 10:56 PM
Oh I must have worded that weird...I did go outside, I just didn't go right up to the dog. I just didn't get any closer then 5 feet to him.

Ugh but guess what I found out today?? My mom went out to check the mail.....and there's the SAME dog...across the street.

I guess he was laying in the grass twitching and panting again. Apparently he was one of my neighbors dogs. I thought it was possible that it was their dog, but I hadn't seen him in ages, and didn't think he was still around. Plus the other neighbors that came up to street to gawk swore up and down to the cop that it wasn't those neighbors dog.

I guess the dog wasn't put to sleep, they just tossed him in the pound. The owners got him out, didn't take him to a vet, just took him back to the house.....poor dog...wandered off again. He's suffering so badly. :(

06-26-2003, 10:59 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

What is wrong with these people???
I hope there's something that can be done for this poor guy:(

06-26-2003, 11:26 PM
How horribly sad...Poor old guy....Im also sorry you had to witness this Amy.

people suck.

06-26-2003, 11:46 PM
Sorry you had to witness that. I'm glad the dog no longer suffers.

06-27-2003, 12:49 PM
Poor Guy! Thank God you were there to call Animal Control. I'm sure he is in a better place now!